Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (339)
️我最近造訪了一家來自日本的餐廳,名為「グリル滿天星」,餐廳除了提供和洋風料理,食物質素高,物超所值。餐廳近日更推出極辛挑戰,總成績最快者更可獲得雙人來回東京機票及滿天星麻布十番本店晚餐免費招待。我們一行二人惠顧了以下菜式:1️⃣白之戀人蛋包飯配地獄辣汁(咖喱飯)$238蛋包飯的蛋皮為蛋黃也呈白色的日本雞蛋,內部包裹著豐富的日本咖喱飯,口感豐富。咖喱的味道濃郁而香辣,正好配合著地獄辣汁的辣椒風味。2️⃣咖喱嚴選日本雞扒飯 $188咖喱的風味濃郁而香氣四溢,搭配著嚴選的日本雞扒,口感鮮嫩多汁。咖喱的辣度適中,不會過於辛辣,使得整道菜式更加平衡。3️⃣雙重抹茶梳乎厘班㦸 $138抹茶的香氣彌漫在整個班㦸上,每一口都能感受到濃郁的抹茶風味。梳乎厘班㦸的口感綿密細膩,入口即化,給人一種舌尖上的享受。4️⃣蟹肉薯仔沙律 $108蟹肉的鮮甜與薯仔的軟綿相互融合,搭配著清爽的沙律醬,形成了一道清新美味的沙律。5️⃣日本蘋果汁 $48這杯日本蘋果汁帶來了一種清新的口感。蘋果的酸甜與果汁的濃郁完美結合,每一口都能感受到新鮮水果的味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This afternoon, my friend and I visited Grill Manten-boshi in Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui. We ordered the Deep Fried Hiroshima Oyster Curry Omelette Rice and the Deep Fried Prawns Curry Rice.First and foremost, the restaurant had a serene ambiance, making it a perfect place for intimate conversations. The staff members were polite and attentive, adding to the overall dining experience.Now, let's talk about the highlight of our meal - the dishes. The Deep Fried Hiroshima Oyster Curry Omelette Rice was a unique and delightful combination. The lightly fried Hiroshima oysters were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, perfectly complementing the Japanese curry-infused omelette rice. The curry had a rich and aromatic flavor that beautifully blended with the oyster and rice.As for the Deep Fried Prawns Curry Rice, it was equally mouthwatering. The prawns were plump and juicy, coated in a crispy batter. Served with curry rice, the combination was a true delight. The curry had a perfect balance of flavors that harmonized with the prawns and rice, leaving a lasting impression.Considering the bustling location of Tsim Sha Tsui, the prices at Grill Manten-boshi were surprisingly reasonable. We felt that the quality of the food justified the cost, making it a worthwhile dining experience 😄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
滿天星cp值係唔高架但我無論咸甜點都覺得非常不錯,而且成個用餐環境好靚好日系,用餐體驗令人舒服,服務中規中距依家已經好少要排長龍,要坐卡位好容易,實在太好,但與此同時我都希望佢唔好執…佢既蟹餅係真材實料超多蟹肉,相反你鐘意食忌廉既話就可惜了,佢唔算creamy蟹餅有小食(兩件+薯蓉),後來加入左蛋包飯行列漢堡扒有兩大件,好厚,外層煎脆,肉味香濃蛋包飯蛋香嫩滑,唔算好半熟。飯係有海鮮配料既炒飯,炒得都好好食,粒粒分明,有調味得黎唔會太濃個醬汁係咸左少少,可以叫佢另上,自己調節份量 滿天星甜品都好出色,梳乎里好軟綿有空氣感有彈性又富蛋香,缺點係好細件呀,依家又好似再細件左佢其他奶昔、芭菲都係igable之餘又幾好食雖然佢cp唔高但開左幾年都冇咩加價,水準都keep到stable! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-29
行街經過見到滿天星,好似唔錯,咪入去試試。滿天星最出名就係蛋包飯,我想差極都唔會太差,所以決定入去試試。當然第一次食,就叫佢全部打卡菜試吓漢堡扒係生嘅,仲要有骨,差啲比佢整親,而且有怪味。吉烈黑豚豬扒,唔係黑豚肉,貨不對版日式咖哩係酸嘅最勁個蛋包飯,個蛋包唔蛋包,無蛋味,好似蛋粉打出嚟咁,呢個真心係世一,無可能叫自己做蛋包飯。因為唔想浪費食物,也堅持食完佢,希望有點安慰。劣食最強,值得一試。食完仲要唔舒服,差啲要去急症室。咁樣上報紙真係大件事。果然係倒數世一蛋包飯專門店,好嘢👏,真心佩服咁強大,可以做到咁難食嘅食物比客人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-26
꧁ グリル滿天星 ꧂ 📍 Hong Kong | Tsim Sha Tsui地址:尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海港城海運大廈3樓OT301-301A號舖好味指數:🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆呢間係東京老字號人氣既蛋包飯店,之前成日都見店外大排長龍,小編星期日晚黎食竟然冇人排隊!似乎已經過左氣?!💰滿天星肉汁漢堡扒蛋包飯 $238 - (3.5/5)個蛋整得超靚🥹食落去都幾滑,配埋蕃茄炒飯,酸酸地都幾開胃!漢堡扒有牛味,不過小編認為比較乾,口感比較厚實。💰日式咖喱吉列豬扒蛋包飯 $228 - (3.5/5)呢個飯底係配咖喱炒飯,不過食落就冇乜咖喱味。咖喱汁亦都唔辣,整體味道偏淡。炸豬扒肉質比較淋,而且唔柴,係一件正常既炸豬扒😂💰赤白士多啤梨疏乎厘pancake $158 - (4/5)呢個係期間限定既甜品!所以就決定食佢!店員話呢個係用左韓國士多啤梨整既,不過食落去d士多啤梨係帶微酸。pancake上面有d士多啤梨蓉?!(唔肯定,只食得出甜味)下面有層cream,cream都幾滑身。pancake帶有微微既蛋味,而且都幾綿密🥰不過一上碟就有d嚇親,因為個份量實在太細了,CP值不高 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)