
Kyoto Ichinoden
It comes from Kyoto, Japan. Saikyo Miso is their signature dish. The silver cod fish are imported from Kyoto. The Japanese chef tailor made a set of Kaiseki cuisine for Hong Kong people, which contains smaller in number of plates, but it remains the essence of using of seasonal ingredients and exquisite placing. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
*Last Order: 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE WeChat Pay
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.

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Review (310)
Level4 2023-12-12
【📖與詩人共晉的京都一之傳晚餐🎐】我身邊其實都有很多食得較精簡著重養生嘅朋友,要食就食最好的食材去最優雅嘅環境。今次與書卷氣息澎湃嘅詩人朋友晚餐,我揀咗京都一之傳壽喜燒襯返佢!食咁咩?精緻嘅野菜盛合、A4日本和牛、日本黑毛豚肉、牡丹蝦刺身、燒白鱔。⛩️壽喜燒(銀閣)先由店員作開爐,用牛脂炒香洋蔥、倒入湯,再加入野菜。洋蔥與所有野菜都好甜,食得很放心嘅感覺。和牛A4便夠了,油脂分布平均,入口前點上滑蛋,更加香滑細緻,黑豚肉肉味濃,夠薄身,所以輕輕放在湯一陣就食得,肉丸亦非常之好食。最後仲有綠茶雪糕和烏冬作結尾。..⛩️牡丹蝦身價矜貴非常,味道鮮甜。留意返只是得一隻而已。..⛩️燒白鱔加柚子鹽燒得外脆內軟,記得點埋柚子鹽,更能帶出鱔嘅香味。美食當前樣樣都精緻細心,款款美味可口,份量少少但滿足感高,的確係養生好選擇。養生之道少食生冷野,所以朋友只試一啖雪糕,之後就俾埋我食了,哈🤣! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-21
下個月去日本安排唔到食Sukiyaki🍲,唯有喺香港食住先;而且近日氣溫又得返十幾度🥶,最啱就係食個日式火鍋取取暖❤️‍🔥~·♡ 銀閣 HKD$788/2位用想講擺盤好靚好日式,二人份量好豐盛🤗,兩個人食啱啱好。湯底有4款選擇,我哋揀咗🍲「東京風壽喜燒出汁」,湯頭甘甘甜甜😚,真係好日本壽喜燒feel;呢個鍋底仲會有隻生雞蛋🥚俾你沾和牛食,好滑溜呀!·♡ 特選野菜盛合包括 紅蘿蔔🥕、南瓜🎃、本菇、洋蔥🧅、大蔥、舞茸、水菜🥬、大根。蔬菜吸收哂壽喜燒個湯汁🤩,店主提醒水菜淥20秒就食得,好新鮮呢~·♡ 日本A4和牛赤身色澤紋理好靚呀😍,口感柔軟,牛肉味香濃😋,咬落唔韌亦冇渣,同壽喜燒湯好夾☺️,好想再encore多碟牛呀!·♡ 日本黑毛豚肉雖然係薄切但亦具咬口👍🏻,食落唔會覺得肥膩,不錯啊😊。·♡ 精選丸子免治雞肉肉丸🐓,口感食得出係真正手打👍🏻。·♡ 烏冬一人一小碗份量啱啱好,烏冬Q彈亦好掛湯🥣。·♡ 雪糕唔知點解每次食抹茶雪糕🍨🍵就會令人想起日本,一小球作結更完滿🥰。·另外,仲試咗幾款炸物熟食︰♡ 鹽燒牛舌 HKD$108牛舌厚切,好有嚼勁,牛味濃郁。·♡ 唐揚炸雞 HKD$88炸得香脆,咬口咯咯聲,咬開仲保持到肉汁。·♡ 出汁蛋卷 HKD$68加入咗高湯烹調嘅蛋卷,蛋卷口感好軟滑,高湯更豐富了濕潤度,好食。·📍京都一の傳尖沙咀廣東道5號海港城海洋中心4樓402號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚同朋友8:30嚟到呢家一直都想試好耐嘅京都壽喜燒,嗌咗佢哋嘅銀閣套餐,首先侍應會將所有食材都準備上你張枱度,然後再用牛油熱鍋,再加部份蔬菜炒香,但係炒嘅過程之中唔知係咪個侍應唔太熟手定點樣,將啲油彈到落我朋友個手度,理所當然佢講咗句sorry就算,完全冇叫其他人攞紙巾過嚟又或者濕紙巾,呢方面真係有啲愕然,話晒都高級餐廳,咁都算咁我哋開始食,食物方面有和牛豚肉,呢啲都中規中矩,不過唔知點解和牛會有筋,豚肉亦都冇咩味道,總括而言兩碟肉都係靠沾兩碟唔同嘅醬去攞味,真係仲衰過去食某啲放題既肉,煮到咁上下水乾,咁叫個侍應加湯,原來佢哋只會加清水,再一次震驚我,食到後尾嗰兩三轉個湯完全係冇咩味,根本就係清水鍋,我比幾舊水食你嘅清水鍋而且服務方面同價錢都不成正比,完全感受唔到係高級餐廳,一般日本餐廳正常都會嗌歡迎口號,不過呢一間完全唔會,好似去食茶餐廳咁,不過呢啲都係小事,最大嘅問題係啲侍應完全當你透明,叫咗某個女侍應加水,到後尾佢完全係冇咗件事,到我哋食完之後又見到佢咁諗住叫佢埋單啦,佢聽完我哋叫埋單之後又消失咗,我真係當堂得啖笑如果你哋想享受高質嘅壽喜燒又或者想食得開心呢間真係唔使諗慳返啲錢吧啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I recently had the pleasure of experiencing the Japanese cuisine during dinner time at HC.Seafood Don (Rice Bowl):The Seafood Don was a true feast for the senses. The bowl was generously filled with an assortment of fresh and succulent seafood, including an array of sashimi such as minced tuna, salmon roe, and sea urchin, as well as delicate pieces of shrimp and scallop. Each bite showcased the impeccable quality of the ingredients, with the seafood exhibiting a pristine freshness and a buttery texture. The rice provided a perfect base, absorbing the flavors of the seafood and adding a comforting element to the dish.Fat Tuna Roll:The Fat Tuna Roll was a standout sushi roll that left a lasting impression. The roll featured tender and flavorful slices of fatty tuna, known for its rich marbling and melt-in-your-mouth texture. The nori (seaweed) was crisp, providing a satisfying contrast to the buttery tuna. The roll was expertly assembled, with a perfect balance of ingredients and a precise amount of sushi rice. The flavors were harmonious, and the presentation was visually appealing. The Fat Tuna Roll was a true highlight of the dinner experience.Urchin Pudding:The Urchin Pudding was a unique and decadent snack that showcased the delicate flavors of sea urchin. However, the pudding was hard to chew..Overall, this was an exquisite dining experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-19
吃了午市壽喜燒及銀雪魚定食,牛肉和魚的肉質很嫩,牛的肉味香濃。茶碗蒸很細膩。但調味及烹調方面很一般,沒有驚喜、不過不失。其餘小食也是沒有驚喜,相同價錢(>$700)會有更好選擇。(價錢合理是基於食材本身優質及地段關係,沒有附合日本過江龍的期代) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)