Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5, Austin MTR Station continue reading
Joia is an Italian restaurant owned by the Gaia Group that has both indoor and outdoor seating. Here they offer foods like Grilled Octopus Salad with Black Ink Sauce and Linguine with Italian Clams and Burrata Sauce. continue reading
Good For
Drivers Friendly Dining
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
*Due to the pandemic, our opening hours may differ and are subjected to change. Kindly contact our restaurants for more information
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Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Beef Carpaccio with Gorgonzola Cream, Pears and Blueberry Boston Lobster Tagliata with Green Apple,Mango and Campari Jelly Mannated Free Range Chicken Salad with Herbs and Warm Bacon in Balsamic Dressing Goose Liver with Orange Sherbet, Aged Balsamic Vinegar Reduction and Rhubarb Compote
Review (208)
位於圓方嘅意大利餐廳 JOIA,佢哋個 Weekend Semi Buffet 真係好抵食,性價比超高!無論想同朋友聚會定係一家大細食餐好嘅,都絕對係一個好選擇。一入到去,首先吸引我嘅就係佢哋個自助餐區。除咗各式各樣新鮮沙律同前菜餐包餐湯之外,仲有 Meat Carving、精選嘅意大利芝士同每日新鮮出爐嘅甜品!重點係,青口、龍蝦、大蝦全部任食!真係食到你捧住個肚走!生果方面都非常豐富,西瓜、哈密瓜、奇異果、熱情果等等,應有盡有。甜品方面更加唔使講,款款都咁吸引,真係令人眼花繚亂!主菜方面,今次我哋揀咗兩款:香煎豬柳配燒薯仔同蘑菇汁,同埋香煎魚柳配抱子甘藍同燈籠椒汁。豬柳煎得啱啱好,外脆內嫩,蘑菇汁亦都好香濃。魚柳就煎得皮脆肉嫩,配上清爽嘅抱子甘藍同燈籠椒汁,非常開胃!最後甜品真係花多眼亂,樣樣都食下咁😋😋由中午食到下午,飽到晚餐都唔洗食真係😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-28
半自助餐可一試。好有外國feel 。食到好飽又坐得耐。服務態度好。食物質素: 喺個螺絲粉硬咗少少,其他都好好味。食完唔會口乾。甜品款式都夠。呢個價錢亦不能太多要求。個Tiramisu唔太夠濃,其他甜品都試了一口,不錯。環境: 滿分,坐得舒服,室內外都好。服務員態度夠。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-24
尋晚同朋友睇完戲想搵野食行左上去elements 啲露天bar睇下食邊間好睇左幾間menu 決左試呢間入到去嗌左生蠔、魚子醬同紅蝦啲蠔一上枱,朋友即刻聞到有啲異味原來係其中一隻唔新鮮叫左個侍應過黎佢即刻say sorry話同我地換後尾換左隻大啲既俾我地啲蠔都幾好,算新鮮跟住上埋魚子醬俾我地因為朋友好中意食魚子醬所以嗌左20g,一人一盒佢話啲魚子幾好,就咁食都唔會有腥味跟住main都唔錯,但因為我地飲得比較多,食唔到太多野剩係叫左個松露雲吞同啲side dishes share 食落都幾好,唔會太creamy 成餐飯除左有幾隻蚊螆仔係咁飛,其實都算唔錯,下次可以encore continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-31
平時食港女tea都要2xx-4xx up一位,但Joia嘅價錢係平時嘅一半。本來諗住價錢咁平,質素都可能無咁好,無抱好大嘅期望,但食落有驚喜!🌟Croissant 入面係蟹肉沙律,蟹肉份量多,每啖都食到,而沙律味唔會遮蓋蟹肉嘅味🦀🌟Foie gras 有水果去除油嘅感覺,令食物嘅味道提升多一層🌟Crab cake 係輕輕煎炸過,外層有啲脆口,但食落唔油,而入面用薯仔同蟹肉整,配埋個醬,食落味道好和諧甜品整體高質嘅,但我個人最鍾意係Tiramisu同Berries mousse😃🌟Tiramisu 入面嘅蛋糕同cream比例剛剛好,食蛋糕嘅同時有足夠嘅cream配合,而且甜度適中,拿捏得好好🌟Berries mousse 平時我好憎食關於莓嘅甜食,一嚟覺得酸,二嚟有啲餐廳會為咗遮蓋酸味,會用好多糖,令成個甜品又好酸又好甜,但呢個甜品唔係太酸,雖然有落糖但點到即止,仲食得出莓味呢個set每人仲可以自選一杯飲品♪( ´▽`)我簡咗朱古力奶🍫不過呢間餐廳有樣地方唔好係服務,啲waiters唔會太理你,語氣都唔係太好🙊但食物質素同價錢嚟講都值得一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
收工去happy hour 吾想再搵餐廳順便係度食埋飯 之後坐高鐵去廣州一開始喝左兩杯house wine 之後傾下計就開始肚餓 所以點左cheese platter 又稱cold cuts配埋酒真係點綴啊之後叫左margarita pizza 🍕 麵包皮好有咬口 烤得好香另外仲有陣蕃茄味 好開胃Cheese platter 方面 芝士和ham口味不算多 我喜歡的Parma ham好似沒有 但整體也可以的環境方面就真係幾好 位於圓方rooftop 而且仲有景睇 加上私密度高 同閠蜜chill好正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)