7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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60697400 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
邊坐在窗前欣賞大館美景 一邊吃宮廷風印度菜很久沒來 餐牌有點不一樣了主廚在國際五星知名酒店任職多年因此chutney 一直的口碑也很好工作日的中午基本上都是座無虛席。前菜:餐前提供印度脆片,特別喜歡菠蘿醬和薄荷醬.頭盤擺盤超級美!前菜可選清新的沙律,加上蝦仁、石榴、提子-這裡的naan 用上傳統方法烤製窯爐火力強 烤出的效果更佳同樣可以鎖住肉類的肉汁,設備上花上重本,和一般印度餐廳不一樣,每道菜都好吃。Butter chicken 🍗 每一次都會吃 奶油雞肉濃郁滑朋友第一次吃印度菜也覺得很驚喜肉質非常多汁 !在其他地方吃不到.Naan 由廚師新鮮製作 還有大蒜口味和牛油香味,烤得很脆很香,best!要數這裡好好吃的菜式 真的有好多Keema pav 的咖喱羊肉碎,配上牛油小麵包!羊肉好香 香料很夾,雖然今次沒有吃,但也也很推薦!很多人都知道印度芒果非常甜口感也細緻 mango lassi 有酸酸甜甜的乳酪有異國色彩的傳統印度甜品.真的不太甜 有點甜薯的香味!
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中環大館附近有一間以金黃色宮殿復古裝修嘅印度餐廳。Mango lassi印度傳統酸奶,有多種唔同嘅味道,例如芒果,原味,鹹味等等。我就選擇咗芒果味,酸酸甜甜超解辣!Raj Kachori Mix Chaat, Mint Chutney, Tamarind Sauce & Yogurt雜鍋脆餅薄荷酸辣醬、羅望子醬、乳酪。外型好似一個波波,切開入邊係好豐富嘅水果,配上咁多種唔同嘅醬料,集合了甜酸鹹辣味,口感豐富。Lamb Chop Pepper Masala Charred Grass Fed Lamb Chops with indianEarthy Spices Gravy烤羊架 澳洲羊架,番茄、薄荷酸辣醬肉質超嫩滑,外層烤至微焦,肉汁好Juicy,可以點上附送嘅醬料享用,或者吱上青檸汁Chicken Tikka Masala香辣咖哩雞,湯底用上咗大量嘅洋蔥同埋蔬菜,所以有種清甜嘅味道👅。Truffle and cheese Naan🫓 芝士黑松露烤餅,黑松露味道香濃。
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👣值得科勞指數:🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻🏃🏻 🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻🏃今次去咗 Chutney 食印度菜,一入餐廳就覺得環境好有印度風情,一磚一瓦都顯出當時設計餐廳既用心之處。試咗幾道菜,每樣都各有特色,值得慢慢講。Shrimp Salad,呢道沙律同平時食開嘅好唔同,蝦仁夠晒新鮮彈牙,醬汁酸酸甜甜,帶少少印度香料嘅香氣,好醒胃。Chicken Tikka Biryani一上枱就聞到好香嘅香料味,米飯金黃色,粒粒分明,雞肉用咗多種香料醃過,烤到外皮微微焦香。Butter Chicken呢道菜真係無得輸!奶油醬汁香濃幼滑,雞肉煮到好入味。醬汁嘅香料味好平衡,唔會太搶,配埋蒜香烤餅 Garlic Naan一齊食,簡直係絕配。Naan 外脆內軟,蒜香味十足,點埋醬汁食,真係食到舔舔脷!Keema Pav呢個可以話係印度版嘅漢堡,麵包鬆軟,夾住炒得香辣嘅羊肉碎,味道濃郁得嚟又唔會太膩。羊肉碎用咗多種香料炒製,辣度適中,食完之後仲想再encore!Chutney 每道菜嘅香料運用都好出色,味道豐富得嚟又唔會太heavy。餐廳環境舒適,服務亦都好貼心,裝修豪華,係一個好好哋享受印度菜嘅地方。如果你鍾意香料同濃郁嘅味道,呢度絕對值得一試!下次我都想再嚟試吓其他菜式,睇吓仲有咩驚喜!
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餐廳就在中環蘭桂芳近大館位置。裝潢蠻溫馨舒服。🥦Tandoori Cauliflower烤花椰菜好大顆!外層帶煙熏香氣,內裡混忌廉醬,好開胃🐣Butter Chicken奶油雞肉配番茄醬汁,味道豐富,配上黃油烤餅,提升口感層次Butter Naan & Truffle Cheese NaanButter Naan外層是濃郁的黃油Truffle Cheese Naan加入松露和芝士,濃郁且很有飽腹感Keema Pav羊肉碎炒香料,配上脆香且鬆軟的Pav麵包🍞,沒有膻味Anjeer Phirni無花果搭配濃郁的米布丁,口感絲滑,天然甜度適中Mocktail Iced Tea以新鮮的石榴、桃子、紅茶和橙製成,酸甜爽口,清爽解渴
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This Indian restaurant in Central provides an exceptional culinary experience. The octopus dish is a standout, perfectly cooked with a tender texture and rich flavors that are simply delightful. The malai chicken tikka is succulent and creamy, marinated to perfection with a blend of aromatic spices. The lamb shank is tender and falls off the bone, infused with traditional Indian flavors that make every bite a delight. The kamal kofta curry is rich and flavorful, with the kofta balls being the highlight of the dish. The naan bread is freshly baked, soft, and perfect for soaking up the delicious curry sauces. To end the meal, the caramel pecan tart is a sweet treat with a perfect balance of caramel and pecan flavors, providing a satisfying finish to a wonderful meal. This restaurant excels in both taste and presentation, making it a must-visit for anyone craving authentic Indian cuisine. 🍛🍗🍖🍞🍮
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