4-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 11:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay JCB
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (32)
Level2 2017-09-12
今日試咗呢間主打新潟料理的餐廳,廚師、侍應大多是日本人。日本侍應做事嚴謹而細心,唯一的問題是英語不大靈光,同我隔離枱的顧客溝通上出現問題,最後還是要香港人出手解決。我點了這個汁煮喜知次套餐,侍應說這是今天的廚師推介。先來的前菜賣相精緻,而且份量之多超乎預期。喜知次魚油豐富,味道甘腴可喜,確係唔錯,不過熟魚多骨,下次還是吃刺身較好。這裡所供的白飯全用新潟米,且用明火煲成。我孤漏寡聞,不知新潟米與他處所產的大米有何分別,但見侍應端上來的一鍋白飯色澤光潤,顆粒分明,口感也頗軟糯,只可惜飯味不足,呢點真係要扣分。臨走時,有一對男女想黎食飯,但因為已過午飯時間,人地要落場,所以唔入得去了,雖然係咁,個侍應都照送佢地去坐電梯,仲猛咁向佢地鞠躬,日本人的禮貌真係無得頂!總括而言,呢度無論環境、食物、服務都唔錯,可以再來幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-07-24
在香港,日本餐廳實在多不勝數, 如何能在芸芸日本餐廳中突圍而出,那就必須具備多項優秀的條件了。 最近試了這間“Ebi-no-Hige”,它可算是真真正正的日本餐廳。聽服務員說,店主是日本人,它們的本店是在日本新瀉, 而且還有好幾間分店哩。 店主要求非常嚴謹,還經常到香港巡視, 所有食材和餐具均是從日本空運到港,而餐廳内的工作人員,大部份也能操流利日語,以我當晚觀察所見,餐廳的客人, 日本人也佔了三分之一以上。食物方面, 當晚我們吃的“主廚發辦“八道套餐就非常出色, 還另加了生蠔,而當中的生蠔及海膽尤其特出, 生蠔非常肥美口感Creamy, 一吃便知是新鮮空運的貨色。其他菜式水準也很高。甜品是豆腐雪糕,當然也是日本空運到來的, 那是我吃過的豆腐雪糕中,味道最濃最突出的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-05-10
「辛苦搵黎自在食」, 剛剛過了一個死亡週, 當然要食些好東西, 慰勞一下辛勞的自己吧! 今天便和同事們去吃個遠飯, 乘坐的士出銅鑼灣的海老の髭。高檔日本餐廳的裝潢, 有著開放式的廚房, 擺放了飯鍋, 而吧枱陳列著很多不同款式的清酒。環境非常闊落, 坐得十分舒適。我點了刺身set, 前菜有日式蒸蛋、日式沙拉, 蔬菜天婦羅, 均很出色; 日式蒸蛋很香滑; 日式沙拉的清新, 薯仔很好味; 天婦羅完全不油膩, 南瓜番薯太對味了。而刺身就中規中矩, 比我預期遜色 (可能我的預期太高了…), 而刺身用冰粒哉底, 等食到中途冰已融了一半, 感覺不太良好。到主角出場了 – 新潟縣越光米, 用傳統的釜炊, 一大鍋上。通常只會在廟街吃「煲仔飯」, 第一次在日本餐廳品嚐, 很新奇有趣! XD 粒粒米飯非常飽滿, 很有米飯香!最後的甜品- 抹茶雪糕很幼滑美味 : ) 頗滿意的一頓午飯 : ) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-04-25
This sashimi lunch set is really value for money with the food quality and service. It first impressed me with the service and it simply made me feel like I were in Japan. Unlike the chain Japanese cuisine restaurant, this restaurant seldom serves salmon on its sashimi boats. It definitely follows the custom of Japan, which plan for the layering of sashimi from white, to pink oily, to red and combined texture. I enjoy experiencing it from a plain white fish to a more structured fish urchin row. I could feel the armour of every fish in a perfect order. I ordered an oyster sashimi and it's fresh with zero 'fishy' taste. I have no hesitation to recommend this to all. It's just on availability and limited. I could finish a dozen myself!!! Unlike the ready made deep fried vege, the resto served with the seasonal vege. From fresh leaf to potato to eggplant, healthy but not oily!! This crispiness makes me feel more enjoyable when it's also healthy! Last but least is the rice. Unlike rice cooker, they cook rice with pot and fire, which gives you an even more complex taste of rice. Simple but definitely impressive!! This restaurant keeps impressing me when I went to this from time to time. I highly recommend this as their respect to food and their professional service!! I will keep going to it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-02-20
If you want to try the real Japanese foods, here is the one.We ordered a course for dinner. They served various dishes and we enjoyed the taste as well as the decoration of dishes. Especially the rice is awesome as it's cooked by special rice oven. Though I don't drink, if you are a sake lover, I'm sure you would love here as they stock lots of rare sake from Japan. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)