Opening Hours
07:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
07:30 - 22:00
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Review (90)
Level4 2023-12-26
聖誕節就當然係要周圍去玩,我地去馬鞍山玩完之後,遊車河路經西沙公路附近,有到依間餐廳,都好似未試過依啲特式小店,所以就決定入去食下嘢啦!(最好仲係可以有得免費泊車…哈哈)依間冰室環境感覺都唔錯,室內有幾幅各有特色嘅牆畫打卡位,而且仲有兩隻貓貓相伴。除左室內座位,仲可以選擇室外,啱晒鐘意開揚嘅朋友,如果座室外仲可以帶埋寵物一齊嚟添。不過….我地有點怕凍,所以今次就選揀室內,留待下次有機會帶埋狗狗嚟先體驗室外嘅氣氛啦。先嚟杯凍檸蜜同凍檸檳見旁邊嘅食客都有叫 紅燒乳鴿,我諗都應該係招牌菜,所以我都跟風叫返隻。估唔到又真係幾好味,乳鴿金黃色嘅外表炸得香脆可口,而啲肉都好入口夠Juicy。椒鹽鮮魷都好有驚喜,夠鑊氣之餘仲要熱辣辣上菜,最重要係個炸粉厚度適中,同個鮮魷比例好夾,所以唔覺唔覺我都食左好多。之後就嚟一個 西沙小炒王,估唔到佢嘅份量係咁多,除左有大量韭菜花之外,仲有好多惹味嘅魷魚同蝦乾同埋脆卜卜嘅鹹魚仔同腰果,仲有大大舊嘅香烤腩肉片,所以整體上嘅口感都係非常豐富,而且小炒王夠鑊氣之外亦唔係好油膩,調味亦都適中。由於係即叫即煮關係,所以我地嘅 德國脆皮咸豬手 相對地係比較耐先送上。不過都係值得等待嘅,因為雖然外表看來略為乾身,但其實入口個肉質都好Juicy,另外皮層脆卜卜但肉質幼滑,所以食落都好有口感,而且醃嘅味道剛剛好,所以不知不覺間係會一口接一口咁密密食。最後就嚟一個炒得夠乾身嘅星洲炒米作為今個晚餐嘅總結。整體都係唔錯嘅,而今餐我發覺最好嘅就唔會邊食邊飲水,即係食嘢唔會令人好口渴,應該就係啲食物冇乜落味精關係,所以下次再去遊車河時可以考慮再嚟呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-25
放假去咗馬鞍山行山⛰️,行完落山就梗係肚餓啦😅,上網搵吓附近有乜嘢好食,見到呢間,口碑好,離我哋👧🏻🧒🥷唔係好遠,於是就決定行過去開餐🤣$108「西沙小炒王」:材料包括 爽脆嘅蒜心、少少煙靭嘅魷魚鬚、脆脆哋嘅魚乾仔,仲竟然有好多半肥瘦叉燒,炒得非常香口、好味😋$128「豉汁蒸大鱔」:大鱔新鮮肉質鮮甜,加埋蒜頭豆豉一齊蒸,味道更濃郁👍,下邊仲鋪咗一層豆卜,吸收晒大鱔蒜汁,非常惹味🤩$78「蒜蓉炒菜心」:菜心新鮮爽脆,簡單用蒜頭炒已經好味😋$118「薑蔥霸王雞(半隻)」:霸王雞 雞肉肉質嫩滑,幾好雞味,加埋大量薑絲蔥絲喺面,更加香👍$20「香滑奶茶」:真係幾香滑😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-22
King's Queens Cafe, Hong Kong ;       Hong Kong, R King's Queens Cafe offered a regal experience with a casual twist. The moment I stepped into the inviting atmosphere, I knew I was about to embark on a gastronomic journey that would introduce me to an array of unique and exquisite flavors.     The Braised Pigeon   ;     The Braised Pigeon was a true testament to the art of culinary craftsmanship. The dish arrived with a stunning presentation that captured the essence of both elegance and indulgence.The Celery Sea Fish Balls   ;   The delicate sea flavor of the fish was beautifully enhanced by the crunch of the celery, resulting in a dish that was as light as it was flavorful. The subtle hints of seasoning allowed the natural essence of the ingredients to shine .  The Duck Tongue with Abalone Sauce ;     The Duck Tongue with Abalone Sauce was a striking example of how the fusion of ingredients can create a symphony of taste. The tender duck tongues were coated in a rich and velvety abalone sauce that brought a touch of opulence to the plate. The Fish Belly with Ginger and Scallion in Casserole   ;     The Fish Belly with Ginger and Scallion in Casserole exuded comfort and familiarity in every bite. The fish belly was cooked to a melt-in-your-mouth tenderness, and the combination of ginger and scallion lent a fragrant and heartwarming aroma to the dish.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-07-04
Pet friendly 嘅中菜餐廳真係買少見少!職員對我哋嘅寵物都好友善,相信作為寵物主人,見到其他人鍾意自己嘅寵物,係一件好開心嘅事。▶️食物餐廳日頭提供套餐,例如常餐,飯麵。晚上就有單點中菜。由於想食椒鹽鮮魷(晚市供應),所以問廚房做唔做,餐廳都好好肯做俾我哋。✔️椒鹽鮮魷好夠鑊氣,熱辣辣,炸粉又唔會過厚,唔錯!✔️蝦仁炒蛋飯蛋炒得非常滑,蝦仁好大隻,雖然似係雪藏蝦,但係有蝦味。✖️福建炒飯炒飯底冇乜蛋,芡汁味道淡,有點失望。▶️環境餐廳有兩隻喺籠裏嘅貓,佢哋嘅size算大隻但係喺好狹窄嘅籠裏有d寂寞,尤其見到貓貓都好好動,想撩人玩🥺其實餐廳係支持寵物嘅,可以考慮放啲貓出黎一齊(當然前提係確保佢哋唔會對客人/寵物/貓貓自己造成傷害)。我諗同貓貓一齊用餐,讓寵物之間互相交流,會係一個好好嘅體驗😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-07
趁放假同哥哥一於去街街,想要有少少郊遊feel ,於是諗到又嚟西沙行下舒展一下筋骨,又可以再嚟呢間茶座,一邊食下野hea 下,一邊同貓貓玩下,真係一樂也。嚟呢庋其實交通非常方便,可以於沙田市中心坐巴士299x,於「泥涌站」落車,然後過對面就係啦。呢間冰室環境確實不錯,超多打卡位。室內有很多各有特色牆畫,增添了不少文藝氣息!除了室內座位,亦可選擇室外,可以吸收一下陽光氣息。店內仲養有兩隻短毛貓,可以同貓店長影下相添。食物方面選擇十分多,我直頭覺得似酒家小廚。除了各款小菜、炒粉麵飯,海鮮類、小食或甚至煲仔菜都有供應。《椒鹽白飯魚》($98),呢個菜值得一讚,白飯魚炸得鬆脆而不油,椒鹽十分惹味。由於慢慢嘆慢慢食,即使放耐了仍然爽脆可口。《招牌菠蘿咕嚕肉》($88),好耐無食,所以突然好想食。份量頗多,整體味道ok ,而甜酸味適中。《星洲炒米》($78),炒得夠乾身,口感很好。不過個人口味喜歡濃郁,如果咖喱香味加多一點就更佳了。最後加埋杯凍奶茶($18),非常完滿了。 一邊享受美食,一邊沐浴在大自然之中,十分放鬆舒𣈱,確實是假日的一個好去處。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)