灣仔地鐵站B2出口轉左 繼續閱讀
星期一至六:11:00 - 23:00 星期日休息,包場除外
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
VIP房 詳細介紹
Live Music
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星洲咖哩炒蟹 泰式三味排骨 泰式辣豬肉生菜包 馬來秘制肉骨茶 馬來豉油皇煎蝦碌 椰青酸辣湯
食評 (11)
等級3 2012-10-29
102 瀏覽
At first, I'm looking for a place to host a farewell party for friends. Due to the consideration of many activities that my friends requested- sing K, alcohol, play till late at night... after a bit of research, and a friend's recommendation, Trendy Taste is the place I selected to host the farewell party.I booked 2 weeks in advance (It'll give myself plenty of time for event preparation)...It's very nice that I can made an early visit to the restaurant and have a clear glance at their VIP room, food, service, catering area etc. The boss was very nice gentleman indeed, and he made various generous offer to me that suppose not to have - open till 0100, free seafood platter etc...The VIP room although seem a bit small for my liking, it still can take the capacity if about 25 ppls, it also consist of many items that entertained us - an electronic mahjong table, karaoke, card games, broad games...Although the air conditions of the VIP room certainly need improving, nevertheless, we did enjoy ourselves very nicely indeed! The food was very nice, tasty and of a very high standard - my friend still mentioning how delicious the food were - especially the seafood - curry crabs, raw prawns, bbq fishs... - are very delicious. I particular like the curry crab, lots of meet inside the crab and the curry was will herb-ed. satay skewers, grilled fish... those are very tasty and nice. Overall we had a very enjoyable evening - the place, the food, the service, are at a very good standard and in the end...the price...total of $4564 for 19 people which is not bad at all ($240 per person). If anyone is looking for a place to host any form of party, as well as a place which is not as common as others (Thai buffet party are rare in HK), Trendy Taste certainly can consider a highly ranked little restaurant! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2012-09-25
33 瀏覽
朋友推介,見食評都不錯,就試下啦!確實值得一試.可能是樓上舖及星期一,不太旺場.食店的環境不錯最後還吃了甜品-椰子糕及粟米糕,要先食椰子糕,因此款比較清淡.若先吃了粟米糕,會覺得淡淡的. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2012-07-14
19 瀏覽
有新同事反工,我地2個带左佢來呢間上樓既泰國餐食午飯,間中都會來,鍾意呢度水準十分好,唔會太嘈,環境舒服,可以傾下計,不過價錢就中高,成日來就唔能夠負擔不過今次有驚喜,而家個餐牌改左,可以彈性選擇加唔加小食同飲品,仲有甜品揀,,真係想豪啲又得,想慳啲都得,得左扎肉湯河扎肉好香,有啲胡椒味,更惹味因為唔食牛,揀左干炒肉片河,好夠鑊氣小食 花雕豬手同雞亦都好入味,酒味重左小小,不過都好好味肉骨茶,好小有得食,好香既湯加埋好軟腍既腩肉,簡直冇得頂總知今次好滿足,以後仲可以多啲來 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-07-10
51 瀏覽
約朋友在灣仔食午飯, 行到皇悅酒店樓面見到有塊午餐宣傳板, 睇落去先知係樓上三樓一間餐廳, 上去望到環境都十分舒適座位亦十分闊落, 所以一於試吓, 呢間係中泰馬拉菜式, order 兩份午餐, 水咖哩肥牛飯, 濕炒肉片河:1. 馳名水咖哩肥牛- 有勇氣用水咖哩呢個名, 上檯時見到水咁淡, 以為無味唔辡, 估唔到佢咁夠味同辡, 肥牛都可以接受, 正;2. 濕炒肉片河 - 份量好足夠, 味道都十分適中, 肉片好嫩滑, 內裡亦加入麵士一起炒, ok 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-06-23
20 瀏覽
與友共聚,選於此處飯聚。泰式自助餐從未試過,$128一位不貴。惜食物水準不濟。蝦餅:粉多,不好味。蔗蝦:彈牙,惜溝了少許粉。魚餅:沒溝粉,最好味的食物。炸魚:幾好,但不會多吃。撈檬:不好吃,很硬。其他食物乏善足陳,自助餐不會好吃。甜品:椰青糕:很香椰青味,如甜度減少,會很好味。此自助餐飲品任飲。評分:49分。不會再來,都是吃傳統泰國菜館好吃很多。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)