Exit A, AsiaWorld-ExpoStation continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:00
Sat - Sun
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (25)
Level1 2024-06-27
服務傲慢考完試 一個人來食嘢 點了個千層麵 坐了半個鐘 都未到 向他們反映 叫我取消🥵😅 問佢唔應該催一催咩 叫我翻去坐。後面後來了一桌人 水都上埋 嘢食比我到先😅反映要杯水都唔理😅🥹後面俾左8折, 哦? 我要杯水姐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Arena Kitchen:美味牛扒和聖誕驚喜的舒適餐廳位於亞博1樓的Arena Kitchen是一家提供美味牛扒和令人驚喜的聖誕特色甜品的餐廳。我點了他們的烤認證黑安格斯牛扒和迷迭香草牛油汁,以及西班牙安格斯牛肉芝士蛋漢堡,都讓我留下了深刻的印象。烤認證黑安格斯牛扒的肉汁鮮美,配菜的味道也很好。牛扒烤得剛剛好,肉質嫩滑多汁,搭配迷迭香草牛油汁更增添了風味。我很享受這道菜的口感和味道。西班牙安格斯牛肉芝士蛋漢堡同樣令人驚艷。牛肉爆汁,麵包脆口,每一口都充滿了濃郁的牛肉味道。配上炸薯,這道漢堡給人留下了美好的印象。除了美味的菜品,Arena Kitchen還提供了即刻加入會員就可以免費獲得聖誕樹造型甜品的驚喜。這個甜品多重口感,不過分甜膩,給整體餐飲體驗增添了一份特別的聖誕氛圍。餐廳的環境舒適,充滿聖誕氣氛,是一個一流的打卡地點。我很喜歡這裡的服務員,他們非常體貼,提醒我們有什麼優惠,並且有素食選擇,比起素食者,他們更加周到。而且,餐廳不需要等位,卡位坐得也很舒服。總的來說,Arena Kitchen是一家提供美味牛扒和驚喜聖誕甜品的舒適餐廳。他們的菜品口味出色,環境充滿聖誕氣氛,服務員體貼周到。如果你正在尋找一個地方享受美味的牛扒和聖誕氛圍,不妨考慮Arena Kitchen。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-24
A restaurant with modern setting serving international menu. The place adopts an organic wave-like design that separates itself from the people outside the area.QR code ordering makes the overall experience smoother. It is a great place to enjoy food before watching shows around the area, or after an exhausting event. Food are generally served efficiently. It would be better if staff have clearer role, so that all guests can be served instead of leaving hungry and tired guests standing and waiting outside looking at the empty tables.📝Menu: 🔸Kale And Rocket Salad With Honeycomb Bean Curd And Yoghurt Dressing🔸Iced Latte continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-17
Arena 久唔久都會有唔同嘅節目呢間餐廳已經係第二次食第一次去睇BLACKPINK演唱會上一次個經驗唔錯,今次嚟睇書展再食多一次。去到餐廳嘅時候大概五點,行完書展,諗住食個早飯。跟住再直衝入迪士尼。佢嘅漢堡好出,塊肉好夠Juicy。薯條係粗嗰一種,好香薯仔味熱辣辣。跟住再叫咗一個薑味嘅疏乎厘。呢個甜品亦都做得好出色,見到張相佢出嚟嘅時候係脹卜卜。睇到食物嘅質素,好過好多市區西餐廳。另外值得一讚嗰間餐廳嘅員工態度好殷勤,成餐飯嘅時間佢哋好Attentive 。如果下次再有機會入嚟機場,會再次品嚐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-03-24
Young girl at the front desk, she was so friendly & welcoming. Rest of the staff, old & full of prejudice. I was happily eating my ordered Soup Of The Day with toasty warm bread when I was witness to a ruckus. A female customer speaking in Mandarin complaining that the staff were giving her dirty looks. I didn't really think I would experience just as bad service. I went to pay my bill, showed him my order number, the old man asked where I was sat. I pointed to the seat & he repeated my order. I specified I was paying by Enjoy Card, which as advertised that the bill is discounted at 15% for dine in, with service charge. I assumed that it would be automatically discounted but when I checked the bill after swiping my card the discount wasn't taken off. So out of principle, I went back & questioned the old man. Disgruntled, he called out to his fellow staff to get him a calculator & worked out how much they owned me & gave it me back in cash. If he had done his job right in first place he wouldn't have to deal with me giving them a bad review. I felt I was being judged on fact that I wasn't running up a large bill & the fact that I was attending a concert & not a conference. Service is service no matter how little I spend, & I'm certainly paying for. He's lucky I didn't ask for service charge to be taken off. If you don't want to be judged on how little you spend or how you are dressed, you are better off going to KFC downstairs. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)