This restaurant is helmed by a native Peruvian chef. The Peruvian cuisine and street snacks such as Peruvian national cuisine roast chicken are based on traditional recipes to improve. Besides, some fresh ingredients are imported from Peruvian.
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Opening Hours
11:45 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Recommended Dishes
見到pair草泥馬守門口,先知原來係秘魯國寶,佔全球總數70%😂 失敬!店內佈置佢都係主角,仲有售毛公仔$888/隻坐低叫咗杯白酒,被menu的秘魯特色烤爐拼盤所吸引,店員捧烤爐上枱真係大大份沙律菜同酸菜cover住開邊烤腸我鍾意脆腸,所以覺得佢淋咗D最like係牛扒,外面焦香內裡粉紅而且調味好正,多多香、少少辣唔通係秘魯特製嘅?輪到燒雞,我中伏太多,戰戰兢兢試脾先肉少嫩、皮好香,放心咗食到雞胸都可以,唔算鞋,收貨!如果計份量,薯條之多變咗做主角😂不過一邊飲酒傾計一邊食薯條其實係唔會嫌多嘅就係咁,KO咗我哋呢個late dinner!
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讚-燒雞係唔錯 皮入味 肉夠滑 香腸燒得皮脆 炸餃子唔油膩 餡料夠豐富 醬汁開胃 呢兩樣都做得幾好-好多羊駝擺設 好得意彈-第一次係餐廳見到有職員瞓覺 不過間嘢又真係好無客 星期五都靜到咁-醃魚生啲魚肉有啲乾
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嗰度地方好細 要去嘅話記住要早啲book位‼️雖然地方唔大 但係好有氣氛 🥳場內有好多秘魯嘅裝飾 例如草泥馬公仔 同埋秘魯音樂 🎵但係氣氛都係其次 重點係嘢食 😋鍾意食大嚿肉嘅朋友千祈唔好錯過‼️因為佢啲雞真係烤得好香好嫩滑 牛扒又好juicy 🍗🥩包你一試難忘 🙂↕️小食方面 我自己好鍾意食蘑菇脆片配牛油果蓉 🥑脆卜卜又香口嘅脆片 配上creamy嘅牛油果 真係冇得頂 令人食唔停口 👍🏻不過甜品方面就唔係好推薦啦 🥺Churros偏硬 同埋原本諗住係配雪糕 點知原來只係醬汁 鍾意食churros嘅朋友都係去返葵廣食 @bunnychurros 啦 價錢方面 可能因為香港比較少類似嘅菜式 咁都係比較貴嘅我哋琴晚9個人食 人均大概$230(唔計切餅費) 💸💸不過個人都係覺得值得一試嘅 👍🏻如果你都鍾意試吓其他國家嘅食物 🤤不妨嚟試吓啦❣️
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My friend and I were walking around the area and we had no time what to eat. We happened to see this Peruvian restaurant in the hidden alleyway. Therefore, we gave it a try to dine in here since I am quite familiar with Mexican food so I have no idea how is the taste of Peruvian food. We ordered one beef empanada, one Peruvian grill with Iced lemon tea. The portion of the food is good but it’s a bit salty in HK standard. I found the taste of the beef quite similar to beef taco. The iced lemon tea was quite expensive since each costs HKD 48. I love to try different cuisines but I didn’t find any wow factor in this restaurant.
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同事推介月街秘魯菜門口見到兩隻草泥馬,好得意!毛嘅質感超級軟熟!🥰餐廳裝修好色彩繽紛,好似去咗外國咁~見到牆貼咗poster有賣草泥馬公仔!lunch set 包 main dish(可以揀配沙律/飯),餐湯或嘢飲份量驚人!7個人食5個餐啱啱好~炸蘑菇芝士餅三文治 $148一切開有芝士拉絲🧀蘑菇芝士餅好脆口,夾埋沙律菜,中和咗芝士嘅膩三文治嘅麵包唔係平時食開嘅鬆軟麵包,有啲嚼口🍞秘魯特色牛肉餡餅 $148餡料係免治牛肉、洋蔥,肉味好香,冇牛嘅騷味面頭配搭阿根廷青醬,中和返牛肉餡餅嘅重口味😚招牌秘魯烤雞半隻 $158烤雞肉質嫩滑,但雞胸肉位置都係比較乾,用香料醃製,有新鮮感!🍗香脆魚三文治 $135炸魚好脆,但個炸皮比較厚秘魯烤雞配莞茜飯莞茜飯好綠!飯質地比較濕但莞茜唔係我哋認識嘅莞茜,係另一種特別嘅香料整體而言,全部菜式都係平時少食到嘅香料味,但每碟嘅味道都有啲相似。🤔 份量嚟講都幾抵食!配菜推介蕃薯條,軟熟而且甜,特別在於面頭加咗肉桂粉
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