7-min walk from Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
每一次搭船之前, 如果趕時間但又想食點比較好食嘅食物,我都會嚟呢一間食返個炒飯先上船。 今次我倆入discovery bay之前, 嚟咗食lamb kebab, 咖哩炒雞肉黃薑飯 同埋兩個素samosa.呢個炒飯一向都係我最愛, 不過就第一次試叫kebab, 份量比較少, 只可以當snacks唔可以當main course. 個samosa唔係即刻炸, 應該就咁放咗入去微波爐叮返熱, 唔算好好食。下次都係叫炒飯安全d 坐嘅地方唔係好舒服,但係fast food 嚟講, 不過不失啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-03-18
今日難得天氣好好, Lunch決定行過中環碼頭果邊食. 由Exchange sq慢慢行到去都係幾分鍾. 睇左一陣有咩餐廳食, 見到呢間店門口排晒長龍, 應該好食掛, 所以就排埋一份.一至五有lunch set. 正宗donor係要食lamb架ma, 但係根本無呢個option, 有d可惜.等多幾等, 發現原來店員只有一個, 即收銀又係佢, 煮食又係佢. 前面有2個強國人不停咁吹個店員, 聽聽下先發現原來佢來order左6份curry, 等左10分鐘都未有. 店員就得一個, 吹佢都冇用啦.咁個店員踢晒腳咁煮食物, 我地條隊就愈來愈長. 我足足由13:18等到13:35先拎到食物.本想叫牛肉donor, 可惜只有雞.$55 一份donor加一can coke zero, 比起LKF果邊E字頭果間平得多.所有食送同埋包都唔係新鮮, 都係雪櫃拎出來或者加熱既. 食落都唔錯, 多菜多汁, 可惜唔spicy就差左d囉. 店員用microwave加熱左先比我, 食落係夠熱既.一份donor都幾飽, 飲埋d coke就行番公司了. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-01-29
時間關係想快d醫肚,所以行左黎呢度食。點左個jo jo special pizza($120),好足料,而且個邊仲好脆,好食。仲有點左個芝士薯條($48),雖然賣相麻麻,薯條炸得都香脆,不過芝士唔夠香,如果芝士味可以濃啲香啲會更加好。因為太肚餓,所以連相都冇影!呢度係外賣店,可拎去附近啲枱度食。星期一至五,午餐會有特價套餐,所以星期六、日食就冇咁抵。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-10-10
A nice curry smell get into your nose when you got off from the ferry, Tsim Sha Tsui to Central.My friend and I felt hungry around 7:30pm so we decide to have dinner at this place, 2nd level of the pier.The ower said the famous dishes are curry and pizza, so we ordered lamb curry with naan and cheese chicken pizza. The curry lamb arrived with 2 naan, sliced into 8 pces. The smell of curry is strong and amkes you hunger. It is spicy but yummy. The lamb is soft and very good. You can order this dish with rice instead of naan.The cheese chicken pizza is around 12 inches. A lof ot cheese and chicken on its surface. You can smell the cheese immediately when it is coming. The pizza base is not so hard as the others of some famous brands. The food is nice with this reasonable price. I will introduce this restaurant to my friends. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-25
乘船來到中環碼頭,一下船就想找點東西吃,見到這家食物充滿異國風情的店。顧名思義這裡就是賣咖哩、薄餅和 kebab (中東烤肉卷)的地方,偏偏今次我卻走了去吃雜菜印度炒飯 (Vegetable Biryani)。即叫即炒,非常大碟,看樣子都是用上印度米,幾乾身爽口。蔬菜都是那些雜七雜八的三色豆椰菜什麼的,不會太油膩。這裡最大的問題是座位正正對著公廁,所以衛生情況一般。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)