Lardos Steak House started in 2000. It is a unique place where you can enjoy a range of steaks, seafood and pasta in a relaxed atmosphere while you socialize with those around you. continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last order: 21:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
06 oz Rib Steak Lamb Loin 36 oz OP Rib 38 oz Tomahawk Steak
Review (114)
Level4 2020-09-11
以前昏暗燈光,營造扒房氣氛,現在改用世界光,氣氛和同村小炒大排擋無異。OpenRice 上資料要修改,開瓶費已加至$120,值唔值得,就睇你帶支咩嘢酒,但係帶支陳年靚酒嚟呢度,就有啲嘥咗。問服務員關於menu問題,Clam 冇,Mussel 唔靚,蝦唔知來源地,開瓶費開頭話$100,我話OpenRice 上面寫$80,再check之後又話$120⋯⋯佢話新嚟,不過算佢老實。一行二人,先奉上麵包兩片,有幾條黑紋,相信係燒過,不過完全唔熱,好乾,衰過隔夜麵包。所謂Caprese salad,水牛芝士又乾,無口感,無basil,dry herbs都無,olive oil 又無,淨得好多好甜嘅balsamic syrup。crab cake算大個,外脆,不過無鮮味,蟹肉黑黑哋。$980 36oz Tomahawk 做到medium rare 嘅要求,質素唔錯,不過外面可以燶啲脆啲就好,加埋配菜,賣相都唔錯,要求mustard,就只有Dijon一款。最後加個side baked asparagus,hollandaise sauce就太多。二個人自己帶2支酒,點咗兩個頭盆、一塊tomahawk和一個side veggie,埋單共$1450⋯⋯ 疫情關係,俾咗$100貼士。不值了,緣盡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-07-02
I thought I had found a hidden gem, but it wasn't. We looked at the good reviews about this place and although the prices are steep, we wanted to try it. I tried the prime beef steak, which was fine, well cooked to the way we wanted and the bernaise sauce was creamy but didn't have much taste to it.About the salads, we chose the one with tomatoes and mozzarella. I personally thought it's overpriced, and it didn't even have any basil.We also ordered escargot, which were the worse because it costs 139$ for 5 tiny pieces which it probably worth 50$ at another restaurant.I'm general, we were disappointed and will definitely not come back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-09-18
上次嚟 Lardos 已經係唔知幾多年前嘅事,突然間心血來潮想食,咁多年後都不失水準。我同屋企人叫咗一個 Smoked Salmon Salad,Soup of the Day,Meatball Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce 同 Grilled Lamb Rack。首先講吓個湯啦。個湯係番茄湯,佢係純蕃茄湯,唔似意大利菜湯。佢好多番茄蓉,感覺比較天然。佢好似熱嘅蕃茄汁,平時唔係好鍾意蕃茄嘅我都覺得幾容易入口,但係我屋企人就唔係好鍾意,鍾唔鍾意因人而異。呢個係 Smoked Salmon Salad,感覺食材都幾新鮮,比較大份,建議可以同 friend share 嚟食。三文魚每塊都幾大塊,但味道偏鹹,配埋撈咗黑醋汁嘅沙律菜會比較好。呢個係 Meatball Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce,肉丸好大粒,仲有 7 粒,好抵食! 蕃茄醬比較似蕃茄湯,好多番茄蓉。意粉質地似天使麵,好幼好滑。呢個係我嘅必食推介 - 燒羊架!其實嚟呢度唔食羊架真係好嘥。薯角都幾脆,啲菜炒得好香。啲羊架真係好「諗」,雖然顏色偏紅,但係唔會有一陣羊味。羊架配埋附送嘅紅酒汁同薄荷啫喱會更有風味!其實 Lardos 整體係一間非常好嘅餐廳,尤其是係食物。但係價錢真係比較貴,各位衡量吓抵唔抵食啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-08-03
將軍澳無乜好食牛扒,來來去去都係連鎖餐廳,當晚心血來潮揸車去坑口村搵好西食!因為餐廳細,一早訂左台,去到即刻有位。叫左兩件8oz Sirloin Steak 跟埋配菜同埋自選醬汁,我揀左薯角同埋蘑菇汁。兩件牛分別係 certified Australia black angus beef 同埋 Australia king island beef,聽講係grain fed 同埋 grass fed 嘅分別。我個人鍾意前者多啲,肉味比較香。兩件牛扒無乜筋,熟嘅程度亦啱啱好。牛扒好食,價錢合理,人均消費約$230(無需加一),服務亦ok 可惜餐廳比較細,坑口村亦難泊車,不過一定會再黎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-17
近陣子看到面書當年今日回顧兩年前到京阪神旅遊片段,其中一段是吃神戶牛,便立馬挑起鋸扒意欲,想起很久沒到坑口這間牛扒店,便決定今晚來一止牛癮。對上一次光顧已是6年前了,牛扒店裝修大致一樣,不同的是店員不再是操英語的南亞裔,餐牌好像較以往精美一點(硬皮的),至於食物方面,基本上都沒大變化,但卻找不到最平的澳洲西冷,當日8oz只是索價 $135,份量剛好,且牛味很濃,平靚正之選,比起當時定價$199的美國Prime Beef西冷味道更佳。可惜是次我們只能點美國安格斯及Prime Beef,其實還有其他牛的…但我沒什印象,且點最細份的8oz也不便宜了,分別是$249及$299,不知道是不是漲價關係,以往很旺場的小店變得冷清,我們由7時多吃到8時多,前後都只是5枱客人,其中一枱更似是老闆娘在招呼朋友呢!說回食物,每份牛扒也跟一款配菜,配菜選擇包括薯條﹑薯角﹑薯蓉﹑焗薯及沙律,由於長期欠菜,故薯控既我今晚主動選沙律作配菜,老公則點了薯條。兩份牛扒的賣相很不錯,尤其是我的安格斯配沙律,不過安格斯牛味不夠,還好肉夠厚,5成熟,肉質軟腍,點黑椒汁則提味不少。沙律跟意大利黑醋,可能重手了,味道偏酸。反而Prime Beef西冷牛味較濃,不用點汁也很好吃,薯條有些翻炸久了,偏油,但仍可接受。其他菜式還有炸芝士﹑卡邦尼意粉﹑羊架﹑燒雞﹑魚等,雖然已沒有當日平靚正澳洲西冷,來這裡還是建議大家吃牛吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)