6-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
*Last Order: 20:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
實的的蛋糕😅如果真係要食,只建議食招牌草莓西瓜蛋糕,感覺會清爽啲,其他蛋糕都係實的的,感覺似食左麵包咁,又膩又飽😅;今次試左班蘭芒果紫米蛋糕,都唔算平細細件要$68,介紹指上層係柳絲芒果啫喱、然後係芒果忌廉、班蘭海綿蛋糕、芒果、紫糯米,味道其實還可以,可惜口感太結實。你以為因為叫左呢個口味先係咁結實?🤣少年,你太年輕了,之前試過幾隻其他味都係咁,包你食唔落其他野;總括黎講蛋糕性價比一般,唔係我鐘意既口感,我就唔會再買了~🏠店名:LIFETASTIC (海港城)🚘地址:尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海港城港威商場2樓2201-2202號舖
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源自澳洲🇦🇺的Lifetastic在港越開越多分店☺️,今日造訪位於海港城的 cafe!Classic🌹🍓🍉🍰 玫瑰士多啤梨西瓜蛋白蛋糕 ~ 清新的西瓜蛋白蛋糕,質地輕盈柔滑,充滿濃郁的蛋白味道和微妙的西瓜風味!蛋糕的層次感令人驚喜🌟蛋糕上的玫瑰花瓣是每位女士不能抗拒的恩物吧💗🥭🍰芒果蛋糕 - 質地綿密細膩,芒果鮮甜美味!Lifetastic 有很多其他蛋糕的選擇,高品質的製作和優質的食材選擇,不論是味道和外觀都令人愉悅!新join MembershipⓂ️有買一送一的蛋糕優惠!是不能錯過的體驗!🌟食評指數:8.5/10💁🏻♀️人均消費~HKD90🗺️ 地址:2/F Gateway, Ocean Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui想睇更多餐廳分享,請like & follow @_jolly.foodie_#tstfood #tstjollyfoodie #JKHK #hcfood
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I was waiting for the afternoon tea at Epure and decided to have a snack and do some shopping first. While I was walking past Lifetastic, I saw their cake collection and found their watermelon layer cake as a Rare Sugar version and I decided to try it. I guess it may be seasonal as it wasn't in the menu itselfI knew about Rare sugar only recently when my aunt who loves making desserts had DM and switched to using rare sugar to replace sugar. It still has a bit of calories and it does not mean you can have it at large quantities but it is definitely a better option. The sweetness was almost the same as the original. The scent of the rose was just right without overpowering the strawberries and watermelon. I think they could promote a bit more as I didn't even know they have desserts with rare sugar if I didn't look at the display carefully. For an extra $8, I would definitely choose this lower calorie version.
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人參烏龍 💙Lifetastic的西瓜蛋糕吃了很多次這次正當我煩惱著吃早餐時, 意外發現早餐Menu有人參烏龍&Croissant就是你了😏鎖定目標點人參烏龍之後本來想著哪一個口味的牛角酥, staff就告訴我現在沒有牛角酥好吧就三文魚配牛油果醬法包多士幾分鐘後被轉告avocado sauce還沒解凍介意換沙律醬嗎?😅那就日本蛋沙律toast吧當我在想茶會是否只有一杯的時候看到是一組茶壺連茶杯上桌,感覺蠻意外的淺淺的喝,茶色與味道淡淡的,還沒有人參的甘慢慢的茶湯由淺黃到橙黃,茶也愈來愈濃開始嚐到甘味配上日本蛋沙律其實蠻搭的剛好可以解膩總結來說, 如果下次可以西瓜蛋糕配茶🌱味道 - ☘️☘️☘️🌱環境 - ☘️☘️☘️🌱價錢 - ☘️☘️☘️🌱整體 - ☘️☘️☘️
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LIFETASTIC (尖沙咀海港城) (尖沙咀)尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海港城港威商場2樓2201-2202號舖招牌蝶豆花藍莓🫐芝士蛋糕🍰 $85每一層都好有驚喜😛有啫喱有mousse 而且食落唔會好甜,有淡淡清香嘅碟豆花味,顏色又好浪漫💕充滿少女心跑打卡蛋糕😆🥰有次留意到佢指定款買一送一! #hkig#hkcake#hkfoodie#hkfoodblogger#hkfoodstagram#cake#lifetastichk
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