2-min walk from Exit N4, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
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Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
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飛天燒半肉腿 印度羊肉煲仔飯 鐵板雜錦燒烤 自家製炭燒烤餅
Review (91)
Level2 2024-09-04
Visiting the Indian restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui with my friend was an unforgettable experience. As soon as we stepped inside, we were greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere, with vibrant decor that showcased the rich culture of India. The soft, ambient music added to the overall charm, making it a perfect spot for a casual dinner.The service was exceptional; our server was attentive and knowledgeable, providing recommendations that enhanced our dining experience. We felt well taken care of, which added to the enjoyment of our meal.Hygiene standards were clearly a priority, as the restaurant was impeccably clean, from the dining area to the restrooms. This attention to cleanliness made us feel comfortable and safe while enjoying our meal.As for the food, it was a true delight. We ordered Murgh Do Piaza, Gosht Masala, and Murgh Tikka Salad. The Murgh Do Piaza was rich and flavorful, with tender chicken pieces coated in a savory onion sauce. The Gosht Masala was equally impressive, boasting a perfect blend of spices that complemented the succulent lamb perfectly. The Murgh Tikka Salad was refreshing, with juicy pieces of chicken paired with crisp vegetables. Overall, it was a fantastic dining experience that I would highly recommend! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-31
🥰 近期 重慶大廈 “7E 咖喱王” 轉咗 老板, 質素不穩, 決定一試 “安妮亞” 推介嘅 “寶軒 Koh-I-Noor”, 比較點, 一定係全盛時期嘅 “7E 咖喱王”.🥢 餐廳位於尖沙咀 K11 對面嘅舊商業大廈一樓, 進出𣈱順, 室內裝修具有印度特色, 立體壁畫, 單邊半圓拱型窗可以望番街景, 至少唔係冇窗嘅密室. 用上優質枱布, 假花擺設 等, 十個讚!🥠 Papadum. 送嘅, 算係乾脆, 味道相對單薄.🥟 Samosa Sabzi Ya Gosht (Lamb), 秘製手工咖喱角, $58. 兩件, 肉餡太亁, 扣分.🐥 Tandoori Murgh, 印式乳酪燒雞, $118. 鎮店菜式, 兩件雞鎚, 兩件雞髀, 洋蔥底, 以鐵板上菜, 十分惹味, 肉質嫩滑真係賣點, 部份位置鹹咗少少.🦐 Jheenga Masala, 香辣瑪莎拉燴蝦, $148. 頭一啖好甜, 怪怪哋, 食落又正常番, 撈飯一流, 層次複雜性過關, 但遜色於 “7E 咖喱王”.🍙 Saada Chawal, 印度白米飯, 一碟, $42. 食唔唒, 下次點一碗算了.🥭 Mango Lassi, $54. 芒果味道濃郁, 我鍾意佢夠 “渴” 身, 非常出色, 飲咗兩杯.🤗 總結: 餐廳裝修走中檔路線, 埋單比重慶大廈貴一截, 坐椅舒適度一般般, 空調亦唔平均. 今晚兩枱客, 一位服務員攪掂唒. 論食物, 燒雞, 同埋 Mango Lassi 超預期, 主角 瑪沙拉 過關, 但屬普通貨色, 下次再試其他咖喱. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
忽然想食印度菜🇮🇳雖然重慶大廈最多,但openrice無意間搵到呢間少人知而評語唔錯嘅印度餐廳,決定同朋友試試入口位置難搵,喺K11 art mall對面,要上一層樓▶️ 印式乳酪烤雞Tandoori murgh ($118) 鐵板上,上枱冒煙超香👃🏻半隻雞有兩隻雞鎚同兩隻雞髀🍗肉質鮮嫩juicy,有適量油脂🐔醬料濃味,帶少少辣,不過唔係好食到乳酪成份?同正常炭燒烤雞一樣如果更厚肉或無骨會更正▶️ 炭燒無骨魚Macchi tikka ($168)都係鐵板上,四舊厚肉連皮無骨嘅魚比預期中好食,燒得唔乾 (唔會好似罐頭吞拿魚咁)肉質同味道似比目魚🐠一片片肉滑捋捋有魚油香,調味亦啱啱好▶️ 瑪莎拉羊肉Gosht masala ($128)呢個啱用嚟配烤餅食有一舊舊羊肉,配有香料咖喱味香濃🍛冇想像中辣▶️ 烤全麥餅 Roti ($24)每次必食嘅印度薄餅🫓自家製所以係不規則形狀,都幾大塊烤餅上面有「卜卜」,燶燶哋咬落脆口邊位似麵包質感,同厚邊pizza差唔多點咖喱醬或齋食都好味一個人一份啱啱好😋▶️ 牛油烤餅 Butter naan x 2 ($28)▶️ 印度烤餅 Plain naan ($24)-味道相當正宗嘅印度菜👍🏻全部都整得唔錯調味偏重,食完都幾口渴服務好,由印度人主理,有個男侍應 (唔知係咪老闆)有禮貌又有幽默感,同有啲客人好熟 (應該係常客)樓上舖所以環境清靜,有私隱度性價比ok,四個人食,計埋服務費平均每人$150估唔到幾多香港人幫襯,亦有幾pair情侶嚟撐枱腳😗值得試試~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
飛毯燴羊腿$218難得3個人都食羊 無理由唔食羊比個參考大家~每份Portion大概2-3人share 而全腿大概6人左右 羊肉肉質滑嫩 味道偏羶但就啱鍾意食羊嘅人去嘗試最緊要係佢有條骨比你拎上手食 嗰part 嘅肉最好食🙈Murgh Masala 瑪沙拉燴雞$108Masala係以各式香料經過調配同烹調而製成嘅咖哩加入咗大量大蒜、洋葱、豆蔻等等製成嘅醬汁通常比較濃稠配埋Naan 食就一流千層烤餅🫓 $38蒜蓉烤餅🧄🫓$38Mango Lassi $54 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今時今日嘅印度大餐,真係不得了,口感同香氣我絕對俾個like👍!咖哩角超級正,酥脆得嚟唔油膩,夾埋特製醬汁,輕咬一口就覺得外皮嘅鬆脆同內餡嘅濃香絕配,宜家諗起都仲流口水😋。啲燒蝦嘅香氣,喺店門口就聞到,色澤誘人到不得了,輕輕一咬,鮮美蝦肉配上微微嘅咖哩味,真係鮮到彈牙!薄餅都唔例外,香脆加上淡淡麥香,一試愛上,再加埋個拼盤嘅煙韌結構同埋燒烤嘅外表喺燈光下閃閃生輝,真係睇落去都開心!店內環境暖烘烘,佈置得好有印度風味,雖然空間唔大,但各種香料嘅混合香味,已經夠我飽足一晚🌟。老闆服務周到,細心介紹每一道美食,令到我哋呢次飲食之旅,愉快過癮。嚟到印度菜,點少得嗰股獨有嘅香料誘惑?唔只味道層次豐富,喺香氣同口感上都係一次非一般嘅探險。港式粵語形容詞?好呀!講呢家嘅食物,我會話佢哋「醒胃」、「惹味」,而且「夠哂水準」!食完這頓大餐,心情都靚晒😌。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)