全黑色裝修的日本串燒店,大廚有十多年主理日本串燒的經驗。 continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 16:30
18:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
安格斯牛肉 鹽燒牛舌 鹽燒虎蝦
Review (53)
Level4 2014-04-26
非常生氣非常生氣,餐牌入面好多細條款,上面個價錢不一定係買單個價錢,好多都係消夜個價錢,平時貴一倍。串燒就算係燒夜價錢都貴過出面日串燒店好多,牛肉串味道不錯但性價比非常低,肉嫩味道好而且香。雞肉串很多肥油好正好香,味道不錯但性價比非常低,肉嫩味道好而且香,但真的太貴了,價格糟糕。豬肉串很多肥羔好正好香,味道不錯但性價比非常低,肉嫩味道好而且香,但真的太貴了,價格糟糕。但好的是,坐得舒服,很慢,但有禮貌的服務。食物超貴,兩條友寨食串燒都未夠一半飽肚都要八舊水。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
又一家日式居酒屋,銅鑼灣的居酒屋無論樓上還是街店,都相當地多,質素稍差的都好難站穩腳!神級上菜速度,不用5分鐘就上左5成!令人懷疑,燒定叮嫁...而且冷氣又大,坐唔夠一陣D野食就凍晒了...蕃茄沙律質素不錯,蕃茄味好新鮮好濃郁,味道好似食生果咁串燒整體食材新鮮,不過肉汁不夠,尤其鴨胸, 雞翼, 均太乾,鹽需要自己落,不然會很淡突然冇得賣的羊扒跟廣島蠔由安格斯牛柳跟蒜蓉牛油石蠔代替是最有驚喜的2項,牛柳很有肉汁,TBB式:牛有牛味~石蠔蒜味非常香濃很好很好~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-08-25
行街心血來潮想食串燒, 誤打誤撞就選擇這間店舖店舖面積不算少, 可是7點左右客人仍不多, 有點冷清燒冬菇沒什麼驚喜雞軟骨跟平時吃到的差不多, 豬肉露荀加上調味好吃雞翼跟鱈魚是全晚水準最好的了, 可能本人偏向喜歡吃魚, 之後還再叫了多一串呢雪藏貨色帶子沒什麼味, 又有點而UN, 不好吃總結來說, 食物水準一般, 價錢偏貴, 服務態度好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-27
又到李氏家族定期聚會,今次主題是日本串燒。大坑一煇正合容納數位李氏成員,怎料已被6位食客搶先一步。繼而致電附近的五谷,被要求9時前退還座位,最怕限時限刻吃得不夠痛快。反覆思量,想到梵高將軍推介過的明串燒,立即轉發食評予李氏各成員,一致通過一試。晚上7時半抵達,只有我一位食客先到。燈光較暗,長方形的室內,窄窄的座位一字型的由門口向內伸展;中間吧枱座位後是燒烤位置,正如梵高將軍所言,空氣清新,通風工作做得不錯,沒有遺留丁點燒烤味道。在第一會合前,必須把酒項選定。侍應們似乎對酒不太熟悉,除上善如水外並沒有其他提議,最終還是要了平和但個性不強的上善如水,因我們選的另一支沒有存貨。Sake 喝清,就來大瓶的 Asahi,Cheers!第一會合出擊:這是第二次接觸日式的雞皮串燒,送來時已一陣香氣,色澤金黃、口感香且脆,灑上鹽及調味料,相當的惹味,佐酒不可缺的恩物,對比在竹家的第一次接觸,確實差別不少。我的一串,鹽量多了一點,小部份確過鹹,整體味道可接受。煙肉不是太鹹,配上車厘茄的酸甜多汁,原味已收到預期的好效果!豬肉較平常的薄身,對食味沒甚影響,因露筍份量比重大了,加上多汁鮮嫩,反而少了一份膩意,多了一份清新。燒雞翼是平凡的串燒食材,但要入味、不過鹹或偏淡,醃製是一個關鍵。明串燒雞翼的味道恰好,燒功也不錯,達到皮香肉嫩的水平,保留了肉汁,可謂接近完美。還有燒豆腐及鹽燒牛舌。燒豆腐面放上木魚碎,底部備有醬汁,豆腐皮跟鹵豆腐的差不多,厚身帶點軟,效果一般。而牛舌肉質軟腍,應有的韌性及彈性完全消息了,有欠自然;而鹽份與調料亦太著跡了,味道實在過濃了!休息一會,開展第二會合:雞泡魚乾味道也不錯,只是醬汁稍為多放了,使魚乾質地有點過濕及較腍了。鱔魚尚算新鮮,肉質可接受,味道反而變得清淡,梵高將軍所言不虛確實有點點泥味。論燒功、食味及新鮮度一煇絕對的優勝。頗有新意的鹽燒雞皮蝦卷,雞皮香脆、紫蘇葉清新芳香,蝦肉有彈性,構成多層次的口感,食味自然恰好。温馨提示:蝦尾有小部份帶殼,通常燒焦了,帶點苦味,除去後才進食會較佳。鹽燒美國安格斯牛柳是晚特價,每串才$15元,實惠之選。每串牛柳盛上小方塊的牛油,慢慢隨著熱力溶化,為原先已香味四溢的牛柳再增添一份香氣,光是視覺及嗅覺已令人垂涎萬分。牛柳質感軟腍,調味也不會過鹹,非常的討好,但牛肉味則欠奉,不過$15元已是非常的超值。跟著來的是黑豚肉大葱串燒,不管它是黑豚肉與否,燒得焦香的豬肉加上大葱的香氣,已夠迷人了,喜愛大葱的朋友一定不能錯過。再來的是雞肉釀冬菇,菇香撩人,雞肉有層次,還是不錯的選擇。此時已感肚飽,但還想多試一、兩款燒物。鹽燒沙甸魚比想像中大,要了3尾,味道中規中矩,令我想起 Tapeo 那些充滿橄欖油與蒜香的沙旬魚。最後每人再來一個飽肚的燒鰻魚飯糰,對我來說應該是超飽肚的才對。粒粒乾身古銅的飯糰絕對吸引,內藏小塊的鰻魚,雖然稱不上味鮮肥美、醬汁油潤,但勝在足料。整頓充滿笑聲與歡欣的串燒主題的晚餐於3個多小時完滿結束,多謝梵高將軍對日菜不斷的發掘。最欣賞明串燒對火喉的控制非常純熟,燒物因而達到黃金色澤與濃香的效果。較體貼的還有明串燒多款特價的串燒,論價格絕對的實惠,就以當晚計算,平均每條串燒才$27元,如果多選擇特價的類別,相信平均價會更低。唯一未能適應的是其鹽份與調味頗為濃烈,是我吃過的日式串燒中最重味的。幸好明串燒的侍應會不斷為我們加茶,否則真要多喝幾支大啤。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
明益食家。有質素,好抵食的串燒店。推介!Casual Yakitori & HK BBQ shop. Very reasonable price & quality. Super discount on Sundays. Open till late. Highly recommended!_______My wife and I were in the mood to discover new Japanese restaurants again. I was slightly suspicious about the shop at first but we eventually decided to check it out because of it's convenient location. A menu in Japanese, Chinese and English with some photographs was placed outside. After having a quick look, it seemed pretty comprehensive and the price was reasonable. So we took the plunge > ~ Environment ~We arrived at about 6:30 p.m. and there were plenty of seats available. It didn't look big from the outside but actually there were plenty of tables and counter seats, at least 50 tables seats and 15 counter seats surrounding the open kitchen/grill. The tables for two were small though and some tables, not all, were positioned pretty close apart (a bit like in "Sakaegawa" but still generally more spacious than there). Excellent ventilation - absolutely no smell whatsoever! Probably due to the high ceiling and the strong air-conditioning (warning: it's really quite strong - like many old school Chinese restaurants)! ~ Selections ~Akira basically do Japanese yakitori with grilled shellfish as well as some Hong Kong style BBQ items. The price was between HK$10-$15 per skewer for most items - other than seafood, goose liver and other fancier items which could cost up to about $50-70. First a beer. A big bottle of Asahi cost HK$30 :You might know this already but some Asahi, and or many other famous brands, are actually brewed in Mainland China. I don't think they are required to tell you the origin of the beer. Anyway, I believe the Asahi here is the Chinese version (just check the bottle and you'll see it doesn't say it's made in Japan). So the taste was more similar to a Tsing Tao beer than Asahi (those brewed in Tsing Tao as opposed to other breweries) I actually prefer this as it's less dry and easier to drink. Furthermore, sochu by the glass, sake and red wine are also available at reasonable price. These were complimentary:These carrots, cucumbers and lettuce were provided at the very beginning together with a dipping sauce for the yakitori. Both the sauce and the veggies were somewhat similar to those you get at "Nantei". The sauce was some type of diluted miso with some sweet sauce. Quite interesting. The veggies were all very crisp and fresh. That's a nice authentic start. The cool chief in a beanie cap fired away efficiently. Our orders came pretty quickly, in less than 10 minutes. The first batch was already quite good: The asparagus pork roll was quite good. The pork was reasonably thick and the asparagus was very fresh and sweet. Less than HK$15. Good value! Much better than those at "Mutekiya". Similar to those provided at Nan Tei (The TST branch is much better - the one at Happy Valley really pissed me off and I'm never returning there.) The scallops were grilled with a bit of black pepper but not with salt (at least not really detectable). The scallops were fresh but I'd prefer a bit more salt. But less salt means it's the fresh sweetness shines through. All in all, quite good too!The sweet potatoes, at the top left corner of the photograph, were grilled just right. Nice and sweet. Delicious! The shishito, i.e. green pepper, was also good. Nice, big and quite juicy. Easily overcooked but wasn't here. A nice licorice taste as a palate cleanser and also to cool the internal heat (together with the beer). Again, not more than HK$10. We saw a shell fish promotion at the "Chef's recommendation" menu:These were sea whelk grilled in some type of sweet soy sauce and with, I believe, sake and mirin.I'm not a big fan of shell fish but I thought it was not bad. The texture was a bit softer than the spicy sea whelk pot you get at some Si Chuan eateries. My wife liked it. Actually, the quality was not bad at all and perhaps close to the grilled seafood specialize "Hamayaki Taisho" at Tai Hang. But when it comes to grilled shellfish, Hamayaki Taisho is still the best.At about HK$48 for four, no complaints! The duck breasts were excellent! Perfect timing. Very aromatic. Taste slightly smoked with a hint of salt. Very meaty yet juicy and tender. The slightly strong taste matched very well with the fresh leek, which also absorbed a bit of the smoked and grilled duck. Much better than many smoked duck breasts provided by hotels. You might have to pay HK$50 or more in a hotel for this quality with a bit of green. But that's exactly what made it even more amazing and urged me to write this review before Sunday - it was only about HK$15 per skewer! Highly Recommended! The tsukune was also very good. Not as good as the homemade ones at Nishiki (TST) or Mutekiya (those at Ishiyama should also be homemade but in ball shape - which is seldom good). However, you'd be surprised at how varied the quality of pre-made tukune are. Some taste incredibly dry and had no cartilage inside. The chef's skill is certainly a key factor as well. Anyway, those provided here had chicken cartilage and the timing was good so that the tsukune was a bit crispy on the outside but also tender and juicy at the inside. Again, it should be around HK$10-$15 per skewer. Highly Recommended. This was the grilled eel I ordered. I had a taste of it and unfortunately that was that soil taste which I really dislike. I confirmed that the eel was from Mainland China with the friendly staff, which almost invariably had the soil taste. The soil taste was a lot milder than those I had at "Hachirin" but I still didn't like it that much. Having said that, I could finish the whole skewer. But still: Not recommended. Prawn wrapped in chicken skin and siso leave: This was chicken skin, siso leaf prawn roll. Unfortunately, I felt that the siso leaf's tanginess overwhelming the other tastes, in particular the taste of the prawn. Contrast this to the "siso maki" at Nishiki, where a piece of siso leave was wrapped around minced mirin marinated chicken. In the siso maki, the tanginess of the siso will not overwhelm the grilled and marinated chicken. I don't think the siso matched well with the prawn. Just OK.(In this regard, it's worth noting that the chicken skin prawn roll at Mutekiya was very well done.) I ordered a glass of sochu (excellent: many restaurants don't do it by the glass in order to force you to purchase a whole bottle). They had a Mugi (wheat) sochu and one Imo (potato) sochu. I ordered "Iichigo" with ice. I also ordered a few more skewers to go with the sochu as I was quite enjoying the food and the whole place. Luckily, we were able to ask the waiters to turn down the air-con a bit. If I remembered correctly, the chicken wings were also less than HK$15. Again, these were very well done. Meaty, slightly crispy, very juicy and tender. Safe bet. Recommended. Then I ordered yet another - These were grilled tako (octopus), It was very fresh and crisp. Again, definitely worth HK$10 Yet another few extra orders plus two glasses of red wine (house red from chili, quite good).This time my wife ordered Yaki Onigiri with Tarako, grilled rice balls with fish roe (well, as I'm typing this, my wife insisted that this is "Tarako" and not "Meitaiko". Tarako is a non-spicy version. I never realized that the meitaiko was supposed to be spicy anyway.) Decent size and properly grilled. Crispy on the outside but still sufficiently moist to taste the rice with the fish roe. The piece of seaweed was also nice. Probably slightly grilled and quite aromatic. Nice and filling! My Kawa (chicken skin) was very good too! I don't like the really dried up version lie some restaurants do. Those provided here were mostly crispy but still a bit of fat left. Recommended!And another Tsukune - very good! The bill came down to just about HK$220 for all the above. Excellent value! ______In conclusion:Service: They don't talk much but were polite and friendly. Very efficient. Environment: Generally spacious. Tables a bit small but acceptable. Cold air-con. Very good ventilation.Drinks: Decent selection of proper sochu, sake and red wine. Asahi is good value.Food: Duck breast, most yakitori were excellent. Seafood were also not bad (other than the eel).HK BBQ: There is also a super discounted menu (again, after 10:00) serving Hong Konger's BBQ favorites, e.g. chicken sausages, squid balls, marinated pork chops, honey glazed chicken wings and a few more. Price ranged between HK$6 to 10! Open till late: Open till 2:00 a.m.! Wonderful. Excellent for a quick snack after drinks and karaoke! Price: Very reasonable even without any promotion. Selected items at further reduced prices after 10:00 p.m. during weekdays and Saturdays. Discounted price whole day on Sundays! Remember Akira on Sundays!Highly recommended! P.S: "Akira" is a famous ground-breaking science fiction manga.This review is written on a Saturday. I want to get this published A.S.A.P because - Sunday is Akira Day! 總評:服務:眼明手快 - 態度良好、大廚及侍應門全部超級爽手。環境:燈火通明 - 樓底高,多數位寬敞(但有D位好似"榮川"那麼窄及細)。冷氣好勁。全無油煙味。酒水:明月入懷- 夠全面。啤酒抵飲($30大枝)。有杯裝燒酒叫。亦有紅酒及清酒。燒物:柳暗花明又一村-鴨胸、厚肉、有肉汁、夠入味! 推介。-雞肉軟骨串及雞翼都燒得剛好,有鮮味,有肉汁。推介。-露筍豬肉卷:露筍鮮甜,豬肉唔錯。-燒海螺OK。抵食。但大坑的"浜焼大將"好像好一點。-其他(除了鰻魚有點泥味外)都相當唔錯。價錢: 明碼實價 一般都是HK$10-$15一串。十點後部份串燒更有特價(HK$6 一串)及提供港式BBQ燒物(如墨魚丸,蟹粉包心丸,雞肉腸,蜜汁雞翼等。約$6 串!)星期日更全日都有特價! 夜明:棄暗投明 - 營業至凌辰兩點! 宵夜一流!有質素,認真抵食!誠意推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)