2-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 19:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
剛剛當日同事食完飯(下午一點)話想去永和街 買「杏仁片」,原來她想買的杏仁片就是人氣一 直高企的 Jenny cookie,但因為太多人排隊,於 是她去了隔離那間店舖買了一小包「杏仁片」但 係我覺得那間 Jenny 曲奇的包裝同埋人哋人氣實 在太強勁,於是我便排了隊,最後我們入去, 買咗一罐$80的「四味奶油曲」,最主要的原因 是因為真的所有其他款式的曲奇餅已經售完, 而我們後排的那位太太,因沒有帶現金,所以 我同事好心的叫她將錢過數 PayMe給她!我哋買了一盒經典「4味奶油曲奇」4 mix butter cookies 由於實在好多心儀味道「夏威夷 可可脆片」Macadamia Coco Crisp已經售罄!溫馨提示,所以如果你要買「Jenny cookie」 - 定要記得帶現金,如果唔係要由頭再排過,問 你驚唔驚嚇你一驚,還有如果你想買你心 儀嘅曲奇餅及其他味道,你最好在早上10:00去 開始排隊,如果唔係好似我哋下午食lunch 嘅時 間基本上好多味道都已經售罄⋯⋯Jenny cookie🍪地址:15號永和街,和興商業大廈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-31
依家我就跟大家講下我喺呢間店食嘅體驗啦。首先,佢啲餅真係好食到尖叫👍!牛油味香濃得嚟又唔膩口,每一啖都好似有個小太陽咁溫暖我嘅心臟。我試咗嗰個cranberry nougat,酸酸地嘅蔓越莓夾雜喺甜蜜嘅牛軋糖之中,啖啖都充滿驚喜,雖然對我嚟講可能有少少over,但都算好味。再講返佢嘅咖啡曲奇啦,香濃嘅咖啡味同埋牛油餅嘅完美融合真係百吃不厭🍪!難怪會有人慕名而來。幸好嗰日唔使排長龍,要唔係肚子餓死都買唔到呢𠵱家嘅好味道。至於椰青啫哩,真係清甜解渴,食一啖椰皇肉,啖啖都滑溜溜,涼哋哋嘅,炎炎夏日嘅救星無誤🌴!啲人可能會覺得佢賣相一般,但味道上真係贏晒!總結嚟講,這間店提供嘅美食簡直係色香味俱全,真係啱晒我哋呢啲愛食唔愛貴嘅食客。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-16
坦白講,真係冇以前咁好味… 咖啡味冇以前咁香濃,而且曲奇花食落好乾涸,以前嘅口感好似唔係咁嘅… 以前一打開蓋,就會有好香嘅咖啡味,食落嘅口感都好鬆化!本人應該都唔會再幫襯啦,因為呢個價錢和而家嘅普通質素,唔值得了,太貴… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-29
想不到還會品嚐珍妮曲奇, 事緣老婆來自大陸的朋友來港工作, 她想到這作為朋友來港的手信, 也就多買一罐自己品嚐. 還記得廿年前在赤柱的分店, 第一次品嚐就覺得和平時吃到的曲奇很不同, 很香很滑而且牛油味很重, 內裏很酥脆. 然後因為大陸人熱搶, 要以炒價購買, 再出現大量的假貨及致敬抄考貨, 就沒有再品嚐. 多年後再吃, 味道口感不變, 自己最喜歡的當然是全牛油味, 又以玫瑰花形的最為吸引, 是其招牌. 至於圓餅形則較乾脆, 少了些酥香, 但無論如何, 知道他牛油的含量後, 吃一吃找回以前的回憶就夠, 因為和吃整塊脂肪沒有太大分別.Unexpectedly, I had the chance to taste Jenny's cookies again. It all started when a friend from mainland China, who is married to my wife, came to work in Hong Kong. As a gesture of friendship, she thought of bringing Jenny's cookies as a souvenir, and she bought an extra can for herself to enjoy. I still remember twenty years ago when I first tried them at the branch in Stanley. I immediately noticed that they were very different from the cookies I usually had. They were fragrant, smooth, and had a strong buttery flavor, with a crispy texture. However, due to high demand from mainland China, people started buying them at inflated prices, and there was a flood of counterfeit and imitation products. As a result, I stopped eating them. After many years, when I tried them again, the taste and texture remained the same. My favorite flavor is, of course, the all-butter one, and I find the rose-shaped ones particularly appealing, as they are their signature product. The round-shaped ones, on the other hand, are crunchier and lack some of the buttery fragrance. Nevertheless, regardless of the shape, just knowing the high butter content brings back the memories from the past. It's not much different from eating a solid block of fat. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-09-22
 熊仔曲奇粗略計計冇食佢都10年有多,呢個曲奇好邪惡架嘛, 真係冇甘多quota 食佢呀, 等於一塊塊牛油+糖放入口, 但果個鬆脆又令人一塊又一塊塞入口。Lunch Time 時間到達,唔算有人龍,等左3,4位就到我,買左大4mix, 都幾重手喎!返到屋企即開黎試下,口感味道依然。特別係咖啡味, 真係濃到一個點,但會懷疑佢既味道太過人工,真係飲咖啡都冇呢個效果間唔時食下都係幾滋味,但現今社會講求健康,我都係消埋呢罐,往後有緣再會。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)