Causeway Bay MTR Station (Exit A) continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 21:30
Sat - Sun
08:30 - 20:30
Public Holiday
08:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay EPS
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level1 2021-08-29
Coffee and food are overpriced. Self service , the cashier told me that I must return the table within 60 mins because I only ordered two coffee and one cake . It was 4 pm on Friday . The cafe was not full. Don’t understand why there is 60 mins rule I paid at 4:30pm , waited for 15 mins for the coffee. At 5:30pm cashier came to remind us to leave 😡No one waiting for the table and the coffee arrived at 4:45 pm . I won’t go to this cafe anymore . The staff is very impolite continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-08-03
Recently joined membership here only for the sacred arts , yoga etc. but surprisingly there is also food here ! had a chance to try - It is pretty good ! Recommend! It is very chill and quiet and the place is clean. Food produce is good as well. Portion is decent. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-05-05
妹妹想試這店,所以今天就和她去這家會員制的瑜伽中心吃午飯。這家是素菜餐廳,我們本來都以為會不夠飽,怎料結果是盡力了都吃不完!餐廳有預選set lunch, 有頭盤、主菜、小食和飲品,盛惠$228另外有自選set, 可以選兩道菜或三道菜式的。三道菜也是$228但就不包括飲品了。不過在餐廳/休息區也有自助水樽供免費飲用。我們最後選了自選三道菜。前菜:bread mushrooms 和 signature pancake 兩道菜也好吃pancake 造型非常可愛但mushroom bread 實在太太太好吃了!麵包糠應該有加丁調味,而且炸(還是焗?)得恰到好處,然後蘑菇入口爽脆,非常有口感,是我整餐最喜歡的一道菜!主菜:curry laksa 和 risotto Laksa 的確有點辣,但好吃,粉是米粉,有點新奇,然後菜非常多👍Risotto 是南瓜🎃source, 但在糙米下有鮮蕃茄醬,表面還有瓜籽弄成的小脆塊,增加口感甜品:3色platter 和自家制湯圓Platter 有不甜的carrot cake 我妹非常喜歡,還有一個應該是焙茶(扮)燉蛋,不甜,很軟但也不知道能否稱得上好吃😂 最後一款是炸椰絲椰蓉球,都不是我們的菜🤣自家制湯圓皮比較厚,有點減分,但餡料是芝麻花生就在我心目中大大加分!這家店因為不算便宜,也是會員制健身室的用餐區,所以座位非常舒適 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-12-12
-🦄FIVELEMENTS HABITAT @fivelementshabitats-FARMER MARKET Hkd228Rating🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑-FIVELEMENTS本身係提供瑜珈課程嘅地方🧘🏻‍♀️但係同時都有提供素食料理🌱環境裝修優美💞身心得以平衡🥱大家係呢度用膳相信會好放鬆😴-我自己本身就無參加佢哋嘅瑜珈課程🙈純粹比大家嘅介紹燒著咗想上去食餐飯🤣今次叫咗一個FARMER MARKET午市套餐🥰由頭盤嘅沙律🥗到最後甜品飲品🍹都好豐富👍🏻呢一餐係一餐好好食又好滿足嘅素食料理🌱佢哋本身係來自巴厘島屢獲殊榮嘅餐廳🍴選用有機食材👍🏻同埋都係支持返當地農產業🌾以及係支持可持續農業同環保嘅產品同食材😳所以感覺都真係十分唔錯🤤可以好放心咁食🥰-♦️FARMER MARKET LUNCH SET🍱🔹DAILY FARMER MARKET SALAD🥗沙律菜好新鮮好爽脆🙈同時蔬菜都好鮮甜🥰食到啲蔬菜🥬本身係保留咗好多水份💦配埋佢個沙律醬汁食 酸酸甜甜咁超級開胃😆好鍾意佢放咗幾粒椰子🥥椰子好甜好嫩另外蓮藕都好爽脆😳唔係硬骨骨好難咬嘅蓮藕👍🏻呢個沙律前菜配搭簡單又好食😋果然用料新鮮嘅話已經贏咗一大半😌-🔹CANNELINI BEANS STEW🥘本身我對呢個主菜都好有興趣🤤好好彩LUNCH SET包埋可以食到😋好開心🥳右邊黃色嘅其實係意式粟米粥POLENTA🌽可以話係用粟米整成嘅糊仔🤤雖無無咩味但好好食可能只要係澱粉我都會好鍾意😆❤️旁邊就配咗烤番茄🍅番茄醬同燉扁豆面頭就有幾片金桔🍊再加FENNEL茴香🌱OVERALL成個配搭好新奇😳平時好少食到個人覺得好啱我口味👍🏻番茄醬酸酸甜甜好開胃🤪加咗茴香同金桔🍊令到層次豐富咗😏味道上又唔會過於單一🤔有時好怕食有醬嘅嘢因為食得多有醬嘅食物就容易飽飽滯滯😣但呢個燉扁豆就完全無呢個問題🤭仲好快清晒😂-🔹TARTELETTE🥧甜品係一個小果撻 面頭有時令水果🍊應該都係類此柑橘類嘅水果🤭超甜超好食😋黃色嘅CREAM就好似吉士醬咁😌但唔會膩👍🏻呢個甜品又唔會太甜🥳同時唔會話好邪惡🤤罪惡感唔會好大😆食到最後都覺得好舒服😈-🔹VERBENA MINT SPARKLING ICE TEA🍹最後仲會有一杯有氣嘅冰茶🙈本身唔想飲凍嘢😫不過餐廳員工話套餐SET好咗唔可以更改🥺所以佢哋最多只可以幫我走冰🙈所以就無咁凍👍🏻冰茶一啲都唔似飲緊茶🤣當汽水咁飲就可以了仲係加咗少少柑橘味嘅汽水😆👍🏻好正🥰可惜我自己唔太鍾意飲有氣嘅飲品😫👋🏻佢味道上唔錯👍🏻但如果係無氣嘅咁就更好🤔-♦️整體而言 我對呢個套餐好滿意❤️本身當日用餐AREA無咩人 我仲簡咗個無人嘅區域可以慢慢食慢慢嘆🥳超級寧靜都唔會有人騷擾食物味道同質素都係水平之上😋員工服務態度又好所以整體感覺我係覺得唔錯😳會再去食過🤩見到呢間餐廳好多人推介🤭我仲有好多嘢想試架🤤- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-10-27
Randomly picked this place to have vegetarian meal as late lunch on a weekday. It was surprisingly good. We chose a set lunch of 3 courses. The portion was unexpectedly huge that I barely could finish all. Probably I might go for a la carte next time. In sum, if you look for a vegetarian meal, this is a “must go” option. I will definitely come back again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)