Exit A, Central MTR Station/ Exit A1, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
A two-storey restaurant, Liberty Exchange Kitchen & Bar has a downstairs bar and an upstairs dining area. They offer a Tasting Menu at night to allow guests to enjoy a variety of food. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Live Sports Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Bone In Short Rib Liberty Steak Tartare Maso Black Cod Warm Chocolate Coulant Statue Burger
Review (58)
朋友放工約左佢去食啲野,就去佢office附近簡單食啲野Happy Hour🍻Impossible Burger🍔 ($188)第一次食Impossible plant based burger,佢個味道好似真嘅肉一樣。Impossible 植物肉含有高量嘅蛋白質,同埋低脂肪同膽固醇,對於想要食得健康嘅人嚟講,係一個好好嘅選擇👍🏻而味道方面,Impossible 植物肉嘅味道同真嘅肉好接近。佢有咗肉嘅香味同質感,令我好難相信呢個漢堡係素肉。我食咗好多次嘅牛肉漢堡一樣。而且,Impossible植物肉嘅質感同口感都好似真嘅肉,唔會有咩腥味或者人工味,配上啲醬料同其他配料,同時增加口感同層次感,真係同真肉差不多😙配埋酸酸地又夠開胃嘅Caesar Salad 🥗 同埋有柑桔橙花香味嘅🍊Craft Beer真係perfect! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-12
一直都好想嚟試,今次夾到時間過嚟呢邊做嘢,可以撐吓枱腳喇❤️呢度氣氛好好,好適合飲嘢同朋友聚一聚。我哋叫咗2杯mocktail Chill吓先! 🍍Pineapple & Arpicot Punch同埋🥭Mango & Passionfruit,2杯都有清新果香,唔會太甜,食起濃味嘢上嚟變得非常解渴👍🏻再嚟食物:🍗Chicken Wings - BBQ Sauce小食揀咗雞翼,bbq醬好惹味,酸酸甜甜又微微辣,仲有雞鎚同雞中翼2款,啖啖肉好正😋🍔Impossible BurgerBurger雖然係素食,但係餡料非常豐富,除咗主角植物肉、仲有haloumi cheese🧀、生菜同蕃茄,口感豐富,唔講都唔覺自己食緊素食🥬薯條配埋Kimchi mayo一齊食,變得更惹味👍🏻🥩Stockyard Wagyu Striplion (8oz)用上400日大嘅M4-5榖飼和牛,雖然叫七成熟但一啲都唔鞋口,好有牛味,個人比較鍾意配海鹽食,牛味會再出啲。薯蓉超creamy軟滑,配埋燒得超香嘅雜菜同蘑菇,減少食肉嘅肥膩感,值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
牙買加的熱情總是不會熄滅,任何時候都讓人充滿活力和愉快氣氛,中環這間酒吧的週末菜單就融入了不少牙買加風味,讓你微醺下享受佳餚。🔹Ackee & Saltfish Toast 開胃菜顏色鮮豔精緻,入口清新帶一點微辣,質感有趣。🔹Coconut Ceviche切片鮑魚和蝦肉很新鮮爽口,和椰奶撞在一起味道很有趣,牛油果puree帶了清新感給這道開胃菜。🔹Beef Cheek Nacho最喜歡這道菜,上桌已經聞到濃濃牛肉香,肉醬味道濃郁,和酥脆有厚度的酥皮Nacho一起吃很惹味,加多一隻煎蛋味道更全面呢~🔹Jerk Chicken & Waffle雞肉嫩滑多汁也很夠鹹香,份量很大,窩夫有別於一般的款色,是粟米麵包版本,口感偏糯。🔹Jamaican Pepper Rice米飯燴到很綿密夠濕潤,每一口都有濃郁的醬汁包圍,蝦肉爽口彈牙,好吃。🔹Oolong Rum Ice Cream茶+酒+雪糕真的是無敵組合,雪糕有濃濃的烏龍茶味,中間的rum酒香而不會太濃,反而中和了甜膩感,下面的蛋糕綿密又有椰子香,很有熱帶風情。周末的話這裡人還頗多的,大家都喜歡來喝酒聚會,而且一定要特別highlight一下它們的side dish kimchi coleslaw和brussel sprout,特別爽口和入味,用來配啤酒剛剛好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-06
Enjoy to spend a lovely weekend at Liberty ExchangeThere are offering rustic and home-style dishesI highly recommend to joining Me Myself and I Party after the late brunch With two-hour free-flow packageYou can enjoy unlimited signature cocktails which is really good and tasty continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
又係中環食lunch 系列⋯Liberty 係 exchange square … 好一般⋯個蘑菇湯好味😋個fish and chips 好一般,什至唔得掂⋯攞盤亦都唔靚 😂覺得 kebab shop 整得好味過佢⋯ 個沙律完全係怪味沙律⋯⋯ 唔知係乜嘢沙律汁嘅味道⋯中藥咁,感覺好似廚師落錯嘢咁😓😓😓😓 我都廢事問咩事/ 換過第二碟/ 樣野。Tiramisu 又係好一般⋯⋯甜,乜味都唔出。真係就咁飯後甜品咁囉。價錢⋯⋯ 咁就差唔多200 🫤🫠係中環區係好唔貴的。位置都係方便快捷,食物質素😵‍💫☹️🙁😕咁既價錢係咪唔應該投訴咁多。😶‍🌫️🤐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)