港鐵銅鑼灣站 D4 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:00
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食評 (8)
等級2 2016-05-18
618 瀏覽
銅鑼灣呢個地方有幾高貴你都知架啦😂,閒閒地食串魚蛋都要十幾廿蚊,想食啲出名啲嘅都要排返兩粒鐘,先入到舖頭入面排隊咋😂😂😂想有新鮮感啲,但係又要有水準嘅話,就可以試下呢間小食店,呢日我經過就買咗兩款小食試下:薯蓉田螺同墨西哥雞肉脆薄餅🍕先講2大舊薯蓉,有好香橄欖油味,雖然佢係真係落咗好多橄欖油,多到你可以點嚟食。不過食落佢真係唔油,係香,我知道咁樣講好誇張,但係我真係一路食一路讚,再食再讚!田螺方面有6粒,軟硬適中,吸收咗牛油同橄欖油嘅香味,認真唔錯!😛個墨西哥雞肉脆薄餅係又一佳作,呢份好足料嘅pizza,有好多紅黃青椒洋蔥,連埋雞肉一齊爆香哂,而且雞肉嘅份量都唔少,仲擔擔肉添😛💦重點嚟喇,個餅皮係薄嗰種脆皮,食落去好香口,仲有少少脆身,令人食完好想再食(個人比較鐘意食脆嘅野😛)呢間新小店嘅野食好好味,不過價錢就比較貴,total七十幾蚊其實真係可以食到2個飯喇,但係都要再講多句,質素係好嘅👍👍學佢話齋:酒店級嘅小食✨,希望佢地可以keep住呢種水準! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-04-25
674 瀏覽
I have passed by Yummy Harbour quite a few times before as it is around the corner from my minibus stop.  I haven't paid much attention to it since there are quite a few snack/beverage vendors clustered together in that corner.  Then, I saw a magazine article on Yummy Harbour, and the article said that they served hotel style snacks for a fraction of the price.  I wasn't sure what hotel style snacks meant, but after checking out the menu, the food is similar to snacks you would get from a bistro or cafe.On my way home the other night, I decided to order a few things to take home for my mom and brother.Yummy Harbour's store front is quite simple.  The display basically highlights the food items they offer.  Their menu is posted on the store front, but they have bound menus that you can flip through as well.  The server at the counter was very nice, and she told me to take my time looking through the menu and deciding on what to order.After looking through the menu, I placed my order, and after about 10 minutes, it was ready to be taken home.Yummy Harbour had a few sauces available in squirt bottles, but after the server told me what the sauces were and offered to add the sauces to my food, I realized I already had them at home and didn't need them.I ordered the Cheesesteak for my brother, and he said that it's not a Philly cheesesteak because of the type of cheese they used, but it's a pretty good cheesesteak!  Salmon & Crab Roe Pasta w/Cream Sauce: The pasta didn't get too mushy even though I had to wait a long time for the minibus and took a long time to bring the pasta home.  The sauce was very creamy, and overall, the pasta was quite tasty.Italian White Wine Mussel: The mussels were quite large and plump and tasted pretty good.  At this price, we know the mussels must be previously frozen, but they did a pretty good job at masking the frozen flavor with the white wine cream sauce.Deep Fried Herb Mozzarella: These were just like the mozzarella sticks we used to get from the trattorias in the US!  The crust was crispy and had a good strong herb flavor.  Inside the crust, the sticks were completely filled with mozzarella cheese so that you can really stretch the cheese apart!  This might even be better than the mozzarella sticks they serve at the American restaurants in HK!Escargot w/Mashed Potato: At the price of $40, the escargots have to be either canned or frozen, so it did have a preserved flavor to them.  However, the chef treated them pretty well with plenty of garlic and herbs.  The mashed potatoes were quite smooth and creamy. In order to keep the food cost relatively low, Yummy Harbour might have to compromise by using frozen versus fresh ingredients, but they do a pretty good job with the treatment of the ingredients!  At the price that they are selling their food, the quality is pretty good, and I can see myself visiting Yummy Harbour again when I want some Western snack foods! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-04-15
474 瀏覽
行過見到開左間新既小食,啲野食好吸引,有芝士西蘭花,田螺焗薯蓉,羊架,炸蝦堡,焗薯,芝士粒等等。個度有個menu有晒入面小食既圖片,全部都好吸引!店員介紹有新既小食,最後揀左牛柳芝士潛艇。 牛柳芝士潛艇($45)呢度既小食即叫即整,一拎上手熱辣辣仲好香!店員見我同男朋友一齊食仲好好人話幫我地分開一半首先個麵包烘過好脆,入面仲好足料!有好多牛柳,磨菇,洋蔥,溶左既芝士,真係好滿足!啲牛柳煮得好𣺉,唔會痴牙,配埋磨菇同煮到半𣺉既洋蔥,真係好好味又岩晒唔中意食爽洋蔥既朋友。呢間酒店級既小食真係一分錢 一分貨下次有機會一定要試埋其他 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2016-04-14
208 瀏覽
銅鑼灣新開既小食店~賣既小食唔係傳統既掃街食物魚蛋燒賣 而係較新穎既西式小食 當中最邪惡既就梗係芝士粒啦😈麵包糠包住mozzarella芝士 炸得唔算好鬆 不過就好香脆 但炸粉會比較厚~入面就芝味十足 熱食仲可以拉絲 而凍左就會比較煙韌 表面再加上香草同蒜鹽 雖然惹味 但本身芝士已經帶有咸味 再加埋呢d香料就有d太咸~ 咁濃味就梗係要食d野中和下 好彩佢隨芝士粒會有蘋果沙律 即刻清新番佢仲有幾多特別既小食 好似田螺 青口等等 今日太飽食唔落 下次試埋先~ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2016-03-28
260 瀏覽
知道銅鑼灣新開了這間名叫美味港的小食店,看到網上介紹的西式小食很吸引,到灣仔吃完晚飯後立刻要衝來嘗嘗不一樣的街邊小食! 10時多才到達美味港,想試的炸豬手配黑椒汁已經售完,今次唯有只嘗嘗很吸引我眼球的炸香草芝士粒。店內的小食都是即叫即做,非常新鮮!在等待食物時仔細看看餐牌,小食的選擇很豐富:有pizza、焗薯、墨魚鬚、炸白飯魚... 能夠有不同的小食選擇真的很幸福! 等待數分鐘後,突然,收銀員告知原來炸香草芝士粒已經賣完了,要更改其他食物或退錢,我感覺很愕然,明明下了單但吃不到想的食物,心𥚃不是味兒。男朋友話既然一場來到,先試試不同的小食吧,收銀員推介莎莎醬炒墨魚鬚,我們就即管一試。這個等待的時間,心情有點悶悶不樂,惦記著那本來已下單的芝士粒。 到我們拿食物,廚師特意走出來把食物交上我們手上,然後我看到有三粒芝士粒在墨魚鬚上面,非常驚喜!廚師告訴我們最後的芝士粒都給我們了,提醒我們下次要早點到,哈哈!很感動最後都可以吃到芝士粒呀!即叫即製的關係,食物可以熱辣辣到手上,增加食物的可口感,值得等待!先説莎莎醬墨魚鬚,一咬墨魚鬚肉質意外地很爽!非常彈牙!莎莎醬甜的有點微辣很惹味,連不能吃辣的我都可以接受!好好彩選了墨魚鬚,真的十分推介!然後吃炸香草芝士粒,香脆的外面包住芝士,咀嚼後芝士味充斥口腔,好好味呀!三粒跟本不夠,下次到銅鑼灣一定要再探訪美味港! 繼續閱讀
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