4-min walk from Exit A2, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
It is a Japanese-western restaurant located in industrial building. If you are lucky enough, you may try out purple potato soup. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (232)
Level4 2018-10-21
觀塘工廈搵食😋 黎到巧明街 呢間餐廳氣氛唔錯 試左蒲燒鰻魚海膽忌廉汁扁意粉🤗 雖然海膽味唔算濃 但鰻魚就好肥美 甜品揀左鐵板brownies配expresso😍唔會太甜 係完美嘅句號丫😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-05-06
星期日去咗apm shopping,人山人海又唔想今晚個餐要等位同埋食得趕頭趕命,終於去咗係附近ga 工厰大廈。之前同事也介紹過這間西餐廳話環境寧靜、地方又寛敞和食物夠水準,一於上去試試,入到餐廳內果然佈置得簡單得嚟又好時尚!甘笋薑藍青濃湯和配脆卜卜ga 法包,真係名符其實濃湯,有少許薑茸,甘笋粒和青口、用法包點湯令舍有一番風味。吉烈劍魚腩(半熟)櫻花蝦沙律,撈埋杏仁片加柚醋夠曬有𡁻口、醒胃又健康。京蔥烤鴨配印度薄餅同埋一啲沙津菜,帶有一點似北京填鴨味,我比較喜歡這印度薄餅,因餅烤得外皮酥脆,入面又一層一層,鴨肉買相睇落醃得好入味,再加埋啲大葱和薄餅一齊食,👍👍。紫芋金粟薯餅,外面很鬆脆內裹有很多粟子、和紫蕃薯茸,也感覺亦係一款健康小食。芝麻雞亦是我最喜歡的小食之一,外面舖滿了很多芝麻,外皮炸到脆bo bo ,肉質嫩滑又夠味😋。今晚這餐真是無揀錯地方,下次又同朋友再嚟食過. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-07-29
其實我都係呢間店既常客, 間唔中都會嚟呢到食LUNCH, 由於有JOIN本店既FB, 所以知道呢到租約期滿做到8月13日就關門大吉, 今日好明顯比之前少人咗, 雖然有訂位但去到個場都比較冷清, 都只係LUNCH 1:15, 好多侍應都生口面, 同埋當日都唔見老闆在店蒜蓉包 - 以前呢到既餐包係香草麵包嚟, 但今次轉咗做蒜蓉包, 真係覺得好好味, 蒜蓉又多麵包又脆口, 正....是日餐湯 同 是日沙律 - 沙律夠新鮮, 湯都還可以日式牛肉生薑燒飯 - 賣相還可以, 但汁唔夠多, 味道雖然唔差, 但料少飯多少汁日式豬軟骨濃湯烏冬 - 賣相一般, 紫菜唔新鮮, 有啲淋咗, 豬軟骨過咗火位唔得軟熟, 烏冬都有煙韌 口感凍檸茶 - 冇之前咁好飲, 茶味唔濃好淡, 檸檬都算新鮮, 但味道大不如前*** 初頭以為呢到轉咗手, 點解啲食物質素好似差咗, 記得之前仲有飲食雜誌介紹過同做過訪問添, 過咗一排先知佢地轉咗手, 因為啲食物水平同以前真係有啲分別, 今次最欣賞都係碟蒜蓉包 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-07-24
As i was working around Kwun Tong area, it was logical that i will look around for good food in that area. Today i decided to go over to one of the industrial buildings in Kwun Tong for lunch. Bella Shine was located in one of those old buildings and the cafe was quite spacious. Their set lunch was very reasonable, ranging from $72 to $118. It consisted of soup or salad, main and drinks. Salad - The salad was fresh and crunchy, with the salad dressing abit sour, helping to open up my appetite. Garlic bread was soft and crispy at the edges. Garlic taste was strong as well. I ordered ginger beer soft drink as the weather was too hot, and it helps in cooling down.  Roasted spring chicken with US BBQ sauce - The chicken was roasted till smooth and soft and it has fully absorbed the BBQ sauce in it. The skin was flavourful as well. The portion was about 1/4 chicken and mashed potatoes and vegetables were provided at the side as well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-07-24
Happy Friday 🙌🏻🙌🏻約左位都係o係觀塘番工既朋友仔食Lunch,去左大家都就腳既Bella Shine 食lunch。入座時間大約1:30pm 好在仲趕到食lunch set。店員安排左我地坐窗口枱,自然光打入黎,幾舒服☺️我叫左個香煎美國有骨豬扒 配蜜糖芥末燒汁$92朋友叫澳洲黑安格斯肉眼牛扒 配牛肝菌燒汁$118 兩個餐都配前菜沙律 or 紫薯湯 紫薯湯個味幾鮮甜呀,濃度適中,不會太稀/太結身👍🏻 推介。主菜大約10分鐘上菜,豬扒幾juicy,煎得剛剛好,肉質有口感,味道無比醃料蓋過,試點蜜糖芥末燒汁後,幾驚喜,因為味道同豬扒幾夾。朋友個肉眼牛扒吾算好厚,但無overcook, 牛扒味道好夠,我覺得吾點汁食都Ok 😉另外要一提既係個薯蓉係好食架!Happy Friday 好選擇🙌🏻🙌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)