6530 0288
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
Level2 2012-03-20
兩個人去大坑搵野食, 見呢間幾多人又坐街邊咪試下囉由於坐係舖頭對面無乜燈光, 我都睇唔清d食物賣相豬頸肉炒茄子 - 個汁偏甜, 由於唔夠茄子加左d芹菜 > <炸扎肉飯 + 咖哩汁 - 扎肉好咸, 個汁不太濃味,但頗"傑"身炸雞翼 - 香茅老水味, 又係好咸青檸梳打- 原枝泰國梳打 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-12-18
到朋友大坑家探訪,於是便點了外賣自取.朋友是識吃之人,介紹就他樓下一間十分詭異的食肆.如果男生約你去大坑NEW YORK CLUB吃飯,作為女生的你,應該會幻想是間很有美國風情,賣高級漢堡加薯條炸雞的高級食肆...最好加多個落地玻璃,透出大都會風情.手拿密麻麻,微微偏黃的英文小說,然後穿件紅色格仔恤衫加條爛牛,夕陽照下來,一頭長髮,影得閣下份外清秀.夠啦!公關你醒下啦!你估拍潘婷廣告,以為自己是曾愷玹乎?現實是,這店NEW YORK CAFE,賣上海菜,也賣泰國菜,其至中西甜品,偏偏不是賣美國地道美食.其實回想起來,成件事都幾襯的-小到不能再小的店舖,9唔搭8的各國菜,加個9唔搭8的名字.但,凡事不可以貎取人.點了-蝦膠-這個公關是擊節讚賞的,蝦膠十分爽口彈牙,炸得也不油,也有蝦味,是想不到的滋味.抄貴勺-調味是恰到好處,條條分明,不濕淥淥也不乾爭爭,是一碟好貴勺.咖喱蒜蓉飽蒜蓉飽香脆又有蒜味,配咖喱是最佳享受.雖然咖喱比較稀,但好處是相對來說也不會太膩,也是值得一吃.翡 翠 苗抄得同樣有鑊氣,只是我個人不是特別愛翡 翠 苗,總覺得有點草青味.狗狗MARLEY看著我們吃得津津有味,它主人也為他送上蛋糕一件.現在的狗狗真的與人一樣幸福呢!今次幾樣菜式都甚為滿意,有機會真的希望再吃這家NEW YORK CAFE,多試它其他菜式,才能知其龍與鳳! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-09-23
一向聽聞大坑有一家泰國小店, 做得甚有水準勻勻, 這裡也有不少人給予好評。這晚本來想到光華士多吃住家菜, 但路經這裡又心想不如試試吧, 況且也有很久沒有吃過泰菜。這店小得不能, 店內只有兩張枱, 然後就是在街邊開枱坐, 以吃在路邊的感覺及熱的程度是十分泰國, 食物又如何呢?點了生蝦刺身, 冬蔭功, 泰式肉碎炒飯, 這幾款最基本的泰菜應該可以位知道他們的水準。生蝦刺身賣相奇差,有圖為証, 有點怕吃了會肚痛,但有蒜頭殺菌應該沒事吧, 味道十分一般, 蝦不太爽身, 醬汁也平平無奇, 不酸不辣, 失望。冬蔭功做得有水準, 夠香, 夠濃,甜酸得宜, 有椰香味, 材料充足, 最怕一些稀薄如水的, 在湯裡的蝦, 質地比刺身的蝦好多了。香葉肉碎辣椒炒飯,看到飯顏色很深, 想必味濃, 一入口, 淡而無味, 一點香葉味也沒有, 找了一條香葉放入口, 只有零丁的香味, 肉碎很少, 會不會是因為太碎呢?辣椒呢?一點辣味也沒有,整碟飯只覺油膩,失望。友人點了菜肉雲吞, 為甚麼會有菜肉雲吞的呢? 菜肉雲吞是他們自家製的,原來這裡也有供應上海菜式以至中西甜品供應,又係嘅, 店名叫New York Club 也應該是大包圍。未知是否他們轉了廚師還是甚麼原因, 水準真的是水平以下, 和「好吃」有一大段距離, 這餐每人要$130。會不會再來? 不會了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-06-10
I think this restaurant is one of the best kept secrets in Tai Han area. Not many people know about this place as it is located in a back alley. If you are not familiar with that area, you probably wouldn’t have realized the existence of this small restaurant.But if you did, congratulations! you have found a great restaurant that you would keep going back to.The menu of New York club, I have to say, is a bit strange. They serve Thai dishes, Shanghai dishes, hot dogs, cheese cakes and even Hainan chicken…I guess that’s the reason why they call themselves New York club, as you can’t really define who they are.And when I ask the waitress about their recommendations, she will reply to you in great confidence, “EVERYTHING tastes good here!” Well, she is not totally exaggerating. Most dishes here do taste good. I especially enjoy their Thai food. One of my recommendations would be raw prawns. They are very fresh and the taste is just right. I also like their curry dishes. Although I have to say they taste a bit salty, but if you eat it with some garlic bread, it’s just yummy.Another dish I kept ordering is “Fried Suki”. I have no idea why it’s called Suki. Basically, this dish is “Fried mixed vegetables”. But there is a particular spice that they put it that makes it tastes so unique. Besides the food, I also love the environment. Basically, they don’t really have any indoor area. That means you basically will be sitting on the street – which feels great in winter and autumn. I know that this place also serve hot pot during winter, but I never have the chance to try that. Hope that I will have the chance to try it by the end of this year. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-09-18
與一位朋友第一次到此店, 第一樣上檯的是青檸soda, 無得頂!!! fresh透心涼!!!! 菜包 --- 好正夠熱, 食個返尋味!!!冬陰公 --- 朋友大讚,飲曬,一滴都唔剩Garlic bread -- 香脆炒蜆 - 較淡,但不算太差總括: 一定要再來,太好味了!!! 期待冬天試一試冬陰公火鍋P.S 已於一星期後再次到此餐廳 - so good continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)