港鐵銅鑼灣站 D2 出口 繼續閱讀
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食評 (73)
等級1 2014-10-21
2675 瀏覽
餐廳氣氛舒適隨意,三五知己小酌冶情。食物意想不到的新鮮,食材也很講究。A5和牛脂肪比例均勻,豐富肉汁封鎖在香脆外表之內,肉脂馥毓香氣留在囗內慢慢溢出,可見師傅巧手。朋友對燒河涿讚不絕口,即使香烤仍不失魚肉本身的鮮甜味,佐以日本清酒可稱絕配,店員說來貨不多,難得一償整體上,無論食物本身,食材,以至師傅的水評,都令人感受到店主對美食的誠意和要求。和朋友過了一個寫意又滿足的晚上 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-03-14
3886 瀏覽
從前媽逢生日必和婆婆慶生,少時不覺也不理,越老卻越體會自己的生日實在是媽人生最痛或其中最痛的一天,那天之後無論你多老,媽還要一輩念着你,這番心情總要老大才真正曉得,媽已不能走遠路,吃是她此年紀的志業,妹生日,我們帶她吃過痛快。榮川是第一站。在這個一份不過了了的早餐等閒也三四十元的年代,用少過一百元可在榮川吃味美的日本菜,榮川實在是銅鑼灣的日藉恐龍:環境: 十足築地食店,小但潔淨舒適。食物:套餐$98: 煎匈牙利鵝肝飯 豬骨濃湯野菜烏冬 聲明匈牙利,童叟無欺,鵝肝煎得香脆軟糯,配珍珠米,跟幾夥香葱蒜片,天衣無逢,一啖溶在口中是人間滋味。飯太精采,烏冬雖有金菇大葱冬菇海帶紹菜,湯也很鮮,終究也被比下去。套餐$88: Angus beef 豆腐鍋是一大鍋小肥的薄牛肉片加豆腐金菇冬菇紹菜,湯清甜,牛香滑,豆腐嫩,熱騰騰,合老人吃,很好送飯。牛油果軟殼蟹壽司$60另一佳作,我向來不好軟殼蟹,嫌它沒肉沒蟹味,但這份六件的壽司,蟹炸得鬆脆,可能新鮮,竟隱隱有淡淡的蟹鮮,配新鮮牛油果,吃得很爽,價錢也很相宜,數年前在惠比壽吃也一樣。套餐都配前菜南瓜苦瓜煮牛舌,菜沙律,特濃麵豉湯和雪糕,牛舌很鄉土很入味,沙律的菜很是新鮮,卜卜脆。我們大快朵頤,媽一如既往一馬當先遍甲不留,吃得多吃得快吃得快樂就是福氣。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Sakaegawa . Here we go , entering the fish market . If u are a Japanese cuisine fans , u will notice that The Macau Yat Yuen Centre provide a wide selections of Japanese restaurant. For skewer , Sakaegawa is always on my list . The interior design is quite unique. Eye catching signboard and numerous slogans surly can attract your eyesight . The ambiance naturally pervade authentic Japanese sense , just like you are enjoying your meal in the fish market . However , the tables were placed too close to each other though, not spacious that customers may think it is too noisy and crowded , but overall is not a big deal . Anyway ,let's get back to the menu . Sakaegawa provide quite a comprehensive choice , wide variety like sashimi , tempura , sushi , yakitori, hot dish and side dish etc are all included in the menu .Tomatoes salad  For the starter , we take the tomatoes . Better have some vegetables at the start . The tomatoes were in slices with vinegar sesame sauce . However , it doesn't impress us . I would recommend they cut it in cubes or divided it into pieces from the center point . The tomatoes were sliced too thin that I think it ruins the texture . The main point is the tomatoes itself is not really that fresh  , not juicy and plump . The sauce is also too sour that doesn't match with the tomatoes . Overall quality is not up to standard , not recommended this  for the starter . Assorted Sashimi  For the Sashimi , we picked the assorted one since we have no ideas to pick from the a la carte . Overall, the sashimi is very refreshing . Come up with seven kinds ( hamachi , salmon , tuna , sword fish, toro , peony prawn and uni ).As you can see,  the presentation is quite eyecatching , colorful and in a morderate array . All fresh flesh are also in a thick cut . The hamachi and toro hit the spotlight . Belly strip of the fish , given the fatty richness of yellowtail to begin with, this is an extremely rich piece of fish with a buttery flavor. Definitely a delicacy !  For the toro , meaty flesh from the underbelly, blend well and the greasy sense melt in your mouth , such temption surly can impressed you . You just can't say a word while that big bite of toro stuffed  in your mouth . Sword fish is tender in a light texture, up to standard and in good condition . Uni is rich and creamy , nothing special to mention . Peony prawn is in a gigantic size with firm texture . Say it in Japanese : Umami ! Foie gras toast Signature dish like Foie gras toast average .The Foie gras is not hot enough . This is a fatal point , especially for foie gras . Although foie gras was in a thick layer , somehow the taste was a bit wired , I guess is due to the quality . The foie gras were not really that smooth and rich , on the other hand , the toast were not enough crispy at all , we aren't moved to this cuisine .Hairtail sashimi Nevertheless , for the hairtail , presented in an extremely thin slice form was full of surprise  . Most surprising is that the waitress indicated the fish should go with their special truffle oil . Thus , we drip some on top . Wow , certainly a different temptation !  The oil enhance the fish actual freshness and perfectly blend with the thin slice . It wasn't oily at all , instead , the oil successfully build up its distinctive tastes . This is the hightlight of the dining meal , highly recommended . Skewer platter Here come to the skewer . This actually was not a skewer platter . We just put all skewer into a plate for better photo taking ! We order 5 kinds in total . Bacon with scallop is the best , bacon was perfectly roasted into a crispy texture , really matched with fresh gigantic fresh scallop , excellent mouthfuls  . The white eel is also very delicious , it is a must order item ! White ewl with no fish any fish bone , very tender and succulent.  Grilled in a perfect timing with adequate seasonings , herbs and pepper sprinkle on top , what a aromatic savory !  For the beef tongue , chicken wings and bacon asparagus roll are all above average , all are tasty and hot enough . Deep fried prawn head Oh yes , almost forgot , we required to deep fried the peony prawn head . A Japanese tradition right ? Japanese use to do this for fish bones and head . But since we were stuffed , there were no empty room for the prawn head . I just have one small bite . First feeling pop up in my mind : Oily and filling ! But still , it is very crispy . Overall , service is alright . The owner is very friendly and attentive .  For skewer lovers , this is not a bad choice ! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-11-08
2426 瀏覽
星期五下午大約1點,來到位置放便既榮川日本料理。筆者跟友人各自點左午市套餐。筆者點了客北海丼。湯跟前菜也有驚喜。北海丼, 有三文魚, 三文魚子, 甜虾, 帶子, 海膽。每一種也非常新鮮! 三文魚及帶子很厚很肥美, 海膽鮮甜沒有苦味, 甜虾也很鮮甜很大隻,蟹子也很甘香。如果飯軟熟一點,味道會更好。友人點左鵝肝飯配三文魚刺身飯套餐。喜歡鵝肝的我覺得味道都不錯,特別是鵝肝醬汁配飯,非常惹味。而三文魚味道正常,跟連鎖食店差不多。埋單每人大約HKD100+,物超所值! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-08-26
2166 瀏覽
中午12時第2次到訪澳門逸園中心的榮川,印象中這裡的食物不錯.而且裝潢別有風味.本來想叫waiter安排個4人座位(雖然得2個人,但有預感會order很多食物,要4人的桌子才放得下),但waiter說4人的桌子都fully booked了,所以最後也是坐2人座位,略迫.友人尚未到,在等待他的時候叫了個三文魚刺身.味道還可以,和一般板長元氣差別不大.等待朋友的途中發現很多這裡有很多附近的上班族,而且都是order set lunch,因為好像抵d..但我和友人的習慣都是散叫的,所以叫waiter給了我個大menu.友人到達後,再order了個番茄salad.番茄是重點,十分新鮮清甜,不錯.這裡的蝦天婦羅不錯,蝦大有肉,外層也炸得很脆.上次食過黑松露飯,很香很滋味,想再order,可惜職員說今天沒有,改order鵝肝飯,喜歡鵝肝的我覺得味道都當不錯,不會比黑松露飯差,單價大慨是百多元,貴不貴就見仁見智了.叫了個帶子壽司,一般.最近很喜歡左口魚群邊,但職員說沒有,但有個跟左口魚群邊是親戚的蝶魚邊可代替,我就試一試,味道是很像,也是不錯的,新鮮的魚肉味.最後是甜點雪糕,一般不特出.其實友人另外再order了牛尾湯,池魚,豬手等等,但我都沒試,因此就不寫食評了.這次的想食什麼就order什麼的放肆lunch食得很滿足,也很飽. 繼續閱讀
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