9-min walk from Exit B, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level4 2014-08-02
一直想試試在元朗開張了良久的這家蛋糕店,店內就只有一個放滿蛋糕的大冷櫃,定價也不低,不敢多買。除了販售蛋糕,也有開班教授。牛奶果仁 $33Milk & nutlet cake整體偏甜膩,牛奶味不自然反倒像忌廉一樣惹人怕,幸好中間有著一層厚厚的酸莓果醬稍作中和,而看似蛋糕的餅底亦較硬身。唯獨可取的是整個蛋糕都佈滿果仁:如南瓜籽等等,不過總結來說此質素不值這個價錢!綠茶歌劇院 $33Green tea opera cake眼見外形吸引便買下,蛋糕共有多層,由上至下為:硬身的膠質層、薄薄一層綠茶忌廉、深綠色綠茶醬、普通海綿蛋糕、綠茶醬、海綿、綠茶忌廉、硬身蛋糕層。面和底層較硬難分開,而綠茶醬味道很粉很造作,海綿蛋糕無味,綠茶忌廉味淡卻很甜很甜,稀用力叉下去時,面上都還沒叉得進,底層忌廉就受壓不斷擠出,層次吃著不明顯,徙得一個甜字。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-06-26
I wanted to surprise cousin J with a cake from a place that she had never tried before, so I had to go far away to Yuen Long. Ha!  After over an hour of transportation, I arrived at Karl'z Cake Design. There were different individual cakes neatly displayed in the fridge, and all looked so delicious. Service:From the phone call to the pick up, the staff showed their friendliness. Taste & Value: Cousin J likes cheesecakes and lemon tarts, so I got her this Lemon Cheesecake, which was a perfect combination of what she likes. In terms of looks, this cake was beautiful. However, in terms of taste and texture, it was less attractive. The texture was very crumbly and was hard to keep on a fork/spoon. Then, the taste was odd. I have never been too fond of lemony stuff and cheesecakes, and this cake didn't make me like these flavours anymore. Final Verdict:I could have got a better tasting cake elsewhere, with less travelling time involved. It would have been worth it if the cake was good, but ...... you know, so I probably wouldn't go again.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-20
基本上咩味都有...紅豆綠茶卷, 72%特濃朱古力, 咖啡, opera cake, 菠蘿油王子...其實所有西餅都唔係坊間講到咁誇張咁好食...但我明白, 因為元朗區實在冇呢一類型餅店...所以karlz cake design在元朗開舖, 的確有它優勝之處...就是沒有competition...如果開在大坑九龍城等等位置, 佢應該冇招架之力...紅豆綠茶卷: 個蛋糕texture唔夠滑,仲有少少鞋, 冇乜綠茶味...紅豆唔夠多...同埋太多cream, 我覺得蛋糕既厚度應該比忌廉厚先會少d油膩感...但呢個紅豆綠茶卷竟然係staff的推介...72%特濃朱古力: 朱古力味唔夠濃, 唔夠香, 只係好普通一舊朱古力cake...我唔明年佢72%特濃去左邊?? 就係好普通一舊brownie...seriously!!!佢賣幾十蚊一舊我真係覺得唔值...九龍好多西餅店做得好過佢...菠蘿油王子: 我見個名幾得意又諗住試下, 同埋自己幾鍾意菠蘿~呢件應該算係5件裡面中上standard既產品...菠蘿夾心同軟滑朱古力都幾夾...opera cake: 又一件名過於實既西餅...其實果d連鎖西餅店都同佢差唔多standard...但人地價錢仲平一大截...我真係唔需要俾成40蚊買一舊連鎖店standard既西餅...希望個chef可以睇到呢份食評之後再鑽研一下...我覺得佢地有能力做得更好...因為菠蘿油王子呢個idea係好, 同埋turn out出來個賣相&味道都出乎意料之外!另外mention一下, 那裡的staff的服務態度唔錯~ 很有禮貌~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-04-11
看過雜誌有推介過,所以難得到元朗便特意去嚐一下。聽聞有其中一名老闆是日本餅店 Nounours 藤田克典的徒弟,因此蛋糕賣相走東洋風。推門而至,看門面著實是以精緻左賣點。我們一行二人都有選擇困難症,但店員熱心推介下,我們選了蛋香千層($29)抹茶紅豆卷($29)。價錢不算高,也不算低。可能兩款蛋糕都不是藤田克典的徒弟做的…. 所以有點失望。對抹茶紅豆卷($29)我抱有期望,畢竟那是日式餅店,綠茶紅豆不能做得不好。但蛋卷抹茶味淡,連抹茶mousse 都欠抹茶味… 不僅於此,抹茶卷質感偏乾。若要比較,東海堂做的抹茶紅豆卷更勝一籌。不單抹茶味較濃 蛋糕濕潤鬆軟,價錢更是低一半($14)蛋香千層($29)蛋香欠奉,忌廉亦未到能擔當主角的質素水平。最後點評,可能是市面離誌無題材,而這好歹都有名師徒弟坐鎮,才會推介。以上兩件cake不至於難以嚥下,不過質素普通,一點都不值得推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-24
知呢間店開左一段小時間, 咁所以愛吃甜食既我一定會試一試..結果覺得價錢同味道不一..如果呢件cholocate cake咁, 其實佢既味道好似某大西餅店裡面個隻cholocate cake既味..一d香濃cholocate味都冇, 而且蛋糕餡好實....綠茶紅豆, 就好似發水蛋糕咁..太過濕, 唔知係因為雪得太耐定點, 而且綠茶蛋糕唔夠軟熟...但紅豆餡都尚可接受..如果每件餅價錢差唔多四十蚊一件, 咁我唔會考慮食...雖然賣相吸引...但味道仍需改善.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)