Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
羊腩煲 芝士焗羔蟹 脆皮乳鴿 鮑魚仔 雞煲翅
Review (49)
Level2 2014-04-02
 豬腳仔算做係正常了, 但不見得好味! 福建炒飯真係唔知佢想點, 一般都係炒底, 但係佢炒定都唔緊要, 問題係唔知佢點炒, 個味好怪, 但要係凍既!  但係個汁又熱喎! $68 我最後都要取消佢... 虾腸都係正常的, 但個點心司傅整體來說, 都係唔掂 虾角, 肥豬肉多過虾, 皮又厚, 大家應該都睇到了. 不用我多說 我未食過咁難食既魚翅餃, 裡面完全唔知包咩, 爛晒既肉, 仲要係滑潺潺, 想嘔..取消左個飯就改左呢個麵, 點知一樣差, 鹼水味同味精真係令妳難以想像, 唔得! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-02-06
晚餐叫左幾個小菜,生炒骨上枱顔鮮艷但食一D都無脆口感覺D洋蔥仲係生咯,失敗,上湯蝦伊面上枱,伊面好多蝦只有5只計下$168要30蚊一只蝦,伊面好多但炆過龍好像炆定好耐,無牙阿婆都吃到,標榜有機菜“正”油鹽水菜心,有機你點解又老高纖維小朋友吃吾到,搞到對有機失曬信心,呢餐真係去錯地方。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-12-17
在大窩口區有不少食肆,但環境、位置、乾淨、食物味道賣相都唔錯嘅酒樓應屬"裕滿人家"喇,不過晚飯時段印象總是冷冷清清,故已很久沒有惠顧!近日有朋友提及該酒樓有個鷄煲好正, 趁與家人慶祝就選擇了;雖然之前印象酒樓冷冷清清,但預約係我習慣,故此電話訂了21:00晚飯。當天按時到達已見入座率已有90%,還間隔了多個廳房設有酒席 ,很有氣氛;我們7位點了幾道菜,味道、賣相也可以,朋友介紹嘅鷄煲就麻麻,侍應招呼OK,頗滿意的一餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-02-11
蛋散-->it's very large in size and cripsy! however syrup is not enough so not sweet enough, there;s some seasame on the top of that too~ not oily as a whole~very worth to try紅棗go-->it's a hot dish, is made up of very concentrated juice of 紅棗, very chewy in texture and not sweet at all, healthy dessert!cha siu bao-->very soft and freshly steamed~ there;'s not much fatty pork inside and the cha siu paste is quite sweety~ colour of the cha siu is very "orange" and artificial =.=boiled vegetable-->very fresh and greeny, but they add quite a lot of oil to boil so quite fat....sweet soya sause is good when i eat with it~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-08-16
今日, 七夕, 又係丫媽生日,决定請佢去飲茶`豪D, 去裕満`去到,都幾快上菜既不過D服務質素真係差到痹咯`個丫姐, 大大力放低D茶壺, D水寫晒另外一個,上菜時, 我老豆就講左句, 甘多野,冇地方擺佢既講` 我唔負責收野噶`服務質素大家有眼睇而且D食物都唔係特別好食,冇咩特別`小籠包竟然冇湯汁`勁屈`如果,唔想受氣既朋友, 儘量都唔冇來啦` continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)