Original Taste Soup (With Cooked Ingredients; 12oz)
Indian Coconut Carrot with Chicken Soup
滋補養潤 祛燥梳肝
Black Pepper Ginkgo Bean Stick and Pig Stomach Soup
健脾益胃 行氣去濕 手腳冰冷 最宜飲用
Carrot and Green Turnip Preserved Jujube with Pork Shoulder Soup
produced with Coix Seed
Watercress Momordica Fruit Preserved Gizzard and Pork Rib Soup
理肺滋養 止咳養聲 鮮熱生津 秋燥皆選
Lotus Root Carrot Dried Octopus with Pork SpareRibs Soup
益血養身 清甜滋補
Winter Melon Lotus Leaf Coix Seed with Pork Spare Ribs
消暑上湯 滋潤養胃 健脾化痰 利尿消腫
Organic Soybeans with Bitter Melon Spareribs Soup
消暑下火 袪燥抒壓 老火煲製 清心解熱
Original Taste Soup (With Cooked Ingredients; 20oz)
Indian Coconut Carrot with Chicken Soup
滋補養潤 祛燥梳肝
Black Pepper Ginkgo Bean Stick and Pig Stomach Soup
健脾益胃 行氣去濕 手腳冰冷 最宜飲用
Carrot and Green Turnip Preserved Jujube with Pork Shoulder Soup
秋冬乾燥 睡眠不足 祛骨火熱 健脾滋陰 (含薏米成份)
Watercress Momordica Fruit Preserved Gizzard and Pork Rib Soup
理肺滋養 止咳養聲 鮮熱生津 秋燥皆選
Lotus Root Carrot Dried Octopus with Pork SpareRibs Soup
益血養身 清甜滋補
Winter Melon Lotus Leaf Coix Seed with Pork Spare Ribs
消暑上湯 滋潤養胃 健脾化痰 利尿消腫
Organic Soybeans with Bitter Melon Spareribs Soup
消暑下火 袪燥抒壓 老火煲製 清心解熱
Original Taste Soup (No Cooked Ingredients; 12oz)
Pear Sugarcane Dried Dates with Pork Soup
清潤滋補 理胃養聲 喉乾舌燥 最宜飲用
Dried Scallop Hedgehog Hydrum Mushroom Fig with Chicken Soup
滋潤健脾 養胃益腸 調降血壓 養生湯品
Papaya Apple Dried Conch with Pork Shin Soup
清潤滋陰 養顏理膚 養胃消滯 四季之湯
Kudzu Root Mud Carp with Pork and Pork Bone Soup
清熱降火 去濕正氣 睡眠不足 平肝利尿
Papaya Hedgehog Mushroom Conch with Shakehead Fish Soup
滋陰養肌 補而不燥 理氣強身 產後最宜
Bigeyes Fish with Tomato and Potato Soup
健脾開胃 益氣養身 美味清甜 老少皆宜
Chuan Bei Pi Pa with Crocodile Soup
理肺淪熱 化痰止咳 氣促久喘 療效至佳
Fish Maw Chuan Bei Pear with Black Chicken Soup
清潤養顏 益氣活血 滋潤養陰 補肺平喘
Fish Maw Conch with Black Chicken Soup
四季皆宜 養顏美膚 滋陰補腎 補而不燥
Fish Maw Dragon Emperor Almond and Pork Lung Soup
補肺美白 理氣平喘 除痰止咳 夜睡不寧
Original Taste Soup (No Cooked Ingredients; 20oz)
Pear Sugarcane Dried Dates with Pork Soup
清潤滋補 理胃養聲 喉乾舌燥 最宜飲用
Dried Scallop Hedgehog Hydrum Mushroom Fig with Chicken Soup
滋潤健脾 養胃益腸 調降血壓 養生湯品
Papaya Apple Dried Conch with Pork Shin Soup
清潤滋陰 養顏理膚 養胃消滯 四季之湯
Kudzu Root Mud Carp with Pork and Pork Bone Soup
清熱降火 去濕正氣 睡眠不足 平肝利尿
Papaya Hedgehog Mushroom Conch with Shakehead Fish Soup
滋陰養肌 補而不燥 理氣強身 產後最宜
Bigeyes Fish with Tomato and Potato Soup
健脾開胃 益氣養身 美味清甜 老少皆宜
Chuan Bei Pi Pa with Crocodile Soup
理肺淪熱 化痰止咳 氣促久喘 療效至佳
Fish Maw Chuan Bei Pear with Black Chicken Soup
清潤養顏 益氣活血 滋潤養陰 補肺平喘
Fish Maw Conch with Black Chicken Soup
四季皆宜 養顏美膚 滋陰補腎 補而不燥
Fish Maw Dragon Emperor Almond and Pork Lung Soup
補肺美白 理氣平喘 除痰止咳 夜睡不寧
Original Taste Homemade Rice Set
Marinated Chicken Wings with Rice
Salt-roasted Chicken Leg with Rice
Fresh Tomato and Pock Fillet with Rice
Cordyceps Red Dates Steamed Chicken with Rice
Brasied Pork Ribs with Mushroom and Lotus Root with Rice
Curry Fish Maw and Chicken Stir Fried with Rice
Fried Agaricus Blazei and Shredded Pork with Rice
Braised Chicken and Chestnut with Rice
Curry Beef Brisket with Rice
Braised Pork Ribs Prunes and Pumpkin with Rice
Braised Pork Ribs and Bitter Melon with Rice
Iced Distller's Grains Simmered Egg (2pcs)
Iced Distller's Grains Simmered Grilled Turkey Gizzard (100g)
Iced Distller's Grains Simmered Pork Knuckles (210g)
Iced Distller's Grains Simmered Duck Tongue (75g)
Iced Distller's Grains Simmered Duck Tongue (280g)
Marinated Chicken Wings (4pcs)
Salt-roasted Chicken Leg (1pc)
Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs)
Curry Fish Balls (6pcs)
Red Rice Roll
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce
Marinated Egg (2pcs)
Papaya Almond Snow Fungi Rock Sugar Dessert Soup
Ramulus Taxilli Chinese Jujube and Egg Dessert Soup
Bean Curd Stick and Ginkgo Seeds Dessert Soup with Boiled Egg
Original Taste Drink (500ml)
Momordica Fruit and Selg-heal Spike Drink
健脾開胃 消暑潤喉
Preserved Jujube and Canton Abrus Herb Drink
清肝解燥 降火清熱
Carrot Sugarcane and Water Chestnut Drink
清熱滋潤 祛燥降火
Fresh Lemon with Coix Seed Drink
消滯鮮渴 怡神開胃
Fig Pear and Apple Drink
健脾開胃 消暑潤喉
Coconut Chuan Bei and Pear Drink
潤肺理氣 養聲平喘
Hawthorn and Apple Drink
開胃消滯 清爽怡神
Chrysanthemum and American Ginseng Drink
提神益氣 清熱明目
Sichuan Fritillary Almond Drink
養肺平喘 潤膚美白
Original Taste Drink (1 Liter)
Momordica Fruit and Selg-heal Spike Drink
健脾開胃 消暑潤喉
Preserved Jujube and Canton Abrus Herb Drink
清肝解燥 降火清熱
Carrot Sugarcane and Water Chestnut Drink
清熱滋潤 祛燥降火
Fresh Lemon with Coix Seed Drink
消滯鮮渴 怡神開胃
Chrysanthemum and American Ginseng Drink
提神益氣 清熱明目
Chrusanthemum and Pear Drink
滋潤養聲 明目降火
Begonia Fimbristipula and Chinese Dates Soup
抵抗衰老 清熱解毒
Pot Marigold Tea
解毒清熱 降火明目
Osmanthus with Red Date Drink
清香養潤 活血安神
Original Taste Tea Sets
Orgainc Soybean Milk (330ml)
Orgainc Soybean Milk (330ml) + Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs)
Orgainc Soybean Milk (330ml) + Curry Fish Balls (6pcs)
Orgainc Soybean Milk (330ml) + Red Rice Roll
Orgainc Soybean Milk (330ml) + Fried Noodles with XO Sauce
Original Taste Drink + Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs)
Original Taste Drink + Curry Fish Balls (6pcs)
Original Taste Drink + Red Rice Roll
Original Taste Drink + Salt-roasted Chicken Leg with Rice
Original Taste Drink + Fried Noodles with XO Sauce
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce + Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs)
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce + Curry Fish Balls (6pcs)
Original Taste Soup + Original Homemade Rice
Original Taste Homemade Rice + Drink (500ml) Sets
Fresh Tomato and Pock Fillet with Rice
Braised Pork Ribs Prunes and Pumpkin with Rice
Sweet Pickled Cabbage and Pork Jowl with Rice
Cordyceps Red Dates Steamed Chicken with Rice
Curry Fish Maw and Chicken Stir Fried with Rice
Original Taste Soup + Rice Sets
Dried Scallop Hedgehog Hydrum Mushroom Fig with Chicken Soup(No Cooked Ingrediants)
With Salt-roasted Chicken Leg with Rice
Pear Sugarcane Dried Dates with Pork Soup(No Cooked Ingrediants)
With Marinated Chicken Wings with Rice
Kudzu Root Mud Carp with Pork and Pork Bone Soup(No Cooked Ingrediants)
With Braised Pork Ribs Prunes and Pumpkin with Rice
Papaya Apple Dried Conch with Pork Shin Soup(No Cooked Ingrediants)
With Brasied Pork Ribs with Mushroom and Lotus Root with Rice
Carrot and Green Turnip Preserved Jujube with Pork Shoulder Soup(With Cooked Ingrediants)
With Curry Fish Maw and Chicken Stir Fried with Rice
Coconut White Fungus Lily Buds with Chicken Soup(With Cooked Ingrediants)
With Fresh Tomato and Pock Fillet with Rice
Sweet Corn with Fish Maw Thick Soup Set
Sweet Corn with Fish Maw Thick Soup
Sweet Corn with Fish Maw Thick Soup
With Fried Noodles with XO Sauce
Sweet Corn with Fish Maw Thick Soup
With Salt-roasted Chicken Leg with Rice
Sweet Corn with Fish Maw Thick Soup
With Marinated Chicken Wings with Rice
Fish Maw Shredded Duck Fake Shark Fin Soup Set
Fish Maw Shredded Duck Fake Shark Fin Soup
Fish Maw Shredded Duck Fake Shark Fin Soup
With Fried Noodles with XO Sauce
Fish Maw Shredded Duck Fake Shark Fin Soup
With Salt-roasted Chicken Leg with Rice
Fish Maw Shredded Duck Fake Shark Fin Soup
With Marinated Chicken Wings with Rice
Fish Maw Shredded Duck Fake Shark Fin Soup
With Cordyceps Red Dates Steamed Chicken with Rice
Original Taste Breakfast Sets
Century and Salted Eggs Dried Scallop and Minced Pork Congee
Preserved Vegetable and Spare Ribs Congee
Orgainc Soybean Milk (330ml)
Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs)
Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs) + Orgainc Soybean Milk
Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs)
With Century and Salted Eggs Dried Scallop and Minced Pork Congee
Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs) + Preserved Vegetable and Spare Ribs Congee
Curry Fish Balls (6pcs)
Curry Fish Balls (6pcs) + Orgainc Soybean Milk
Curry Fish Balls (6pcs)
With Century and Salted Eggs Dried Scallop and Minced Pork Congee
Curry Fish Balls (6pcs) + Preserved Vegetable and Spare Ribs Congee
Red Rice Roll
Red Rice Roll + Orgainc Soybean Milk
Red Rice Roll
With Century and Salted Eggs Dried Scallop and Minced Pork Congee
Red Rice Roll + Preserved Vegetable and Spare Ribs Congee
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce + Orgainc Soybean Milk
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce + Black Fungus Fish Shaomai (6pcs)
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce + Curry Fish Balls (6pcs)
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce
With Century and Salted Eggs Dried Scallop and Minced Pork Congee
Fried Noodles with XO Sauce + Preserved Vegetable and Spare Ribs Congee