9-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Hosted by a native Peruvian chef, it specializes in Peruvian national cuisine roast chicken and a series of Peruvian street snacks. Some ingredients are shipped by air from Peru. The restaurant follows the local traditional recipes and has been improved to meet the tastes of Hong Kong people. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:45 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 22:00
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
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Review (149)
秘魯生漬魚 Ceviche Clasico HKD 160有點「酸酸尾尾」的醬汁配海爐魚刺身 作為開胃頭盤 個人認為非常出色🤤而且海爐魚啖啖肉 口感鬆軟又醬汁入味👍🏻夏天快到 想品嘗一下口感清新又有特式的菜式可嘗試這款頭盤🙌🏻If you feel the weather is quite muggy and want to try tasty food, go to Chulls Chick for Peruvian food! And I recommend this Ceviche Clasico for the appetiser. This was seabass with tiger’s milk, onion and corn. The sauce was sour and sweet, which was quite tasty and refreshing 👍🏻煙燻鴨胸莞茜飯 Green Duck Rice HKD 209鴨胸肉汁鮮嫩和非常煙韌,雖然有豐富的莞茜醬汁但不會太濃和過鹹!唯一美中不足是飯的溫度可以再熱一點🙌🏻The texture of the duck meat was soft and chewy!The creamy sauce of the coriander tasted good, but the temperature could be hotter. 秘魯紫粟米汁 Chica Morada HKD 58這款粟米汁有加入菠蘿和少許香料,既口味清爽又不甜!加上市面上都頗為少見,值得一試!I love this drink, made with purple corn, pineapple and spice. It is refreshing and not too sweet, and that is perfect for the ladies who want to try something different but are scared of fatty drinks. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-21
Went to this Peruvian resto with my friends. .We ordered Ceviche Clasico, Half Pollo A La Brasa and Green Tamal. The Ceviche Clasico consisted of seabass, tiger's milk, Peruvian corns and onion. The tiger's milk sauce added some sourness to the dish, making the seabass more refreshing and appetising to enjoy. The Half Pollo A La Brasa included grilled Peruvian chicken, mixed salad, baked sweet potato and yellow chilli sauce. The chicken was meaty and well-marinated, it was a bit dry though. Served with banana leaf, the Green Tamal got Peruvian corn cake with cheese and onion salad. You could dip it with the truffle mayo. It had a earthy and mashed texture, so it was a but strange to us at first, but it tasted quite cheesy. We got Peruvian Churros with Chocolate Sauce for dessert. Topped with cinnamon sugar and dessicated coconut, the churros was crunchy and hotly-served. The chocolate sauce and caramel banana at the bottom enhanced its sweetness. The resto had a world of decorations and drawings related to Peru, so it created a pretty exotic environment😂. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Chullschick是一間在中環和灣仔都有分店的秘魯菜餐廳,由 Abel Ortiz 創立,他在秘魯本土擁有 12 年的餐飲業務經驗,是香港首創的“秘魯製造”烤肉店概念。結合秘魯和法國最好的食材以及代代相傳的烹飪技術和經驗,這是香港唯一一家獲得 Promperú 認可的餐廳,Ortiz 旨在通過他的最新餐廳帶來最地道的秘魯休閒用餐體驗冒險。今次到訪的是中環分店,餐廳座位大約30個,晚上非常多外藉人士前來小酌,營業時間只會去到晚上9點,所以最好還是先預約免得摸門釘。招牌秘魯烤雞配香腸薯條 Salchipollo $169這款菜式最適合又想吃烤雞又想吃秘魯特色香腸薯條(Peruvian Salchipapa)的人士,菜式包括1/4隻招牌秘魯烤雞、香腸、薯條、茄汁、黑松露沙律醬。烤雞燒得皮香肉滑,原隻上檯不會切件,當你慢慢切開的時候,你會見到肉汁在冒著煙氣地流出來,非常吸引人。墊底的香腸是有煎過的,不是白烚,配上茄汁和沙律醬,酸酸甜甜好惹味。薯條是crinkle fries,炸得剛剛好不會油膩,而且脆口,份量慷慨。美中不足的是這款菜式的炸雞只有4分1隻,略嫌不夠喉。秘魯特色牛肉餡餅 Peruvian Beef Empanada $128餡餅經過油炸,看起來有點像巨大版的鹹水角,外皮非常香口。內餡有免治牛肉、雞蛋、洋蔥,佐以阿根廷青醬,啖啖肉讓人好滿足。擺盤也甚有心思,在主角餡餅的周圍圍了一圈黃辣椒醬,與深色的盤子形成視覺上的對比。炸雞肉棒配秘製蛋黃醬 Chicken Croquette $78外皮非常酥脆,不會太油膩,裡面充滿了免治雞肉和牛油味,雞肉和薯仔的美味合體。 炸雞肉棒配上自製的濃郁蛋黃醬,成功平衡了炸物的油膩感,讓人想一口接一口地吃下去。秘魯紫粟米汁 Chica Morada $98這是一款來自安地斯地區的無酒精紫粟米特飲,在秘魯非常受歡迎。紫色是來自於紫色粟米、雜果和特色香料,喝下去有淡淡的甜味和蔬果的鮮味,更特別的是還有薑味,是一杯少數可以在香港喝到、帶有異國風情的飲品。總括而言,如果想和朋友Chill一下又不想吃普通的西餐的話,不妨一試秘魯菜Chullschick。菜式和飲品都是在香港比較難找到同類型的,所以非常有新鮮感。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平時lunch通常都係茶餐廳,今次有時間又見呢間食秘魯菜好似幾特別,同埋餐廳裝修充滿異國風情,所以特登黎試下😆🍽️招牌秘魯烤雞 配雜菜沙律、烤蕃薯 (6/10)烤雞皮上面充滿香料味,但唔夠入味,肉質亦唔算好嫩滑😶好彩配搭既黃辣椒醬加返分,食落幾惹味👏🏻而呢碟菜最有驚喜既竟然係蕃薯🍠,好甜🤣🍽️香脆魚三文治 配蒜香飯 (6.5/10)炸得好酥脆,魚肉仍然保持到嫩滑但無咩魚味🫣而三文治包睇落以為會好硬,但食落又會,仲食到少少麵粉既甜味,唔錯👌🏻🍽️煙燻豬肉三文治 配薯條 (7/10)無味煙燻😂肥豬肉烤有少少乾身,扣左啲分🙈但勝在呢款包入面配左蕃薯蓉,仲有他他同黃辣椒醬,甜甜地加埋酸酸辣辣既醬汁,層次好豐富好味👍🏻以調味黎講我會中意呢款多啲😄—˗ˏˋ 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸✍︎ ˎˊ˗中環呢個地方真係有好多特色異國菜,今次試呢間秘魯菜味道中規中矩,唔算好驚喜,有興趣既可以一試,但未去到要特登去食既程度🫢✨推薦指數:6.5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
秘魯的風光還以為Inca Kola是cola,怎料是玉泉忌廉!煙燻鴨胸芫茜飯上菜時,香氣撲鼻。先吃洋蔥絲和芫茜,為味蕾熱身。飯粒用上珍珠米,飽滿地吸收了芡汁。這道菜吃來就如西班牙海鮮飯般濕軟,只是充滿芫茜、洋蔥和黃辣椒醬的豐富味道。間中吃一塊鴨胸,增加味道的層次。鴨胸皮連著脂肪,就如嚼橡皮糖,好有嚼勁!鴨胸肉不是薄薄一片,亦不乾身,而是好豐膩,與鴨皮跟脂肪連成一體,同樣好有嚼勁,咀嚼的感覺就如牛柏葉。假如鴨胸是一種味道,鴨腿便是另一種。鴨腿一切便開,放入口中,肉質卻是結實。鴨皮則煮得薄如蝦餃皮,且帶著香燻味,有點像法式油封鴨腿。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)