3-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
The restaurant name means ‘dessert’ in Spanish. It aims at providing high quality homemade desserts. Besides, the Spanish dishes are served in a large portion. The decor is elegant and comfy for gatherings. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (318)
因為呢度環境唔錯,想同朋友談心食西餐而嚟,結果食過就返唔到轉頭,呢間餐廳已經成為咗我最推介嘅餐廳之一!!!以下呢兩碟菜就係我到宜家都最鍾意食嘅!!.松葉蟹奶油芝士意粉 $208 Queen Crab Spaghetti in Cheese Cream Sauce我哋係去食lunch,但係冇叫到set lunch,因為喺menu見到呢碟意粉嘅相,覺得好吸引,set lunch又冇,要散叫。不過試過之後,真係散叫都會叫!雖然話係奶油芝士,但賣相似蕃茄芝士,食落都有淡淡地嘅蕃茄味🍅奶油芝士creamy得嚟唔竭("杰”),撈埋蟹膏都唔會膩,同時做到每箸意粉都沾到足夠醬汁,好正🤤雖然得兩隻蟹鉗仔🦀,但係有🧀醬汁同蟹膏,成碟意粉已經好好食!.女皇麻糬窩夫(荔枝麻糬)$158The Queen Waffle (Lychee Mochi)之後就上甜品啦,呢個女皇麻糬窩夫係超推薦!皇冠窩夫模➕靚靚水果擺盤 啱哂打卡po ig!重點係睇得又食得,荔枝麻糬餡味道清新香甜,窩夫又香又煙韌,真係一試愛上,仲有好多唔同嘅水果伴碟,我次次食呢間都要嗌呢個嗌呢個可以嗌少一個main course,真係會好飽😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-03-08
✨西班牙海鮮飯 $298 for 2好豐盛既海鮮飯~有大蝦、青口、蜆肉等配料🦐而且份量仲要比得一啲都唔吝嗇添!🤪飯裏加左紅椒作調味 食落有少少辣 十分惹味😋🌶️由於見佢都幾大份 我地四個人食每人都食到一碟 叫埋其他嘢食真係啱啱好飽🤓🤓✨黑毛豬煙肉欖油意粉 $98意粉軟硬度岩岩好 食落有點彈牙👍👍雖然欖油落得都幾多 但食完都唔會覺得有油膩感 反而同啲三色椒配合起黎更加惹味😼😼有驚喜🥰✨芝士煎蟹餅 $168木魚絲多到成座山咁🤣🤣蟹肉鮮甜 芝士唔係拉絲 但芝士味都頗濃郁 連埋蛋食到後尾都有啲膩 整體味道不錯但唔算好驚喜個種🙈👻順便一提我真係好鍾意呢間店鋪既裝修風格 有點異國風情😍整體環境好乾淨 而且個日唔算好多人好寧靜舒服既感覺☺️☺️檯面有放著小燈 好浪漫🌹🥂💓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-02-22
一路都鐘意食西班牙菜既我😁今日黎到銅鑼灣比我發現到位於耀華街有個商業大廈叫佰樂中心。 成幢大廈都係有不同類型仲要比我發現到有間西班牙fusion既餐廰我當然上去試試啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-01-04
大約一年前幫襯過尖沙咀嗰間,記憶中係幾好味,今次嚟銅鑼灣呢間同媽咪撐枱腳去之前店員有打嚟提醒轉咗全新menu,有啲失望(因為想食返上次嗰啲),不過唔緊要啦,當試新嘢~咁我地揀咗4 course dinner set同埋一樣小食首先嚟咗海鮮濃湯,真係幾濃,仲有少少蜆同蝦跟住就到香蒜炙燒海膽盒配蒜蓉包,係我地另外叫嘅小食蒜蓉包脆卜卜,海膽小小辣,好夾好好食再嚟黑松露鮑魚多士,呢塊包都好脆,有啲醬食落唔會覺得乾,而鮑魚都好易咬不過對比之下都係上面嗰個好食啲Main就係西班牙海鮮蟹肉飯,我地初頭以為蟹肉係撈入飯,點知係成隻蟹腳,好多肉印象中有4條咁多,侍應會俾埋剪刀我地,不過我建議餐廳可以派埋濕紙巾,個感覺會舒服啲個飯都唔錯,有啲蜆肉,不過我麻麻地青椒嗰啲最後就上甜品:無花果脆批配雪糕脆批好食,配埋雪糕正~(不過我都係鍾意以前個窩夫多啲)侍應上完呢個就幫我地影即影即有,夾落生日卡送俾我地雖然轉咗menu,但味道依然好食,只係環境氣氛有少少唔同咗同埋我地用openrice book位可以平一百蚊順便影低咗menu~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-01-01
So many people give it high sore of this restaurant. That’s why I came to try. To me, this is pretty sure not a transitional Spanish food, they used some cheap ingredients which can buy it from the local supermarket such as crab canned meat (too salt and too fishy), Italy ice packet tortellini, and then mix some local favor to cook. We ordered five dishes including the seafood rice, crab meat spaghetti, mushroom, tortellini. The food tastes sooooo bad. Only I could say their food is likely pizza hut or spaghetti level but in expensive price. I don’t think it’s worth it. Only their dessert is surprising to me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)