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Tommy Yummy has been on my to go list because of the gimmick pot noodles.  Finally went and it was one of those scan to order style restaurants which is annoying.  I'd rather they had a mobile ipad or some device to let people order online because it would be more convenient and you can view it like a m...
無論年紀,身子還是要看顧的。蘭桂坊常被標簽為不健康的地方,流連酒吧、夜夜笙歌根本不符合身體的規律,但偏偏這裡新開了一家賣養生燉湯、糖水,還主打鮑魚入饌的小店。反其道而行,在蘭桂坊sell 養生,不失為一條新門路,至少能照顧到在附近工作而不是來喝酒的養生分子。開OT加上少許作病、沒什麼胃口吃大餐又懶得自煮,下班後來外...
一年僅這一次 2014和2015的亞洲最佳廚師Chef Andre Chiang(江振誠)和Chef Richard Ekkebus 四手聯合 一起打造The Surprise晚宴 Chef Andre以法國廚藝著稱 他是新加坡Restaurant ANDRÉ的老闆兼主廚 而Chef Ekkebus堅持以食材為本的烹調理念 是2星米其林餐廳Amber的廚藝總監 (背景補充:Restaurant ...
D recommended "Sushi Mori" for dinner. So I hit it up on OR and found a couple of identically named restaurants. I booked this one, thinking it was the right one. But no, apparently D was referring to the one at Caroline Hill Road. Took a bad risk.  Environment: Decent. There is ...