4-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Hong Kong’s newest venue for creative French cuisine, Seasons is a nuanced reinvention of French cuisine in the heart of modern Asia. A cosmopolitan and smart-casual French restaurant, the culinary team of Seasons places an emphasis on intimacy over austerity, comfort over conformity and quality over all else. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-2017)
Opening Hours
*Last order: 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (170)
閨蜜卡樂媽生日🎂,姊妹N同美味子我安排左個美味tea聚。呢度環境相當唔錯,我地喺下午時段第一批到既客人,我同姊妹N即刻襯住靚人靚景冇人阻住,瘋狂留低倩影先! 等齊人之後我地order 左一個一人teaset 同兩人teaset (min charge 一人一set);一上枱嗰下係好開心既,睇住waiter落d液態氮落去d甜品度非常治癒未食已經好賞心悅目。我地按照慣例由頂層食起,Tasmanian salmon 好有驚喜,一食落口個下已經覺得好味!去到第二層同樣有驚喜,不過係相反既驚喜,個sweet green pea 唔喊唔甜咁食左兩啖我忍唔住放棄左。好彩去到最後嗰層又回復水準,macaron 味道口感同樣表現出色 ,foundant au chocolate 朱古力味非常濃郁而不溜,本來已經飽飽地,但食完個refreshing 既 cheese cake 胃口又返返嚟,最後就享用埋我最愛既scone, 一餐咁甜美既tea 真係剩係同閨蜜一齊嚟食先能夠盡興 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-05-26
Went for the celebration of my daughters graduation.Restaurant setting is nice, staff very helpful.We were 4 pax, ordered a 4 dish menu.Amuse BOUCHE was great, than we had two appetizers... so so ... and for the main dish fish (very good) , beef tartar = they do not know how to do it, not good. And the fries I think the ones of mc Donald’s are better.Ordered also pork cotlets really nothing special..Deserts were excellent!We had 1 bottle of champagne, 1 glass of white wine, and mineral water + 1 1lb chocolate cake for commemoration Total over 4000 HKD 😏😩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-05-20
I love having a cake break. Just  a quite moment for myself to indulge on something sweet and pretty. Seasons has an area where you can just order a casual cake and coffee. That's exactly what I did.They have a small cake display. All the small cakes were $40 each. Fairly inexpensive considering some places are charging $60 now a days. Dining there has a 10% service charge.This is a berry tart ($40). A soft raspberry mousse on top of shortcrust pastry and topped with raspberries, strawberry and red currants. The mousse was soft and fluffy. The pastry crumbled well and was not stone hard. The berries were acidic to tone down the sweetness of the mousse. The cake was ok. Not spectacular but $40, it was clearly fine with me.I did order a latte. This was pretty much forgettable. I think I had a better latte at McCafe. Would return for cake but yeah .... order a tea next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-14
香港春夏的天氣又悶又熱,真的很令人難受,還好甜魔媽媽總能找到放鬆的方法,就是寫意嘆下午茶:最近利園 Seasons 推出了 L'échappée Gourmande 下午茶,讓人置身優美庭園中,輕鬆享受一頓色香味俱全的法式下午茶! 經驗豐富、曾任職2星米芝蓮餐廳的德籍主廚 Lorenz Hoja 接手後,出品美味如昔,環境優美依然,將一年四季以味與美展現桌上的理念也沒變,今次的下午茶,就很能體驗法式春夏風情。 昨天,乘著與網友交換越南旅遊情報(是的,八月又新訂下了一家四口峴港之旅!),又來來一嚐這法式滋味。雖然 Seasons 座位不少,但同時可享有自然園林景致以及舒適冷氣、最適合嘆茶的 Spring Room 座位卻是有限,所以提早訂位是有需要的~ 先講定價:週一至五下午茶較抵食,一人份$280/二人份$540;週末及公眾假期則是一人份$298/二人份$568,價錢已包 (Double) Espresso、Cafe au Lait, Cappuccino,或是高端茶葉品牌 OR Tea? 的多款傳統/特色有機茶,我的選擇是帶豐富濃郁菠蘿果香的 Topicoco~ 食物方面,首先上檯是盛載五款精緻甜品的拼盤,接著以翠綠藤蔓妝點的經典三層餐架也來了,上面承載了五款滋味鹹點、招牌鬆餅,以及帶來驚喜的「特色香薰小盆栽」! 原來,為使賓客的感官享受更臻完美,大廚特意在三層餐架上放置特色香薰小盆栽裝飾,並於用餐前澆上芳香怡人的玫瑰水,讓我們在花香雲霧繚繞下,沉醉迷人的春日午後時光中!煙霧數分鐘就會消散,但整個下午茶時光,仍可聞到玫瑰水的芳香,感覺美好且曼妙~ 不客氣開餐了!非常喜歡熱暖又微脆的 “Croque-Monsieur”, Prawns & spiced Béchamel sauce 芝士蝦肉多士,中間除了濃郁帶辛香的惹味芝士,又有鮮甜蝦肉,口味是說不出的豐富! 接著品嚐 “White asparagus”, Panna Cotta and fresh cherry tomato Coulis 白蘆筍配奶凍及小番茄汁,酸香清新滑溜的奶凍上,有不少鮮味滿載的蟹肉,開胃不得了;“Duck Foie Gras”, As shavings on “Pissaladiere-Style” cracker 鴨肝片洋蔥餅乾也脆香而且甘腴,也很好吃。 “Sweet green pea”, Velouté, on light onion custard and cardamom 青豆湯配洋蔥醬,本來並不吸引的青豆湯,配上輕盈洋蔥吉士後滋味昇華,不愛青豆的我也乖乖吃光;“Tasmanian salmon”, Tartare with black Avruga pearls 三文魚他他配黑珍珠則是矜貴及鮮味之作,是意料中的美味。 趁暖吃下傳統提子鬆餅配忌廉及果醬後,發覺甜點也很合意:非常喜歡小巧玲瓏、脆口香甜的 “Paris-Brest”, Piemontese hazelnut cream, choux pastry 榛子法式巴黎圈,“Lollipop”, Carambar mousse and raspberry 白朱古力焦糖紅莓棒也沒想像中的甜膩,“Cheese Cake”, New-York Style with blueberries 藍莓芝士蛋糕更是果香滿載。 最難得是連 “Macaron”, Matcha green tea flavored 綠茶杏仁餅也甘濃不過甜,口感又佳,是近年很少數吃到的滿意 Macaron。最後 “Madeleine”, Fluffy and lemon scented 法式貝殼蛋糕個子巨大,但因味道與口感俱佳,拌著清新果茶也吃光了,吃完真的超滿足! 別小看這頓下午茶,吃完連晚餐也可以跳過了~筆時也好想再去嘆多次呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-04-14
呢篇係我第一篇食評,因為實在不吐不快為慶祝男友生日,幾個月前已打電話訂位,講咗幾次係甜品寫字。生日前幾日,再次打電話提示,餐廳都確定OK。到生日正日,我地落單後,我都特登行去waiter 到,確定係男友份甜品度寫字,佢再次確定OK。點知上甜品時,餐廳搞錯了,係我份甜品度寫字。我地禮貌地同個waiter 講搞錯了,點知有個waitress 即刻行埋嚟,態度惡劣同好大聲咁指控係我地自己無要求過係甜品寫,同埋說明係邊份甜品寫 當我地解釋咗係餐廳自己搞錯,呢個waitress 一句對唔住都無,又無跟進 食物質素幾好都係假,呢種不小心同服務態度已經扣曬分。如果你地想慶祝重要日子,我奉勸你地唔好選擇呢度。服務差真係好影響個氣氛,無謂貼錢買難受 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)