此店售賣多款中式小菜及點心。店心配合中國式木製桌椅,環境古雅清幽,卡位之間的屏風比一般菜館為高,保留顧客的私人空間。 continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 16:30
18:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
竹筒鮑片雞粒包 咕嚕蝦 魚翅鮮肉小籠包 椒鹽百花炸吊片 碧綠炒金銀帶子 燕液帝皇明蝦餃
Review (37)
Level3 2019-12-03
口淡淡,要食返碗粥。叫了碗北菇雞粥,雞球有6,7舊,瑤柱白粥底。好多瑤柱絲,食到底都仲有, 幾足料, 但要$120碗。粥底雞味濃,應該係雞湯煲, 食完無口乾無味精。另外叫了一籠牛肉燒賣,幾大粒,$70兩粒,牛肉打得爽口彈牙. 多馬碲碎,但個人認為不夠芫茜~最開心係有焗蓮蓉西米布甸,呢d傳統甜品真係買少見少,沒有死甜~焗到熱辣辣上枱.跑馬地食野真係幾貴, 唯一可取係人流較少, 環境清靜, 慢慢食慢慢坐都得, 想一盅兩件下次都係去返灣仔銅鑼灣比較好. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-10-30
垃圾,兩個點心兩舊水,生煎包冇肉汁皮不脆,罐頭蘑菇偽荷葉飯,食完三把火!荷葉飯 $90生煎菜肉包 $30茶2位 $30+1收費Hk$200它的價格跟其他點心分享距離咁遠,水準亦不及,服務一般,有興趣可以嘗試吓! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
My group was on a mission in Happy Valley to try all of the Chinese places for lunch or dinner in one week.  The most appetizing food was here, because each piece was made with such high quality.  They made all of our dishes to order, and each one had higher quality than any of the others that I tried.  For example, the ha-gow shrimp dumplings seemed to have three or four times the normal shrimp inside each dumpling than ordinary.  And you simply taste fresh shrimp rather without any unpleasant after taste.  Although I took many pictures of the foods here and at other restaurants during my trip to Hong Kong, I ended up going here a few times on this trip and posting the photos many times.I found a review here that says this is expensive.  That didn't seem to be the case.   Each piece came with more food inside than a small order at most other pieces.  Also, I found that they adjusted the price to fit how many pieces that you wanted to order.   I also did not have an MSG headache.  This seems like a good deal.Photos from Dim-Sum Photos from Dinner With no MSG headache I could eat here more than once a week. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-01-16
basically if you see korean tourists in happy valley, you can safely assume they are there for this restauranti live in happy valley, been to this place many times. its a place that i quite like to go when it was a bull market. but unfortunately it hasnt been too bull lately, hence i am starting to agree some of the comments that it is a bit priceybut nevertheless, compared to other fancy expensive michelin star dum cha place, this still offers good value continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-10-17
今晚和女兒去跑馬地,本來諗住去正X食,因為一向有保證。但無啦啦見到譽滿坊,於是入去試下,記得10多年前食過,印象不錯!叫咗一碟炒飯及一個咕嚕肉!等了30分鐘問侍應,他說因為得一個爐係咁耐架⋯⋯☹️我等多10分鐘終於到了,賣相奇差,食物質素仲不知所謂,咕嚕肉非常細碟,好似隔夜林啤啤、炒飯仲更加差,仲收$138一碟,未計加一😟!真是不敢想像這樣的質素、價錢,他還可以營業到今天!不會再有下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)