知己咖啡站是一間用料新鮮的cafe,而且選擇多元化,食物質素很商。它所賣的水果都是非常新鮮,三文治是即製。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
mocha 三文治 白汁雞皇意粉 咖啡 鮮果盒 鮮茄雞肉意粉
Review (9)
Since my last visit, the prices have gone up from $28 to $32 and the staff here were not that friendly.Ordered the chicken curry and paid for it, when she gave me the change she slammed it on the table.I think she got defensive because I was taking photos, hence I did not bother taking good shots of the place or the food.So I will be brief with this review.Anyway this joint is a popular pick but its weird that there are not many reviews on this place.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Cream of spinach soup:The spinach soup tasted really grassy and salty.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chicken curry:The weirdest curry I have had. There was cracked black pepper and green peppers in it.The taste was very peppery with green peppers and the chicken was weirdly soft that it disintegrates.I think they put all these peppery items to cover the frozen chicken taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-01-21
未到公司前, 先行係灣仔頭幫公司買少少野. 恰好又是找新地方買早餐既時候了. 附近開得早的, 不計酒樓老麥, 就是一家茶餐廳同熙信大廈兩間cafe仔.一早係屋企食埋個包仔, 茶餐廳熱食粉麵腸粉也許太飽. 另一間一入去, 竟然是人海世界. 再行入D, 呢間小小coffee shop, 冇乜人, 來得清靜, 不過時間比較緊迫. 沒時間慢慢堂食, 只好包走, 拿回公司, 依舊邊做事, 邊食Breakfast.碎蛋火腿三文治, 比較西式的凍治. 雖是用保鮮紙Pre-pack好, 但回到公司打開來食, 是新鮮的. 因為新鮮食品, 尤其是麵包, 是很容易食得出的, 因為雪得耐, 擺得耐, 麵包包邊是會硬化的, 而且碎蛋的沙律汁, 亦會稍為變色.三文治味道新鮮, 但跟餐既咖啡稍為遜色, 淡淡的Coffee, 水味重過咖啡味. 可能自己飲慣了濃茶濃啡, 一淡口少少, 已經唔係幾接受. 中午偶爾經過時, 是人多的. 看了搵食朋友的食評, 水準該是有返咁上下既. 不過, 未必能吸引我回頭. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-06-12
數月前,經過喜萬年酒樓時發現此店,意粉午餐價錢頗吸引,意粉 + 飲品 / 湯都只係 $28 (雖說是意粉午餐,但也可選擇白飯),於灣仔區來說可以接受,店舖細細但窄身長檯提供足夠位置滿足午市辛苦搵食的單身人士這店的服務相當親切,意粉是即點即製,絕對新鮮。今午點了白汁雞皇意粉跟雜菌忌廉湯,忌廉湯材料足夠,但味道較啖;意粉賣相不錯,白汁雞皇永遠是我的首選組合,再加上大量芝士粉,相當惹味,又一個豐富的午餐 由於店舖較細,完成了午餐我便立即離開了,不要阻著其他等著用膳的人嘛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2007-10-23
早上時間路過,見幾多人幫襯,所以都試試看~要了茄旦治和普通熱啡,茄旦治都幾鬆軟,熱啡ok,可以加錢轉特式咖啡的,有空再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
趕工的日子,公司贊助我們叫外賣午餐,祕書小姐選了這兒。午餐主食配飲品,一律$26,有白汁雞皇飯/意粉、肉醬意粉、照燒雞翼菜飯、珍寶熱狗、港式三文治配鮮果盒。我等男兒當然點選「白汁雞皇意粉」,飲品選熱檸檬茶。別小那一小盒意粉,原來有一個細牛丼份量,食晒都夠飽。白汁雞皇係稀釋版本,但味道足,雞肉量算少,但洋蔥bell pepper 量多,叫做少肉多蔬!?意粉略嫌過軟,但港式作法,都無佢符。同事的雞翼飯和肉醬意粉賣相都OK,唔太好但又唔太差的程度。間唔中食一餐都還可以,當飯堂day day 食就會發瘋的程度。題外話:農曆年前,我條team 每天都在趕出tender,忙到儍!就連來港作交流的國內「高層」同事,都被迫加入幫手趕工的行列,飲食玩樂一律欠奉。(非法勞工!?)兄弟們,辛苦埋呢兩日就到CNY,到時就會出晒D tender~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)