Opening Hours
18:00 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
18:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Cash WeChat Pay
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Review (12)
這是我第一次在open rice寫評價,也是最生氣的一次評價。作為長洲島民,已經在島上生活已經接近2年,島上大大小小的餐廳也大都吃過。本次去「基地」吃,也是第三次,前2次感覺沒有這麽亂收費,這次直接被驚呆了。首先,我們沒有叫肥牛(我們叫的是鮮滑牛肉),然後對方直接端上來了一個肥牛(198元),等我們吃完了,才告知上錯了,讓我們承擔這個198的費用,還繼續給我們鮮滑牛肉。開瓶費。我們從家裏帶了半瓶紅酒,自己開的,因為已經喝了一半,然後對方就直接收了開瓶費,也未告知。如果你說,不能自帶飲料,沒事,那我們不喝。你說都不說,還以開瓶費的名目,收費,有點過分。火鍋配料手寫單也要錢,驚呆了。吃完,一肚子氣,沒有下次了。不值1078元This is the first review I've ever written at open rice, and it's also the angriest review I've ever written.As a Chang Chau islander, I have been living on the island for nearly two years, and I have eaten at most of the large and small restaurants on the island. This time to "base" to eat, is also the third time, the first two times did not feel so arbitrary charges, this time directly stunned.First of all, we did not call fat cow (we called fresh slippery beef), and then the waiter directly served a fat cow (198 yuan), and when we finished eating, we were told the wrong, let us bear the cost of this 198, but also continue to give us fresh slippery beef.Corkage fee. We brought half a bottle of wine from home, opened it ourselves, because we had drunk half of it, and then the other side directly charged the corkage fee without telling us. If you say that we can't bring our own drinks, that's fine, then we're not drinking. You don't even talk about it, and you charge for corkage, which is a little excessive.Hotpot ingredients handwritten list also asked for money, stunned.After eating, a belly filled with angry, there will be no next time.It didn’t worth 1078 dollars! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-24
今日與家人一行十人在長洲過聖誕,本來book了夜晚BBQ,但因天氣太凍,轉了去基地打邊爐。叫了一個沙嗲拼清湯鍋,食物叫了美國肥牛,韭菜餃,手打四寶丸,山根,響聆,牛骨髓,牛栢葉,滑雞件,蝦滑,芝心丸,烏冬,西洋菜,生菜等等。估不到這間好似街坊食堂的餐廳,很有以前港式大排檔風味。沙嗲唔算辣但好惹味,亦無味精感覺,用來淥肥牛,整塊肥牛掛上沙嗲汁,根本不用點鼓油也很夠味。另外的驚喜是雞件,很夠滑,四寶丸及蝦滑夠彈牙,烏冬是煙韌的手打款。這餐非常滿足,估不到坐在街邊也食到有質素的邊款,而且價錢算便宜,值得推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-22
基地係長洲居民介紹我地食既泰菜+ 火鍋店🍲 疫情前食過已經覺得好唔錯! 今次再翻桌 ,都係食火鍋☺️ 餐牌密密麻麻超多選擇, 值得注意既係, 店舖價格比較平, 調味料例如蒜頭HKD6 、芫荽都係要另外叫~ 湯底揀左四川麻辣鍋(小辣)約HKD108 , 味道幾地道! 唔會係出面街一色一樣有成寸油係面既麻辣鍋, 或者好重牛羶味既牛油麻辣。 鍋底一上枱已經好香, 辣為主 ,麻比較少。 小辣對我黎講已經好夠,食到西洋菜 , 已經刻意淥好短時間,但都辣到飲左大半杯偏甜既芭樂沙冰🥵 所以啲西洋菜食左一次已經被迫放棄🥲 但湯底味道係欣賞既~Highlight ✨ 手切鮮肥牛 (細) 約HKD198 叫份細既, 係得隻碟細, 其實都鋪左2-3層! 2 人食絕對足夠‼️ 牛肉鮮紅色, 肥瘦適中,食落唔會好漏又唔鞋口🥰 好滿意醉雞件 - 可能我地叫左麻辣鍋, 花雕味唔出,但雞件都滑身鮮肥鵝腸- 切得比較細條, 淥完就冇哂咩淨🤣 日本帶子 - 呢個記得HKD68 有6 隻連裙邊既帶子都幾抵除左食海鮮、去cafe , 下次去長洲都可以試下啲地道鋪頭😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這次是我第二次在長洲吃晚餐 上一次吃了很划算的海鮮餐 這次就來吃吃看火鍋好了🥰這邊除了吃火鍋 也有在做泰菜~所以湯底選擇也有冬陰功湯底🥰(但我那天不能吃太辣🥹)最後就只點了沙嗲湯底🤓食材質素不過不失~羊肉片夠膻我蠻喜歡的🤓鮮四寶丸跟雲吞是蠻有驚喜的🥰鮮雞件肉質也很嫩👍🏻最開心是有玉米筍可以點🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-31
今日我哋四人兩啤入咗嚟長洲book咗房玩,晚上同長洲朋友八人一行一起食晚飯。平時我哋嚟呢度必食呢一個恐龍蛋,呢個恐龍蛋真係好好食,個皮真係好脆同埋味道一流又熱辣辣一客有四件,我哋一叫就叫咗兩客。呢個泰式鳳爪大大隻又入味,平時就算唔堂食,都會經過叫佢個外賣又酸又辣正前菜前菜我哋都仲有嗌咗個木瓜沙律開下胃,木瓜爽甜清甜呢個泰式拼盤食落去就真係麻麻哋啦,個咖喱雞嘅精髓就係得個咖喱汁,用嚟送呢個薄餅一流薄餅我哋都叫咗兩份當飯咁食呢個生菜包豬頸肉個味道就真係好一般,平時我哋呢就一定係食開恐龍蛋,泰式鳳爪,木瓜沙律同薄餅,其他嗰啲送我哋都係有時人多先會再嗌嘅,普普通通。反而呢個魚種都可以,最主要係因為佢個魚食材新鮮,外脆內滑,幾好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)