Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
44009077 (Whatsapp)
This Spanish bar & restaurant locates in Causeway Bay with indoor and outdoor seating. The relaxing and romantic ambiance is suitable for couples and friends gathering. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Exclusive Online Booking
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (359)
今次我哋去咗間地點好方便,而且環境氣氛都唔錯嘅西班牙餐廳🥰餐廳除咗室內,仲有佈滿燈飾嘅室外位置,如果約埋一班朋友黎摸吓杯底🍸傾吓偈都應該幾chill幾正😍🦪Hokkaido Scallop Ceviche ($128)北海道帶子刺身又大又厚,仲要有好多塊🫢鮮甜帶子淋上麻油柚子醬,再加埋魚籽同生果,鹹香中帶點清新,係道精美又好食嘅開胃菜😋🥪Pan Seared Foue Gras Toast ($68/pc)鵝肝表面煎得夠乾身,所以就算我影咁耐相下面嘅多士都保持到酥脆😛一咬落去鵝肝油脂滿滿,但加咗酸甜青瓜柚子莎莎,減低油膩感👍🏻🥘Blue Mussels in Singapore Laksa ($188)白酒/忌廉青口就食得多😆喇沙青口真係未試過😛用蕃茄做基底再加入喇沙調味,真係好惹味🤤店員見我哋食醬汁都食得咁滋味🤫介紹我哋一個秘密食法🥖加個Baguette($38)食盡哂啲醬汁佢😂強烈建議即呢個食法加入menu😌因為啲汁真係好食到一滴都唔可浪費😙😙😙🥩Spanish Acorn Fed Iberico Pork Rack ($238)黑毛豬鞍架好大塊好厚身🤩最重點就係周邊嗰層肥膏,燒得香口唔油膩🤤肉加脂肪配合甜甜酸酸嘅薑橙醬汁,邪惡但一啲都唔膩😝😝配菜羽衣甘藍炸過後又香又脆勁好食😋平時好怕食雨衣甘藍覺得佢好硬好乾😥最初仲怕咁多會食淨哂😂點知最後食唔停口😝🥨Churros ($88)食得西班牙菜點可以唔食churros😙最初見到黑色星球🌑真係唔知係咩😆點知打開有驚喜,肉桂香迎面而來😌😌外脆內軟,唔怕甜嘅沾埋士多啤梨朱古力醬更滋味😛🍸Dance Tonight ($108)🍹Tropical Wind ($108)其實呢度環境真係好啱朋友飲杯酒傾吓偈🤣我哋兩個弱弱唔飲得🫣不過唔怕😛mocktail 都有唔少選擇🥰最後揀咗杯莓果茶同熱帶果奶🍹兩杯都好清新,唔會有平時嗰種好重糖漿嘅假甜👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Casamigos位於商廈入面,銅鑼灣地鐵站一出過馬路就到,超方便!搭𨋢一開門就即刻感受到酒吧餐廳嘅氣氛,仲有室外位置佈滿燈飾。食物質素超水準,小食主食甜品都咁正!店員服務都好細心👍🏻絕對會回訪❤️—— 西班牙薯仔蛋餅 $98 蛋餅好有驚喜!!!唔怪得知每枱都叫咁滯,係我食過最好食嘅蛋餅!蛋餅成個脹卜卜,一切開原來入面好有層次,每層夾雜炒過嘅洋蔥同火腿十分香,蛋味好香又鬆軟﹐沾埋面上嘅沙律醬仲好味!—— 西班牙乳豬 1/4 $398乳豬起肉起得好準確,留翻哂最嫩肉嘅位置,乳豬皮超香口,唔會覺得好硬,連埋皮下油脂食好香好邪惡啊!!嗰種油酥味真係冇得彈!特調蒜蓉醬汁同乳豬超夾,4個人叫1/4分量都好足,每人2-3塊啱啱好唔會太膩。本身想叫半隻,店員超好溫馨提示翻個份量,如果唔係飽到食完豬就走人🤣—— 西班牙海鮮飯 $298海鮮飯配料超豐富,有兩大隻蝦、青口同蜆,全部都好鮮味,由其是蝦肉爽彈;飯粒好有嚼口,越食越滋味—— 巴斯克芝士蛋糕 $98 蛋糕中間流心㗎!!!一食好較滑,芝士味出哂黎好濃郁,成個蛋糕都好輕盈,甜度perfect,食哂都唔覺膩,餐廳做到咁嘅質素嘅甜品絕對超水準!!—— 紅絲絨油條 $88Churros炸得出色!!淨係表面嗰層好脆,入面好軟熟,幾特別係油條用咗紅絲絨,士多啤梨朱古力醬平衡得好好,係好啱沾churros嘅醬,全部一齊食都唔會覺得過甜🌟推薦指數:10/10‼️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️📍 Casamigos (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣駱克道487-489號駱克駅3樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-24
一向喜歡食西班牙菜的我,朋友介紹銅鑼灣樓上舖有一間性價比高的西餐廳。今日四人同行,叫做多款美食。餐廳佈置簡單, 有室內室外位置挑選。Seafood Paella 🦑🦞🐙西班牙海鮮飯我認為必點知一,每一粒飯注滿海鮮的精華,非常美味Fortville De Patatas 🍳西班牙薯仔蛋餅厚厚的蛋餅好像蛋糕一樣鬆軟,餡料有薯蓉仲有疍汁Roasted Suckling Pig 🐷 西班牙烤乳豬脆卜卜嘅乳豬皮,厚厚的肉,又juicyHokkaido Scallop Ceviche 北海道帶子刺身 日式麻油柚子醬帶子鮮甜美味配上醬汁,開胃又清新Red Velvet Churros 紅絲絨油條配士多啤梨朱古力醬西班牙獨特甜品, 又叫鬼佬油炸鬼, 沾上朱古力醬, 又甜又脆Smoked Tuna Carpaccio 🐟燻熟成吞拿魚薄片好喜歡這個吞拿魚薄片, 大有少少香薰味, 添上洋蔥及醬汁, 配搭一流Spanish Acorn Fed Grill Iberico Pork Rack 🐖薑味橙香橡果西班牙黑毛豬鞍架厚厚的豬扒, 肉質非常嫩滑Golden Seacoast 🍹Orange, Passionfruit, Vanilla, Top with Sprite果味香濃, 酸酸甜甜Dance Tonight 🍹Cranberry , Lychee ,Tea Rose有茶香, 及荔枝的香味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
早幾年同朋友嚟過一次覺得唔錯, 早兩日車車又突然想食西班牙菜, 於是就約埋朋友今晚再戰Casamigos, 睇下係味仲係咁正先! 一入到餐廳已經知道一定仲係咁好食, 事關都係坐滿哂, 上次係坐入面, 今次車車就揀左坐外面嘅位置, 涼涼地幾舒服!⭐HOKKAIDO SCALLOP CEVICHE帶子厚肉鮮甜juicy, 配搭清新嘅醬汁, 三文魚子同魚子醬, 食落帶點咸咸香香, 十分開胃⭐TORTILLA de PATATAS西班牙薯仔蛋餅係必食之一, 雞蛋包住滿滿嘅材料, 咬落去口感相當豐富⭐SUCKLING PIG 1/4另一款必點嘅一定係西班牙炸乳豬仔, 因為要等嘅關係, 想食嘅朋友仔一定要預早order啊! 外皮香脆可口, 肉質鮮嫩, 油香滿滿好juicy!⭐CHORIZO GNOCCHI薯仔粉係車車好喜歡嘅食物, 食落去軟糯口感, 配上番茄醬超好味!⭐CHURROS正餐食飽飽又點少得甜品呢, CHURROS一定要食啦! 熱辣辣新鮮炸起, 外脆內軟, 沾上用朱古力同士多啤梨整嘅醬汁, 食落微酸微甜, 甜而不膩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-09
Yesterday, i have visited Casamigos with my fd, a restaurant known for its luxurious interior design and famous Spanish🇪🇸 cuisine. From the moment we entered, it was evident that attention to detail was a priority. The chef personally introduced each dish to us, showcasing their sincerity and commitment to providing an exceptional dining experience. One notable aspect was how they served the dishes one by one, ensuring that we could enjoy each dish at its best time👍🏻👍🏻Appetizers:The Grill Galician Octopus 🐙was a standout dish. The octopus was perfectly cooked and tender. The Baby Crab Cakes 🦀were a delightful appetiser. The combination of crab and the flavorful stuffing created a harmonious blend of flavours. The Pan Seared Foie Gras Toast 🍞was a luxurious and indulgent dish. The foie gras was beautifully seared, resulting in a rich and buttery texture☺️👍🏻 Mains:The Grilled Aus Lamb Rack🥩 was a highlight of the main course. The lamb was cooked to perfection, tender and juicy, with a delicious charred exterior🥰 The Tagliatelle Cordyceps Militarus was a unique and flavorful pasta dish🤣👌🏻 The combination of tagliatelle and cordyceps militarus created an unexpected taste which is good👏🏻Drinks:Mocktail - The Tropical Wind mocktail was a refreshing and vibrant drink🍸The luxurious interior design, the chef's personal introduction of each dish, and the thoughtful serving of dishes one by one all contributed to a memorable and enjoyable dinner👍🏻❣️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)