1-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (141)
Level3 2022-07-03
French Toast 🧈🍞  📍: Man Wah, 12 Rock Hill St, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong  💰: $22  ⭐️ : 8/10  Review : In love with this french toast which is very close to my dorm😍, super filling for me and you can even consider it as your lunch! More condensed milk and butter would be lovely, but if you are not a sweet tooth, definitely try this cha chaan teng Hong Kong Restaurant 🤩✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-02-05
幾年無來,新年流流,俾個收銀激到把幾火,差評。明明落單講左3次,仲一直係度問係咪兩杯野飲,激死人。大姐兩個餐當然係兩杯啦,假如你重複問飲咩都可以接受,但係一直重複問係咪兩杯(答左3/4次),真係難頂。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-12-30
今日去西環去咗餐廳食中午飯, 叫咗個叉燒煎蛋飯, 叫嗰時心諗寫到明招牌應該質素有番咁上下啩, 但到頭來大失所望, 叉燒得嗰幾舊, 賣相同招牌常相差甚遠 , d飯仲好硬添, 最離譜喺個價錢, 純粹一個叉燒煎蛋飯叫價45蚊, 出面其他餐廳搞噱頭例如啲咩暗然銷魂飯先係呢啲價錢 ,叫埋凍熱飲仲要另外加多十蚊, 價錢可謂離曬地! 一句講曬伏味十足, 好肯定咁講沒有下次幫襯嘅可能性啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
蛋蛋蛋蛋蛋….全部都係蛋急急如律令召喚所有蛋控!勞蘇食最愛就係蛋,炒蛋滑煎蛋香水波正溫泉爽…實在太多正既蛋一於同大家訪尋訪尋,推介推介民華,新派冰室連鎖店,裝修都係舒服簡潔為主,主要賣冰室茶餐,配幾款特式飯、點心等等冰室賣點就梗係走唔甩炒滑蛋,相就好吸引,一於測試下常餐,鮮茄火腿通粉,賣相ok,食落個湯幾濃,茄汁味多唔夠鮮茄,不過都算合格既另一碗叫左沙爹牛肉通粉,沙爹認真麻麻,無乜特別,兩碗既通心粉底都算係唔錯到重點!餐肉炒蛋多士,賣相相當吸晴,先試滑蛋,口感一流,又滑又流,好多蛋汁唯一係好靚既蛋但蛋味唔係好濃,差咁少少,不過咁滑咁多蛋汁既滑蛋配牛油多士好完美多左牛油,加埋多層次既口感,享受提升蝦仁炒滑蛋飯,原以為相靚,但真實都係一樣咁正,好豐富既蛋完全蓋住飯,唔使擔心份量佢嘅炒蛋以口感同蛋汁同滑做賣點,除左配牛油多士,配飯就係完美滑蛋加飯加醬汁就係一流,醬汁類似甜豉油,都好好味,蝦仁夠口感,蛋飯香滑好味係一個相當唔錯既蛋飯冰室文化對蛋控實在係好,因為好多餐廳都會以炒蛋、奶茶做賣點民華既炒蛋未算完美但都有80分相當唔錯而且周圍都有又唔算貴,讚讚讚#如果啲飯腍啲仲正世人都唔知滑飯配腍飯先完美#蛋味就唔係廚藝可以補做出嚟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-10-28
Impressed by the spicy chicken wings with instant noodles. I know it doesn't sound like a hell of a dish but it is an unhealthy meal that can scratch an itch. The chicken wings were just spicy enough to wake me up. This was a brunch after an early morning of outdoor work. Obligatory crispy skin with tender and juicy meat inside. Nailed it. The noodles were just dried and al dente. I'm very particular about the texture of noodles so usually don't order any pasta at chaa chaan tengs and I'm surprised when things like this don't come soggy. Expectation management.Let's face it: the veggie was plain sad but it did brighten up the dish with the splash of green. No one counts on veggies in dishes like that anyway. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)