Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 10:30
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
干鍋田雞 老壇子蟹 怪味酥腰果 乾燒大明蝦 蜀府掛爐烤鴨
Review (30)
Level4 2016-06-14
我對辣野無興趣,全餐淨覺得呢個蔥油餅好好味,佢本身個樣好似donut, 剪開左幾舊甘。d酥好鬆化,輕輕一咬就鬆開,入面既蔥粒亦多,好有蔥香味,個涵滿晒~整體味道唔濃亦唔油膩,唔會覺得食完會好溜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-21
We were here on Chinese New Year's Eve. A visiting friend really wanted hotpot and we had on good authority that He Jiang did hotpot. Warning: either they don't ever, or they don't sometimes, but don't count on the hotpot. We settled on some Sichuan classics instead.The cold cucumbers to start (this is two orders in the picture) were insanely garlicky and consequently bitter. If you don't like that sort of thing, I'd advise to skip, but I thought it was pretty good. BMa Po tofu always disappoints in my opinion. This wasn't really spicy. There was certainly nothing wrong with it, but nothing to recommend it either. CI thought the dumplings were especially disappointing. The wrapper was too firm, the filling was flavorless, the sauce wasn't spicy, and in the end these dumplings could not justify their existence. Poor, D. There was nothing wrong with the fried chicken and bone shards. The disappointing aspect of the dish was just how tiny it was. Normally one gets a giant pile of chicken and chilis, but here there were only a handful of pieces of meat-- and I've certainly had better, at many places in HK. OK, C+The mandarin fish in fiery broth was different from other iterations, but not necessarily in a bad way. In particular, there was a lot less sauce, and the sauce was a lot thicker. The fish was in large chunks and was nicely cooked and plump. There were some large noodles in the dish that were very difficult to chew (as in: difficult to bite through). I could've used a higher level of spice. Good, BI unfortunately did not get to try the eggplant. No rating.I've complained a few times about restaurants making this dish too salty, but perhaps I'm in the wrong, and it's supposed to be very salty. Be that as it may, this wasn't spicy at all, and had very little else besides green beans, so I'd describe it as "very salty beans" and say that it's OK, C-I was slowing down by the time the duck came, so I only had a little. The little I had was good, however. It was a little cold, and of course there were bone shards, but I had some meaty pieces, well-seasoned and cooked firm but not over-firm. The dish is what it's advertised to be and you won't be disappointed. (Note: we got the whole duck, you have the option for a half) B+Last came the filler: noodles. Someone described it as (American-style) lo mein. It was mostly just noodles and cabbage. Some at the table were disappointed; I, on the other hand, believe that good noodles are rare in HK, and I relish any competently done noodles, which I take these to be. Not perfection, but good enough. BLet's look at the range of scores I gave the dishes: (D, C-, C, C+, B, B, B, B+). Giving that the eye test, I'd say the restaurant is a solid B-. It's decent, but not worth coming back to. I recently reviewed 渝川菜館 and I think that's a much better bet for quality Sichuan food. I also want to note that the bill here was $420/ person, and a quick look at the menu suggests that only about half of that price tag was for food. I'm guessing that they were charging steep prices for the beer (which we consumed in not small quantities), so just keep that in mind. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-07
因為公司經常會在《麗都酒店》開會,所以每一次會後,若有幸被高層邀請午餐,食飯的地點通常都是以最近,最方便的方向去找餐廳。而最近《麗都酒店》的,就當然是酒店內的中菜館《合江小鎮》。《合江小鎮》的《合江》是地方名,是長江同赤水匯合離開四川之處,水道巧妙地把四川成都同江南的揚州貫通起來,令川的物資美食同江南一帶的物資美食得以互通,所以,這餐廳以《合江》來命名,就是取川、准的的精髓,做出四川同准揚的風味菜。因為老闆是這兒的貴客,所以我每一次來,都是坐在包箱房內,而包房有大有細,多人的一次,有人房有街景。少人圍內食飯的一次,就安排我們在細房,輕輕鬆鬆地聊天談事情,private 感是十足的。我們是日的菜式,的確是有川味道同准揚的味道。而首先做好上菜的,是宮保雞丁,甜、酸、鮮味在一身的菜式,辣度不伯太高,而且入口夠香,這一種甜酸 Spicy 的美味道,又加有嫩滑的雞肉,腰果香脆,醬味濃濃,十分之惹味。口水雞,毫無疑問是一道川菜。雞香有香味而肉質嫩,雞皮爽爽而輕輕地夾帶著雞脂肪,帶是這嫩雞已經可以令此菜勝出,辣辣的汁,味道濃郁,沾在雞肉上面令香口的味道倍增,而且辣度沒有過量,絕對是香嫩可口,用香辣可口來形容也通。濃味了兩道菜式,我們有一個清淡消爽兼有養生功效的涼拌野生木耳。近年來,中國人非常著重養生,著重了健康飲食,這一個清淡而爽口有味的木耳,多吃一點也不怕。老醋海蜇頭,海蜇頭十分之爽口不在話下。醋味香,令海蜇頭帶點咸咸酸酸的味道感覺,很惹味開胃。而且,食海蜇不會飽,再加上醋香,感覺特別的醒胃。江南一點,就是《合江小鎮》的准揚小籠包。同一般的小籠包有少少分別,這兒的小籠包比較傳統,屬厚皮的一類,感覺會是比較飽滿的,而內裡的肉餡,就香口多汁,不需要多點醋,就這樣整隻放入口,肉汁同飽皮的香味混合在一起,是味覺上的滿足。另一個是鹹蛋黃蝦仁豆腐,把鹹蛋黃打散來伴豆腐,就是為了令這豆腐增添味道,蝦肉同樣地爽甜。此菜式,淡淡地有咸香,感覺不錯。雲吞雞,以金華火腿同雞其同淆製的湯,味道份外的香甜。菜肉雲吞配上這一個湯,也特別的可口。香菇伴時蔬,濃味的冬菇連香菇醬汁,把本身很單調的白灼菜增味,感覺簡單精美。是日沒有飯,反而每人來了一個担担麵。麵條煙韌彈牙,肉醬帶點微微的辛辣,香口而味道濃郁,幾飽都要吃上一大碗。蒜香麻辣燒骨,是把原排排骨烤好再以炒香的蒜同辣料返炒。肉是濃濃香香,但面層的第一口卻是蒜辣麻,如一口肉,一口蔥蒜料地一齊食,會是更加之惹味香口,我們伴以紅酒,感覺不錯,但最好的,當然是配上中國烈酒,一口骨,一口上等高梁,這樣才會吃得爽。水準不錯的一宴,地方舒適,服務又十分之好。招待客人,公司飲宴《合江小鎮》絕對是一個好地方。而且精彩的川味菜,精彩的准揚味,更是拍案一讚的好味道。而且菜式的北方風味十足,也是《合江小鎮》的其中一個過人之處。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-04-29
公司同事講過話呢度既水煮魚非常出色, 拖左好耐, 今日終於一試水煮魚桂花魚在我地落單時, 店員已叮囑我地個水煮魚好辣, 但當試第一口, 不辣, 沒有香味, 太多油, 湯好杰, 杰到好似無湯咁, 魚外面既粉太厚, 魚肉亦唔夠滑, 極之失望樟茶鴨好清淡既五香味, 皮有少少脆, 都ok 魚羹太清淡, 魚肉無味酸辣粉夠酸, 夠辣, 但沒有層次小龍包 + 抄手小龍包皮好薄, 好好味, 炒手都ok原本係想食佢地既香辣蟹鍋, 但原來係要預訂, 即係無得試, 勁失望 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-11-22
合江小鎮一直都在我的to-eat-list, 因為我愛吃麻辣, 而這裡的麻辣聽說做得很好謝謝食友的邀請, 讓我不用特地去約朋友就能吃到這家餐廳. 最近他們推出了香辣蟹鍋, 試過很好吃呢那邊還有VIP房, 不設最低消費, 如果想坐房間就一定要先訂座了來這邊吃火鍋, 四人同行送青島兩枝, 很划算. 眾多啤酒還是喜歡喝青島的先來這個怪味腰果, 在座真的沒有一個不喜歡吃! 好好吃喔!腰果味道其實一點都不怪, 是蘸了麻辣的調味, 再加上糖, 好吃到要再叫一碟來吃也有一瓶的可以買走喔, 份量蠻多的, 我跟我媽都吃了一整個星期才吃完花雕酒醉雞 ($78)吃火鍋之前先吃點小菜吧. 雞肉非常的嫩滑, 我本身就很喜歡吃醉雞的了花雕酒味突出, 味道做得好, 但如果雞肉能再入味一點就會更加好蒜泥白肉 ($68)蠻喜歡吃這道菜的. 蒜泥在這道菜很重要, 但同時也不能太嗆, 會太濃味, 蒜也會苦有反效果但這裡的做得非常不錯了, 蒜泥的味道香而不嗆, 豬肉一點都不會韌醬汁帶甜, 很入味. 加上白肉是一卷卷的, 吃起來就更方便了樟茶乳鴿我本身不太愛吃乳鴿, 但仍試了一件. 肉質嫩滑, 看起來很乾但吃起來卻不會最起碼我不討厭吃這個, 已經代表這乳鴿是不錯吃的了香辣蟹鍋 ($388)當晚其中的一個主角, 點這個鍋還其中加送十兩基圍蝦, 材料非常豐富裡面的蟹是大閘蟹! 蟹身不是說很大隻, 但仍然有很多的蟹膏呢而且吸了混了我喜歡的麻辣調味, 十分惹味好吃基圍蝦也事先有泡過油才放入鍋中, 亦是非常香口. 鍋中還有甜薯片跟蓮藕也是很好吃吃完還可以加魚湯做火鍋, 一鍋兩吃, 很划算成都鴛鴦火鍋 ($118)如果想直接吃火鍋的也是可以, 可點這個鴛鴦火鍋, 吃辣跟不吃辣的朋友都能照顧到麻辣火鍋這邊我覺得蠻夠辣的, 但其辣度是不太能吃辣的人都能接受到他是有麻香, 辣度則剛剛好, 我能吃辣的所以多辣對我來說都可以, 最重要是大家都可以吃喔紅棗杞子鮮果鯽魚湯鍋這白湯頭很有驚喜! 一喝湯頭魚鮮十足, 加上鮮果紅棗一起煮的湯, 溫而不燥熱很適合吃火鍋用. 旁邊有蘸料給我們加, 但我就覺得這兩款湯頭本身已經很夠味的了一邊吃火鍋我還間中盛點湯來喝, 很美味特選牛頸脊, 牛利托, 本地牛肉 (各$128)吃火鍋不少得牛肉, 三款肉味都蠻濃的, 做火鍋很讚我愛吃牛頸炙, 比較嫩, 其餘的兩款也好吃豬爽喉 ($48), 進口午餐肉 ($48), 魚翅唇 ($88)這三款都是我喜歡的火鍋配料. 豬爽喉爽脆吸味, 跟麻辣那邊很好吃午餐肉一直都跟麻辣那邊很搭, 我喜歡這裡的午餐肉夠軟身魚翅唇煮久之後的軟綿質感搭魚湯就最對味了, 我吃了很多呢青筍條 ($28), 四川粉條 ($28)吃麻辣鍋不能少的青筍條跟四川粉條, 其實已經飽了, 但還是要再吃這兩款兩款配料跟麻辣也是很對味的, 四川粉條較粗身, 煙韌的質感吸滿湯汁, 好好吃很滿意這一次的麻辣聚, 相對早幾天都吃過不怎麼樣的麻辣鍋, 這晚就完全滿足了若想找一個舒服的地方吃吃麻辣美食, 這邊絕對是個不錯的選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)