2-min walk from Exit N3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 02:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (25)
放工同朋友同事飲返幾杯比我地搵到間尖沙咀好抵嘅happy hr!4-5pm - $185-6pm - $286-7pm - $38▫️Prosecco 意大利汽泡酒 少少偏酸▫️Gin tonic唔錯 好飲!抵!▪️Chicken burger炸雞好脆熱辣辣啖啖肉好好食!重配左d薯條 冇記錯只係$45好抵~真心正呀!
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自從轉咗返office hour之後,一至五返工真係好大壓力,每逢到星期五都要好好享受一下happy friday!同同事去唔同地方happy hour,食下花生飲下啤酒,講下每個禮拜發生嘅趣事。今次同事帶咗我去赫德道2號嘅花生吧happy hour,估唔到自己對食花生咁大興趣,可能鋪頭係用萬里望花生,好新鮮好脆,入面有唔同種類嘅紅酒~白酒~啤酒~cocktail。happy hour價錢都合理,around係50蚊,我哋仲叫咗炸洋蔥圈同埋芝士炸薯條,薯條黎度見到面頭厚厚嘅芝士,簡直喜出望外,覺得好邪惡!味道極好,價錢又唔貴;洋蔥圈都可以,正正常常,係好味嘅。我哋最後食咗三兜花生,極之滿足,下次可以再試!
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Been here a few times and the ambiance is brilliant for just chilling out in the midst of the madness of TST. Very friendly staff ensures a warm welcome, the free peanuts are offset a little by the 10% service charge but the range of otherwise very hard to find beers (in Hong Kong) makes it worthwhile.Very busy on weekends and evenings.
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只可以講呢度係一間好relax好chill既bar呢度有任食花生食完花生啲殻可以即刻揼落地,望住成地花生真係覺得好有feel呢度嘅嘢飲價錢幾抵我就習慣嗌杯honey dew,然後同frd share幾個食物。對上一次我哋就叫咗薯條,carbonara 同埋一個泰式嘅Pizza。薯條即叫即炸,好脆口唔油膩。Carbonara d汁好濃郁好入味,個pizza用咗泰式嘅辣醬好開胃,而且好薄身好方便食!辛苦左一個禮拜黎依度輕鬆下真係一流
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