晚市及海鮮外賣須先預訂 繼續閱讀
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12:00 - 23:00
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食評 (16)
等級4 2008-07-26
80 瀏覽
20-JUL同男朋友係澳門搭船番嚟, 落船係晚餐時間, 食咩好?? 誤打誤撞搵到間食海鮮既鋪頭, 同"海鮮站"既形式好似, 大埔仲有分店tim......總括比海鮮站平少少, 但食物質素同味道就差d喇, service亦麻麻.......我地ORDER左 熊本蠔 : $25/PC : 原本想叫大隻既蠔, 但買晒, 呢款都照叫, 但真係好細她好細, 價錢同大既一樣, 感覺好唔抵, 但好有蠔鮮翡翠螺 : $48/8pcs : 8隻好抵食, 爽口但鮮味欠奉茄菲蟹 : $168/pc : 大隻多肉多膏, 蟹膏夠鮮味, 肉質ok, 但我個人食開比較愛點紅"躁", 蘋果"噪"都ok, 只係本人口味問題鮑汁西蘭花 : 一般龍蝦荷葉飯 : 有d古怪, 雖然荷葉好香, 亦有半隻細龍蝦一齊焗, 但個飯同龍蝦乾過頭, 口感味道欠缺亦唔夾埋單HK$384 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2007-11-02
15 瀏覽
終於有機會光顧此食店。適逢星期二晚上,顧客較少,不用訂。主人與奴隸獸點了:1. 嘉菲蟹(HK$198):奴隸獸大戰嘉菲蟹開始啦!沒有太多蟹膏,但蟹肉嫩滑,好鮮、好甜、好味!2. 加拿大翡翠螺(HK$48):新鮮,肥美鮮甜。3. 龍蝦湯(HK$38):濃稠像汁,味道濃郁。4. 生扣南非鮑魚(HK$88):鮑魚扣得軟硬適中,彈牙有咬口。5. 白酒忌廉煎中蝦(HK$48):可能用龍蝦湯底做汁,因為覺得味道相似,蝦肉新鮮爽口。6. 智利白酒(HK$38)食得蠻滿意的一餐。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2007-09-17
14 瀏覽
近年也興起這類海鮮速遞加中、西、日合壁的地道餐廳。是日本打算吃個簡餐後再送貨,大熱天時下唔想痞盛記的話,附近又好似得這裡有位,也不再他想了。午市選擇有中色的豉汁炒海鮮、西式的焗龍蝦、日式的冷麵,大個焗爐下,焗釀龍蝦應該比較穩陣,是配白汁伊麵的。刀叉濕、乾紙也擺得企企理理,加埋杯熱烘烘的水仙,感覺又唔錯。套餐跟龍蝦湯,也是龍蝦殼煮出的湯,純龍蝦味,也吃到點點薯粉質,杰杰的加了忌廉也不怎麼滑,味道幾夠的,餐湯計也不錯呀。等了等,焗釀龍蝦上來了,也是pre-made然後即焗的,龍蝦如手掌般的骰,拆肉後加了菠蘿、磨菇打了層薄芝士,沒有吃到多少蝦肉,芝士也不夠香濃,感覺是不中不西的創作,吃畢只想知道剩下的蝦肉是用到蝦球湯麵還是龍蝦冷麵去?至於,白汁伊麵,味道單調得緊,只有忌廉的味道,只吃了兩口埋單去也。店方一貫禮貌的問是否質素問題,小店是人情味重於食物,簡單的一頓午餐,也不錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2007-06-21
10 瀏覽
I tried the restaurant because I saw the attractive pictures of the seafood it serves in "New Holiday" magazine and a coupon offering a great discount from HK$488 to HK$288 on their set seafood menu. However, I had a very disappointing my dining experience there.<br /><br />I made the booking yesterday before I visited the restauranttonight. My friend and I ordered the seafood dinner set. <br /><br />After having the lobster soup, the lady in the shop politely told us that the French crab is not available "these two days" and asked us either to pay an extra one hundred something HK$ for a different type of crab or to exchange for lobster with no extra cost. We reluctantly requested for lobster because we did not want to pay extra dollars.<br /><br />The lobsters were ordinary small lobsters in the like of Boston lobsters. I finished it in one mouthful!<br /><br />The lobsters were served together with Canadian "Pearl" snails. The taste of the snails was ok except that there were sands in the snails.<br /><br />I then asked the lady what other seafood would be served. She said calms, fish and noodles. I remembered that there should be one dish of large sized razor clam (蟶子皇) in the menu so I asked her if this was included in the menu. To my surprise, her answer is "the razor clam is not available" again. I felt something wrong because had I not asked, this fact would not have disclosed to me. The razor clam which was "not available" was replaced with an ordinary dish of small geoduck calms (those that you can buy at HK9 per piece in North Point pier!). The fish (one piece each) was ok and the noodles were just a tiny small portion for two people to share.<br /><br />While I was having the remaining dishes, I began to tell my friend that I saw a problem there. I politely told the lady that I was not quite happy that the two most important and expensive items were both "not available". I said I made the order yesterday and if they were not available "these two days", the lady accepting my reservation should have told me right away, in which case I could still make an informed decision as to whether I still wanted to visit the restaurant. Given the strong recommendation of New Holiday which cited "單是巨型鮮甜蟶子皇和啖啖蟹膏的法國膏蟹, 已經值回票價", I visited the restaurant but unfortunately I failed to tried both items and had to pay the same price for the "new" menu which in my view was not worth HK$288.<br /><br />I felt unfair and I felt unhappy all night, not all because of the money. I felt the restaurant was not doing their promotion seriously. One can always exercise his or her own judgement on how the restaurant treats its cusomers based on the facts that I give here. But I do think the customers including me deserve better treatment.<br /><br />The owner called me back later on and invited me to visit the restaurant again. I said no and asked him to delete my mobile phone number from their records. I told him "not available" was no good excuse. You can always say the items were "sold out" (cos' that's what happen all the times in other seafood shops") but I did not find it convincing to tell the customers that the most expensive (and delicious in my view) items in the whole menu were coincidently not available and asked them to pay extra for something else. This was totally unacceptable to me. <br /><br />I was disappointed at the seafood shop (and New Holiday magazine for inducing me to visit the shop!) and will not visit the shop again. I also reminded others to be careful in using coupons (this does not only apply to this specific case but to future cases. DO ask when all the items included in the menu will be available on the day of your visit).<br /><br />I am still very hungry and feeding myself with biscuits now... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2007-06-03
10 瀏覽
這間在中環的小鋪,只有十二個座位,主攻外賣,台和椅都比快餐店小得多,坐低後就算要找個地方放一個小手袋,也會有困難。如果不嫌地方極度狹窄,在這裏堂吃,也會有一番感受。這間店鋪,最好吃的就是冷凍海鮮,尤其是法國大麵包蟹,蟹肉肉質結實,味道鮮美,蟹蓋充滿了蟹膏,愛吃膏的不可錯過。此外,冷吃的翡翠螺,亞拉斯加蟹脚,及熱食的蒸聖子也好。奇怪的就是這裏竟然也有中式的燉湯,也做得可以。或者是特價的關係,較爲做得普通的反而就是西式的龍蝦湯,麵粉漿未完全開勻,亦沒有龍蝦的濃味,及過腍的龍蝦伊面的伊面底。不過,純以食物來說,以這裏的價錢,吃到這些高級餐廳的食物,也算不錯。這晚吃的東西可不少,但由于太擠迫,坐得太拘謹,台太細,食完一樣拿走才有位放另一樣,實在是美食當前,也不能慢慢細嘗,是一件遺憾的事,一個半小時不够,便結帳拜拜。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)