Exit N1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Cafe Express located inside Hotel Panorama by Rhombus is an informal all day dining restaurant that offers everything from breakfast and lunch to afternoon tea and dinner. This lobby level lounge is very spacious and relaxing with their oak wood interior. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (341)
Level2 2018-06-02
未試過呢度既buffet 有半價優惠緊係即刻試試 冷盤比較吸引 有生蠔 長腳蟹 蟹鐝 青口 生蠔同長腳蟹都好回本 至於龍蝦就由芝士焗成 就一定無生食咁爽口 甜品略帶失望 款式少 味道好一般 但有movenpick雪糕 總括而言覺得可以留多啲quota比冷盤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-06-01
Last night it was the last day for the cafe express, the staff told me it is closed down from 1st June. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
原本見有優惠,由原價600幾一個,特價到400一位。覺得好抵做,又上網見人既評語好好,就試下啦,點知嚇死人了。話有龍蝦食,得果幾隻,一比人夾哂,就遲遲都唔fill 返d 野。又話班師傅整梗,整極都未有。小朋友食碗越南河粉,配粉都未熟,湯都唔熱。大老呀,中午剩低嫁?熱都唔熱,話係即整嫁。食雪糕,話係movenpick. 沒有獨立的雪糕杯,得一大盒,5升雪糕比人自己拿。果盒雪糕,上面好多雪呀,冰呀,都唔知放左幾耐。幫師傅話好正常。我真是唔敢拿來食。橙汁,飲完就冇了,酒店冇fill 。比左4百蚊一位,橙汁都冇得飲,超過份。仲話係酒店自助餐,收檔好過啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-05-25
地方細,食物款式非常少,連放題都不如,食個2佰幾嘅大喜屋會更開心,飲品得水同橙汁。不過勝在少人幫襯,唔使同人爭,同埋叫做有生蠔食,不過D蠔瘦得可憐。。。。剛巧見佢做半價先去試下,折完每位三佰六十幾。。。不過都覺得唔值 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
補足母親節諗住食豪啲,媽話想食生蠔,上網search見到呢間多款就book左點知一入門面已嚇親,兜左一圈,食左一輪完全唔明點解有200幾個like1. 整個地方連位size仲細過我樓下間大家樂,唯一景色就係望住人地check in2. 款色小得可憐,根本唔可以話有分區域,係一個區包曬所有前菜主菜日式西式中式甜品飲品3.食物唔新鮮,熟食得四五味但全部放到乾晒,冇人掂  生蠔瘦到媽話係"埃塞羅比亞蠔" 青口 蝦 長腳蟹 龍蝦乾身冇味 唔知食緊咩牛排切得半舊即整海鮮全部係bb蟶子丶象拔蚌 有d臭臭地生果明顯擺左成日 蜜瓜上仲痴住隻烏繩仔  紅豆沙擺到變紅豆糕唯一可取係油甘魚刺身 同moven pick雪糕!整體而言仲差過200幾蚊嘅自助餐4. 食左2個鍾基本上計埋我地只有四丶五枱客,而大部份都係酒店住客半價先黎食,外來客竟要比648一位,你話300蚊我就算啦,唔寫啦, 600簡直係不可接受!可以嘅話一粒星都唔想比!5. 講服務,得四枱客杯見晒底都唔識斟水6.從來冇食過一間buffet係咁,三位埋單18xx,係我有史食過最貴同時都係最差嘅buffet! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)