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Review (16)
奶油包真係一個好鍾意食野既人基本上中菜以外又唔辣既野都會放入口試食今次就同追星好親故 - 1號床文貓 試試呢間EstudioEstudio 係 1號床文貓 既師姐推介既點解?因為抵食囉!╮(╯▽╰)╭Estudio 其實都幾易搵一入到去supermarket就見到餐廳整個Design都好OK磚牆好引人注目好有異國風情但講真個句...坐就真係唔好坐好高既台面同好高既座椅對於我地呢D亞洲小矮人嚟講真係好高囉...講返正題先一坐低 1號床文貓 就以西班牙文點菜(唔好問我點解佢識西班牙文)點左Patata Bravas,Jamon,Pan de Tomate,Paella,Pulpo同Sangria2個女仔食呢D野都唔係好多啫 (我深信)Patata Bravas 真係好好食本身薯仔應該係冇咩味但呢味菜真係好好食佢D醬汁加埋薯仔....冇辦法形容有幾好食(我認我係薯仔控)Jamon 味道好好咸香既味道係口入面留住真係好正呢個簡直想Encore多幾碟Pan de Tomate 就係叫Jamon 送既我覺得都好好食...Paella 就好一般既西班牙海鮮飯味但材料都好足Pulpo 呢個又係好值得推介上面係八爪魚下面係薯仔食完好想再食下次再去一定要Encore呢個講左咁多食物而家講下飲品Sangria 係西班牙傳統飲品佢係用紅酒、水果切片、糖漿、烈酒同梳打水調製既酒而香港真係好少有調得咁好飲既Sangria1號床文貓 話佢覺得呢個好正宗值得推介一下總括而言呢餐好抵食同平均各樣食物都好好食奶油包俾Estudio 有80分如果佢再好坐D會值得俾多D分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-07-26
朋友曾在西班牙住上幾年,因此對el bistro特別有感情,每次相約,Ir de tapas都是其中一個選擇.位於Pacific Place的Estudio是他的最愛,地點方便價錢實惠,但不太好坐;如果時間不多,工餘來杯酒吃小口tapas,還不錯,但约會傾心事就預了與人分享,尤其大嘴巴男女生除非想刻意放料.那𥚃幾位南亞服務生不是很殷勤,但夠nice,是中區小有的綠洲.很多人會點的Jamon Iberico通常不是我選項,隔鄰就是supermarket..買回家開支紅酒慢慢嘆吧.Moorish style BBQ grilled chicken skewers略知西班牙歷史,便會明白何以料理會受西北非摩爾文化影響至深,呈多様性.所謂moorish style就是大量香料的採用,如cinnamon, cumin, coriander, paprika, turmeric..這兩支雞肉串燒,味濃焦香,完全掩蓋了雪藏味,是送酒佳品.Stew of chickpeas with chorizo not in tomato sauce看淡淡橙紅色,活像家庭料理,chorizo煑得索然無味,sauce香味有餘,色澤欠奉,若是加多少許tomato paste和cayenne,便更理想.Dill of bacalao cod fish meat blended with garlic & olive oil馬介休烹調得幼滑,適量淡淡蒜頭味,well balance,量頗多,配以兩片grilled farmer bread,好吃到無話可說,要再order麵包.Tortilla with tomato bread薯仔omelette好厚身,很原始,少了點味道層次..是否漏了洋蔥?配bread是正路,但tomato garlic bread..是加泰隆尼亞特色?Meatballs of pork and chorizo with tomato sauce肉丸很大顆,味濃而複雜,需要和以大量麵包片由於吃了很多麵包和幾杯紅酒,已儼然一個full meal.滿足非常,可以回家安睡去. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-12-31
小店在supermarket裏面,不太多位,要等一下 garlic蝦味道很不錯,估不到有驚喜,garlic和辣椒的味很特出,而且平均,要挑剔的只是份量太小,蝦也太細了這個炒mushroom,加了雪梨酒,帶有garlic,很香這個麵包有点奇怪,麵包質感不太好,也不太脆,包上的疑似番茄醬也不太好吃,就是味道不配 長通粉配上辣番茄汁,沒有什麼驚喜這個羊架味道不錯,略可惜肉質不夠嫩,整體是可以的哦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-19
Decided to go back and try more tapas.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Anchovy fillets in seasoned vinegar:The anchovies were delicious with bread, the fillets were soft and the all the bones had been removed.I loved the sharpness of the fillets because it was soaked in vinegar and they were definately not canned ones because they were not mushy and hard.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Scrambled eggs with black sausage:The eggs were cooked with black morcilla and it was basically scrambled eggs with black pudding sausage and skinned peppers.There was a metal holder put on the plate before serving, the scrambled egg took form of a cake shape when served.The taste of the black pudding was faint and the texture of the egg was so light and the scrambled egg was like droplets of cooked eggs forming into one. mass.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Galican style octopus with potato and olive oil:The octopus was a bit boring compared to the squid ink I tried last time.It was quite chewy, and this dish was a bit too plain to be honest, because it was a sliced potato with octopus on top drizzled with olive oil.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2013-07-13
那天下午,因公事出了金鐘!  無奈地,中午食得不多!4:00 左右已經肚餓! 早前得知太古廣場二座 LG 層有個 great food hall!在這裡兜個圈,除了是超級市場之外,周圍還有一些食肆!  包括:雪糕店、咖啡店、快餐店、日本餐廳...等等。 簡直是一個隱蔽的小綠洲! 我還發現有一間以簡單的磚牆帶出異國色彩的餐廳 Estudio!這是西班牙餐廳!紅色的高桌子實在搶眼!自然吸引我的目光! 看見餐牌,供應 small open sandwiches, dessert.......(設加一服務費)有見及此!我食些少東西填肚都 OK! montadito de pisto (with pisto and manchego cheese ) $20芝士、蕃茄、彩椒、青瓜等,以茄汁炒過,簡單而美味的配搭! 底部外邊煙韌、包身鬆軟的法包,吸收其精華,更加滋味! 值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)