Opening Hours
10:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
I like shopping at the food section of Marks and Spencer and try new products.The shop offers a lot of choices for bread, some from the UK and some baked in Hong Kong.Today I tried ciabatta made in the UK. It is slowly proven for 16 hours to develop a waxy, open texture and crisp, flavoursome crust. Just heat up the ciabatta and try with extra virgin olive oil. It is so delicious that I have no reservation to encore and recommend to others.The ciabatta is also a good source of vitamin and fiber.Happy to get two rolls at a promotion price of $60.
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Marks & Spencer - 食品部 地址: 中環皇后大道中22-28號中匯大廈地庫至1樓電話: 29218323===================Love bread , this marks and Spencer has fresh bakery .plain scone $14 , not dry very delicious . Plain scone can spread cheese cream.or jam $10 raspberry jam donut , small round donut filled with jam. covered with White sugar look.cute .Deduct $3 at night
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就嚟緊聖誕節就想入嚟馬莎睇下啲聖誕燈飾話見過佢啲bakery呢最近多咗好多新款式 尤其係多咗好多款冬甩呀香港因為冇krispy kreme冇啲 冬甩店嘅關係真係冇冬冇好食嘅冬甩 意外發掘到馬莎真係有多款好食嘅冬啦佢堂相又唔太甜 好脆好新鮮揀咗士多啤梨味佢上面有啲玫瑰味嘅粒粒 另外買咗一個焦糖味嘅不過我食咗唔記得影相 尼馬莎食品呢每次都冇失望嘅有多少個三文治啦果汁啦全部都好新鮮不過價錢都唔算平嘅不過勝在佢係新鮮同埋有英倫風 希望佢有多啲分店買到更加多新鮮嘅嘢
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◽️今次要介紹嘅係英國馬莎嘅聖誕產品。臨近聖誕,都想為屋企增添一絲聖誕氣氛嘅擺設同零食,我哋就添置咗英國馬莎兩款又睇得又食得嘅產品。Marks and Spencer is introducing their new Christmas products. Chrismas is approaching, and we have decided to decorate the place with two products from Marks and Spencer.◾️聖誕老人不倒翁黑朱古力碎牛油香酥餅 (Santa Wobbler Tin Butter Shortbread with Black Chocolate) $159牛油嘅味道頗香,因為用上黑朱古力碎,所以味道唔會好甜,幾適合我哋嘅口味。而且質感亦比想像中香脆,大小剛好一口一塊,唔怕搞到地板都係餅乾碎。用作包裝嘅餅乾罐仲係一個聖誕老人造型嘅不倒翁,認真玩得又食得。The shortbread has an intense buttery flavour. After mixed with crushed black chocolate, the shortbread does not taste as sweet as the normal one. It is crunchier than expected. Since it is made to be finger-sized, you can simply eat it with one bite. The package of the shortbread is a Santa wobbler tin, which makes the whole product fun to play and tasty to eat.◽️聖誕老人日曆朱古力 (Santa Advent Calendar) $59聖誕日曆幫你由十二月開始倒數到聖誕節,每一日開返相應嘅格仲有朱古力可以食,有唔同嘅圖形,而且味道都偏甜,好適合小朋友玩同食。The Santa Advent Calendar has 24 boxes with a piece of chocolate in each of it. Chocolates are printed with different shapes and it has a sweeter flavour. Kids will love this gift.◾️各英國馬莎分店#fooodninja_hk_taikoo
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又到聖誕🎄又到聖誕🎄細細個成日玩Where’s Wally? 今次 M&S 出咗 <威利在哪裏>聖誕日曆朱古力梗係率先體驗啦!另外仲有🎄牛油酥餅連旋轉聖誕樹音樂盒🥰有得食之餘,仲可以增添係聖誕節氣氛添❄️!1️⃣Where's Wally? Advent Calendar $59呢個月曆📆嘅每一格都暗藏不同造型嘅牛奶朱古力🍫,每日都有新嘅驚喜,而且仲可以食住咁陪我哋倒數聖誕節嘅來臨!除左咁之外仲可以考下眼力👀一齊搵吓威利喺邊💓牛奶朱古力🍫啱晒大人細路食,甜甜蜜蜜咁過呢個溫暖嘅聖誕節☃️🙆🏻♀️美味指數:7.28/10💓靚靚指數:9/102️⃣Musical Tin With All Butter Shortbread Tress $199聖誕樹造型嘅🎄音樂盒閃爍耀眼,扭一下音樂盒嘅底部便能播放出富有聖誕節氣氛嘅美妙歌聲!欣賞完愉快嘅音樂之後,打開就見到兩包獨立包裝嘅牛油酥餅!每一塊牛油酥餅都整成聖誕樹🎄嘅造型,超可愛🥰而且牛油味好濃郁,牛油酥餅香口鬆脆,食到停唔到口😋🙆🏻♀️美味指數:9.12/10💓靚靚指數:10/10💡整體來講,未諗到買咩聖誕節禮物🎁送俾朋友或者又想食又想佈置屋企嘅話,不妨考慮吓呢個富有趣味性,而且外型好靚嘅聖誕節禮物啦☃️!Marks and Spencer地址🐾:香港各大馬莎食品專門店
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