Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Modern Sichuan style grilled fish restaurant, Diners can choose grilled fish or spicy chicken pot as main dishes. The set also includes seafood, meat platter and vegetables platter as hot pot ingredients. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
17:30 - 01:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
魚魚麻辣烤魚烤 / 越式青檸烤魚烤(唔辣)
Review (186)
Level1 2018-06-05
喺香港麻辣雞煲就經常試到🐓但川式烤魚就好少有🐠位於銅鑼灣呢間鋪頭仲要兩款都有無辣不歡嘅我梗係要試一試我呢啲嘴刁友食開大魚基本要求海鮮必須要新鮮咁好味嘅烤魚除咗係生猛即叫即劏之外(要等15分鐘都完全值得)魚上鐵板之前預先烤過,魚皮又香又脆 魚肉亦飽滿豐厚 真正又香又滑😋整份烤魚唔單止辣仲麻得好過癮 配料又多完全符合川菜應有嘅香麻辣🌶爽YY海鮮配料新鮮好有驚喜員工招呼服務態度又好仲有一個價錢啤酒無限添加🍻啱曬我哋呢啲飲得食得嘅大胃王簡直係一百分★太好味了下次必須要N哥 吹雞食埋佢個雞煲😚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Hardly we can find a high level restaurant in causeway bay if you just select it in random, most of them are not concerned about the food quality mainly becauae of the pressure of rental price . My friend invites me to join this taiwanese resturant which selling different set of spicy fish and seafood platter. The price here is quite friendly compared with the size of food, range from 200-400 depends on the type of seafood you request. The fish here is super fresh and you can rarely find in other local restaurants. The meat with spicy soup tastes really amazing, and never feel over-cooked even after a period of time. Another thing must try is the drink set, so much variety and it promptly cool down yr tonque. What a lovely night! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-05-04
香港也能吃到的出色烤魚不用回深圳吃探魚了🤣選了銀魚套餐 $268Grilled Redbelly Tilapia with Thai tom yum soup阿來冬蔭烤福壽魚🐟魚肉肉質鮮美嫩滑 經冬蔭湯底烤煮後酸辣香味融合一體 令人食指大動🤤 愈食愈上癮❤️😋香辣味都有分四種可以揀絕對適合不同人口味🤗可自選6款海鮮😍扇貝 大花甲 廣島蠔 海蝦🦐 鮑魚 鱔片吃完原條福壽魚後放於爐內🔥充分吸收冬蔭湯底精華 酸辣鮮甜 胃口大開🤣🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-25
香港的春天,乍暖還寒,時晴時雨,人體内濕氣特別重,故這段時間,我會較頻密揀食一頓辣,驅濕又刺激一下味蕾。就像今晚揀了鐵魚川式食堂。這裏二人便可有全魚或全鷄煲,四種煮法任揀,辣度分六級,形容詞好頂癮分別是,超流灘、流灘、尷尬、好銀、跳樓咁同跳海咁辣。既然是川式食肆,我就揀了麻辣煮法,不想食太多肉故棄鷄選魚。我耐辣度不是太高,選的是第二級流灘辣,店員說很微的辣。上桌時,須是二人份,全魚的份量也頗大,麻辣味很出窩未加熱至大滾,香味便陣陣傳來。 我選了條江團魚,因肉質滑,煮久也不乾嚡,啱我地慢慢邊傾邊拾下拾下。魚肉真的鮮甜稔滑,剛開始時麻辣很滋味,但並不流灘,食住食住,就辣到我滿頭大汗,幸好店員謂可加湯底減淡辣味,但若 嫌不夠辣要加辣就要另外收費。辣味是減了,滋味卻不改。我點的是銅魚餐90 分鐘用膳時間,除咗一個全魚鍋之外,仲包兩個前菜, 一碟牛肩脊,一碟四款肉拼盤,同埋一個菜籃,每人$198加一,好抵食。碟牛肉鮮嫩,四款肉拼盤最欣賞個芝士雙響,入面係流心芝士好有特色味道唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-20
主要分3個餐:銅魚,銀魚,金魚,分別在時限同食物款式既配搭有所不同。 這次選了銅魚 $198限時90分鐘。鐵魚麻辣烤魚江團魚比較少骨,無魚鱗,魚挺肥美,無腥味。魚預先煎過,魚皮帶少少脆。辣度同麻求都可以自己揀,我地的選擇係小辣,小麻。好喜歡這香辣味帶少少麻辣,好惹味。牛腰脊牛幾正,肉味濃入口嫰滑,火鍋配料可以自選4款,我選了黑豚腩片, 牛舌, 雲吞和湯丸。牛舌好吃,黑豚肉肉質柔軟,回味!抽風系統也挺強,火鍋後身上沒有濃濃的麻辣味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)