Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
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Opening Hours
09:30 - 18:30
Mon - Sun
09:30 - 18:30
*last order:18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay WeChat Pay
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (126)
早前,幫老闆走到灣仔合和中心17樓交文件,經過見到一間既是花店又是 Cafe 的 <Gary Kwok Flowers & Café>! 讓我無意中遇到妳!合和中心更是 1980~1990 年最高建築物的舊地標!那麼,我生日 Staycation 正是住在合和中心附近的港島英迪格酒店 Indigo Hotel! Check in 後,我便走到這裡食下午茶嘞!恰巧!當時無食客!這裡絕對是打卡的好地方! 天花 板掛上垂下的乾花,桌上放上真花擺設,充滿生氣及花香! 當中,最令我印象深刻的是花影藝裳裝飾!店外是 Lift 口,絕對是無景可言!跟店內形成強烈對比!Menu供應輕食為主,店方自家烘焙咖啡豆,即是炒豆,咖啡師提供專業意見!如果齋啡會嚐出果酸帶甜,加入牛奶,就會嚐到另一風味的甘味!以全自助形式,食客落單付款,稍後,店員會叫出食物及飲品名稱,讓食客自行拿取!Hot Earl Grey Rose Caramel Milk Tea $52比預期大杯, 驟眼看還以為是奶白色的熱鮮奶,牛奶味濃厚!顯得伯爵茶好淡薄,玫瑰糖漿只帶出輕微甜度!牛油果芝士雜菌 Toast $48選用酸種麵包,包邊香脆,包身濕潤,餡料滿載!芝士提升牛油果芝及雜菌味道,口味清怡;Open toast 比三文治容易進食及賣相更好!玫瑰紅桑子甜品 $52白色慕絲軟滑濕潤清甜,滲出玫瑰清香,紅桑子果酸突出,整體口味清新,清甜不膩!最近,第二次幫襯!Crab Meat & Avocado Bagel $88加上有如波濤般洶湧的火箭菜,淋上黑醋,有效減低火箭菜的苦味!包身密度好高,表面鋪滿芝麻,烘熱後,香脆度滿分!牛油果成熟軟腍,蟹肉份量也不少!加上忌廉芝士,濕潤口感!Basque Cheesecake $52簡單加上一粒棉花糖,賣相不算突出,烘熱後,令人有意想不到的驚喜!如果試過 BBQ 燒棉花糖的話,就知道答案嘞!經烘熱後表面呈金黃色的棉花糖,變得柔軟及拉絲效果!芝士蛋糕表面焦香誘人,質感挺身,甜度剛好!Hot Cortado $46落單前問男店員,什麼是 Cortado?他答我,這是少奶的咖啡!我亦問他,口味是果酸還是甘?他答後者!比例上,雖然牛奶減少了,卻不失香滑度,甘香醇厚!好醒神! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-08
合和中心入面有好多臥虎藏龍嘅餐廳,呢間Gary Kwok Café除咗係間好出名嘅花店,原來咖啡食物都一樣掂。今日嚟食早午餐,就叫咗一客「什菌牛油果多士」($52),牛油果份量好多,入口即溶,好有飽肚感,而什菌加埋濃厚嘅芝士,真係好香!多士烤得香脆,切開都有好多啖另一款叫咗「北海道煙肉車厘茄配忌廉芝士多士」($58),呢款會惹味啲,煙肉有一定厚度,煎得好香,車厘茄就十分Juicy,酸度適中,撈埋多士嚟食超正,加埋忌廉芝士嘅鹹香、軟滑,令人食唔停口之後就飲咖啡喇!先叫咗一杯「Latte」($46),餐廳用嘅係荷蘭花花杯碟,全部都係喺外國訂返嚟,靚到爆炸,House Blend嘅咖啡豆,果香感較重,用明治鮮奶嚟沖,加埋高技術嘅拉花(今日係招牌嘅玫瑰花組合圖),真係一大享受餐廳有自家Roastery,有熟悉嘅莊園入豆,咖啡豆質素好有保證,我哋就叫咗兩杯手沖(一杯$78),都係Roaster’s Choice,兩杯用嘅都係衣國耶加雪菲豆,但處理方法有啲唔同,咖啡師好詳細、專業咁同我哋講解,超級細心第一款手沖嘅味道帶有較濃嘅黃色熱帶果實味道,果味香濃入口時覺得似蜜糖,其後會似芒果乾、紅茶(放涼咗更似),最後嘅Finishing會有一陣榴槤、山竹香,整體飲落較舒服,Body質感唔會好重。另一款係厭氧處理過嘅,會有較濃香嘅發酵水果香氣,一入口就係好Sharp嘅草莓乳酪味,其後就緩緩哋有啲蜜糖味道滲出,係較有風格嘅一款,兩款都好特別!最後咖啡師仲比咗兩杯Cold brew我哋試飲,呢款味道較「霸道」,咖啡師結合咗Cold brew同Ice drip手法去沖,風味較濃郁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-22
There are plenty of cafes in Wanchai but most of them are usually very busy.  But hidden in Hopewell Center, there is a cafe that I like to go to because it's often quiet and I can always find a seat. Gary Kwok Flowers & Cafe is located in Hopewell Center and more popular with the office people that work in the building.  It's actually part of a flower shop and that's why the cafe itself is decorated with an assortment of flowers. They offer a cake set in the afternoon. Any drink with the daily cake for $82. Pourovers are extra.They have a decent variety of coffee and noncoffee items. For those not into cake, they offer other basic cafe style food.Boyfriend ordered a Tofu Matcha Latte. A cold drink with bits of soft tofu on the bottom. The matcha was rich and slightly sweet. Combined with thetofu, this was more like a dessert.I just wanted a latte and it was served in a pretty tea cup. Very nice latte art. The coffee was strong with a slight nutty taste.The daily cake was a banana cake. They warmed it up and added fluffy chocolate whipped cream and drizzle of chocolate syrup. The cake was moist and rich with banana taste.As they ran out of the daily cake and we had ordered two sets, they substituted with a tofu cheesecake. This I liked a lot! Most places that have this, you really can't taste any soybean flavour and just taste cream cheese. But this cake, the soybean flavour was intense. The cake itself was creamy and rich. A small drizzle of chocolate syrup was used to decorate it.Always a favorite place of mine with decent coffee and good cake. And best of all? Quiet so you don't have to yell while you talk. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日同朋友去cafe hopping☕上網見到呢間花店 x cafe 環境好似好靚好舒服 於是去一看究竟店鋪位於合和中心17樓 一半鋪位屬花店🌹同精品店一半就係走木系風格、以花藝🌷🪻為主題嘅cafe🫖cafe環境舒適寫意 四周放滿植物🪴 每張枱都擺放了一盆花 有一半嘅天花更以數之不盡嘅乾花🌾填滿 十分震撼😍我哋Tea time時段前來☕ 餐廳提供一杯飲品+一件甜品嘅tea set ($82)70% 比利時🇧🇪黑朱古力牛奶飲品表面灑上朱古力粉 砌成花的形狀與cafe主題相當配合😍本身就好鍾意食黑朱古力 所以飲落味道正好我諗80-85%我都接受到值得一提嘅係 餐廳所使用嘅杯碟器皿非常精美喺另一邊嘅精品店亦有售賣 鍾意嘅朋友可去選購🤣豆腐蛋糕因為本身好鍾意食豆腐 所以嚟之前就一齊好想試🙌🏻蛋糕賣相誘人 表面特意烘烤過味道有少少似芝士蛋糕 但再清新輕盈好多 食落毫無負擔 唯一希望豆腐味道可能再濃一點☺️抹茶🍵Latte 以日本宇治の露抹茶粉沖調而成味道非常之濃郁!係我飲過最濃嘅抹茶Latte😍餘韻悠長 濃抹茶控必試👍🏻好飲之餘 亦可一解甜品之飽膩感70% 比利時🇧🇪黑朱古力Mousse蛋糕🍫既然飲得黑朱古力奶 當然要試埋佢嘅黑朱古力Mousse蛋糕🤪蛋糕有2層 面層係輕盈嘅朱古力泡沫加堅果底層係黑朱古力Mousse 一齊食口感豐富之餘朱古力味亦double up食完之後意猶未盡 於是再喺蛋糕櫃入面揀多件巴斯克芝士蛋糕🍰嘩 呢個蛋糕我哋覺得最好味🤪🤪一入口 焦香同奶香味溢滿口腔食落味道濃郁 加上烤過嘅棉花糖令層次再豐富咗 食完好滿足😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Gary Kwok Flowers & Café @garykwok_cafe 📍:灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心17樓1706-1711號舖🚗:灣仔地鐵A3出口 步行5分鐘📞:+852 8200-9226💲:~HKD100/head for teaFood quality✔️:Dirty, Ginger Lemon Heartwarming👌🏼:70% Belgium Dark Chocolate Mousse, Basque Burnt Cheesecake總結:😋一間花店crossover ☕️ 嘅cafe 幾特別 喺正灣仔寫字樓區嘅其中一層 環境行花草系 又chill又靚 係個幾適合約客嘅地方😋整體就飲品出色過食物 杯dirty由fruity飲到nutty 同埋好順喉 朋友同我都很喜歡💕😋養生人當然叫咗杯Ginger Lemon 有得揀earl grey/honey/soda 今次試咗earl grey 薑味都好出下 下午茶之選🤔食物試咗Chocolate Mousse 朱古力🍫味都好濃 同埋口感好smooth 滿滿嘅朱古力配埋nuts🤔另外試咗巴斯克蛋糕🍰細細件 配埋溶溶哋嘅棉花糖 正常🤔唔收加一嘅自助形式 很好 但員工都幾nice continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)