港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 22:00
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食評 (4)
等級3 2015-02-15
235 瀏覽
曾與為食美人Z試過這𥚃的黑毛豬叉燒,味道一般,死心不息再來試炸黑毛豬排,反而有驚喜。豬排算是皮薄肉厚,因是黑毛豬的關係,豬排juicy 不柴皮,豬排夠厚,啖啖肉,食肉獸佳音,新鮮炸的豬排熱辣辣,好吃。跟餐的甜品味道似楊枝甘露,也可以啦。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-01-12
299 瀏覽
睇雜誌介紹熟食西班牙黑毛豬响銅鑼灣落腳,專程去試。叫咗個pork chop,類似BBQ做法,即我哋廣東人嘅叉燒。食落啲肉比較實淨但易咬開,唔粗嚡好有肉味,但就同平時食黑毛豬火腿嘅入口即溶滿口油腴好唔同,調味唔太鹹但個汁就鹹得滯。白飯有黑松露都幾香。最可惜係食到最後嗰兩嚿有個自由行阿媽帶住個細佬打個大乞嚏有成pat鼻涕噴咗落去碟飯度乜都冇講就輕輕飄走了……😠 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-08-08
340 瀏覽
Wanting a quick bite, I decided to eat at CitySuper's food court. Among the selections of the usual, was Iberico King. It seemed to serve meat on a sizzling hot plate with rice just like the famous Pepper Lunch. Only difference was it served different varieties of pork supposedly iberico pork to be exact. Prices ranged from $68-$78. You could choose rice or angel hair pasta. Add $3 for a drink. So I added an ice lemon tea.I ordered an iberico pork chop. You can pay cash or Octopus. You then receive a pager that will ring when your order is ready. Pretty convenient!The pork was already cooked. It was just placed on the hot plate. Just like Pepper Lunch, you're to mix everything around so it all the onions and egg get cooked evenly.It came with a gravy that was very thick. I basically poured it on the rice and mixed away.Taste wasn't as overly salty like Pepper Lunch. Pork chop was tender and tasted like char siu. I like char siu so I didn't mind. Portion of rice is smaller than Pepper Lunch but as I eat small portions, it was more than enough for me.Will return if I eat at this food court. Maybe try the ribs next time. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-07-29
515 瀏覽
呢排好似好興咩西班牙黑毛豬,成日見到啲雜誌介紹,不過幾百蚊又真係有啲唔捨得。前幾日攞野落銅鑼灣俾個客,熱到想死梗係鼠入商場涼冷氣順便睇下有咩好食。經過從新開張嘅city super food court,之前都有嚟過,野食價錢都有少少貴,不過銅鑼灣周圍都差唔多啦,雖然係food court不過幾靚又整整齊齊唔會嘈嘈閉好似打仗咁加埋city super呢間有錢人超市嘅服務質素,都不失為一個好地方嘅。聞到香噴噴嘅味道,哦,係鐵板怪不得咁香啦!!! pepper lunch?又唔係呀(不過都好本人早已對pepper lunch 每况愈下嘅質素死心),行咗個圏終於揾到你,原來係新開嘅Iberico King,當然要試試。主菜都幾多選擇:豬排骨,豬肋條,豬薄片,豬肉,豬扒,仲有美國牛肉片。價錢略有不同,不過黑毛豬餐廳喎梗係試下傳說中嘅黑毛豬仔啦。我揀咗豬扒pork chop($78)因為大大件實夠飽,嘻嘻,包野飲(咖啡茶汽水),湯又有碟小碟,幾豐富!黑毛豬,平時感覺好高檔噃。係咪堅?幾十蚊貨仔咋噃大佬?終於見到真身,嘩,大大件豬扒配咗黑松露醬汁,睇都覺得好食!一倒個醬落去個鐵板度,喳喳聲!不得了!太香噴噴!真係色香俱全。咁個味呢?切開試下,切落去好軟身唔會好粗糙,雖然厚身但係又唔會好硬。超juicy又惗又有勁濃郁嘅豬肉味道,我就真係唔識用幾百字嚟形容有幾好食同埋wiki 黑毛豬嘅資訊再copy and paste比大家睇喇。原來豬扒係可以咁正嘅!哈哈!加埋嗰個重味又香嘅黑松露醬汁,幾十蚊真係抵。真係有衝動立即買多個嚟食!不過,少食多滋味,下次再嚟encore呢間Iberico King! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)