港鐵太古站 D1 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
出名上海小籠包的君頤上海小廚,有多樣上海菜式以供選擇!招牌菜有上海粗炒,酒釀丸子和灌湯餃! 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
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食評 (176)
等級2 2024-01-14
674 瀏覽
星期日夜晚去叫外賣,俾完錢就行返出去等外賣啦,廢事企喺舖頭入面阻住人做生意。我張單係寫住"外賣9"跟住等咗4, 5個字都仲未見有staff拎外賣出嚟叫number,咁我咪行入去問個staff"外賣9"有未,個staff話有喇,再指一指枱面。我問:下,你地唔拎出嚟唔叫number㗎?Staff理直氣壯咁講: 我地唔叫㗎。我再問:咁我落單嗰陣你唔講嘅? 跟住個staff就無再睬我繼續做自己嘢。我心諗,你唔叫,咁你張單整個外賣number嚟托啊?你expect個客好似袋鼠同熊貓咁自己入嚟拎你都講聲丫。嫩雞煨麵 $78因為唔知個外賣放咗喺枱幾耐,啲麵已經"淋"到唔洗咬都會爛雞火炒飯 $98個炒飯都無影相,不過都無咩值得影,無咩餸,衰過茶餐廳啲炒飯真係食茶記都無咁嬲。總結: 價錢唔平,又唔好食,入面啲staff就個個都係唔想做咁嘅面口。不可一,不可再。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-12-28
400 瀏覽
kinda fed up with the options in cityplaza and kornhill, we headed to the residential neighbourhood. The area was surprisingly quiet, as many probably went on vacation during the holidays, and this restaurant is one of the few which housed comparatively more diners.From the first glimpse of their menu, we were astonished as they offer quite an array of authentic dishes which ranges from common ones like fried rice/rice cake, dim sum, dan dan mian, to some rare ones like fried soufflé ball 高力豆沙, thus we ordered a few to share.A big shoutout to their sliced fish魚片, which arrived first at the table. The fish was tender, and every mouthful was infused with the chinese wine flavour. The only thing to complain is that the fish was a bit too salty in my opinion, perhaps the seasoning was too excessive.Another worth trying dish would be their 干菜千層肉— you can treat it as 東坡肉 but the pork belly was thinly sliced. I have to praise the chefs’ knife skills, the slices were thin so you wouldn’t feel that greasy and heavy! Also the meat was tender and well seasoned, and I love how the fat melts in the mouth, you could tell this dish is really well-done! As for their mains, we had their 孜然炒飯 and 雪菜年糕. I would say they are pretty normal like what we can get from other shanghai cuisine, so no special comments on them. Just that for that fried rice, the 孜然 flavour was really subtle in the sense that you could barely taste it, so I wouldn’t recommend that one.Last up was our dessert, we had been looking forward to that all the time. I need to praise the texture of the balls! They were absolutely soft and fluffy, not to mention hot, so in terms of texture the balls were fabulously done. Yet, the amount of red bean paste inside was regrettably small, and most of the sweetness came from the caster sugar sprinkled on top of the balls. Would be a 5-star dish if they were more generous with the filling. Bummer.Overall I would say the food was good though some could be done better for sure. But I’d say this restaurant serves quality food and it’s worth a try! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I had the displeasure of dining at this establishment and let me tell you, it was a absolute nightmare. The customer service was beyond terrible. Not only did I find a small cockroach in my fried rice after eating half of it, but when I discreetly asked for it to be taken back and taken off my bill, I was met with an atrocious attitude from the staff.Instead of taking responsibility for their mistake, they insisted that I pay for the dish, and that they would cook us a fresh one. Reluctantly, I agreed, only to find that they had simply recooked the same rice after removing the cockroach, as we found a cockroach leg after. To make matters worse, when I reported this to the supervisor, their attitude was even worse than before, and even the other staff members started being rude and talking loudly near our table.This is not a cheap restaurant by any means, and it's shocking that they would treat their customers in such a way. It's clear that these staff members have no business working in the food or customer service industry. I would not recommend this place to anyone.The portions of the food were quite small when compared to a few years ago. Also, there was quite a bit of MSG in the food.The steamed meat dumplings(小籠包):Mediocre. This dish is supposed to be the highlight of a shanghainese restaurant but it was that good. The dumpling wrappers were a bit thick.Pan fried meat dumplings (鍋貼):It didn't look and taste like it was pan fried. But it was hot 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
我係8年前已經開始幫襯這間上海餐廳,當時我覺得這間餐廳的食物都很不錯,尤其是當時的小籠包的皮夠薄、熱辣辣的,當時的價錢和服務也OK,於是我耐唔耐都會帶埋家人同朋友一齊去食。但直到今日,我對這間餐廳完全改觀,亦決定從今以後會blacklist這間餐廳,不會再光顧,也不會再介紹給其他人今天我去這間餐廳買外賣,有個唔知係經理還是店長的高大四眼仔坐係收銀處到,我走過去叫佢俾張外賣紙我睇下,並禮貌地問咗佢一條關於外賣套餐的問題,但他卻不耐煩地答:「係係係係!」然後我繼續禮貌地問他關於單點的問題,他還是繼續不耐煩地答:「係係係係!」這令我覺得他想催我快D,即係我只准點餸,但不准問問題^_^ 這令我感到很大壓力,本來我還想點多一款餸,但我見他這樣不耐煩,好似覺得我阻住佢咁,於是我也不敢再點更多的食物了,因為我唔想再聽到「係係係係!」到我點完餸、俾埋錢後,這個高大四眼仔連一句「多謝」也沒有,到我拎咗外賣臨走時,他也是連一句「多謝」也沒有,真係很有禮貌呢^_^另外,我也發現這個唔知係經理定店長的高大四眼仔對其他食客也是這樣的,其他食客食完野出去埋單時,他也是連一句「多謝」也沒有^_^ 我甚至還看到他突然聲大夾惡地對某些堂食的食客說:「得啦!我哋宜家好忙呀!你等等先啦!我轉頭再過嚟啦,好冇?!」哇! 真係好有禮貌喎~食客講咩我就聽唔到啦(因為太細聲),但佢咁大聲同食客講野,真係全場人望住佢囉,幾威呀 ^_^ 食物方面,個紅燒獅子頭雖然仲係熱辣辣,但係好咸! 至於鮮肉小籠包呢,仲經典呀! 係凍冰冰架! 小籠包唔單止連「微溫」也沒有,而係真係凍哂㗎!我從來未食過一D咁凍的小籠包囉~ 唔講既話我仲以為自己食緊冷盤呀 ^_^ 哈哈哈!仲有呀,我等緊外賣時,個地毯超級污糟,而且feel到有野係我對腳到嬲下嬲下嗱,唔係得我一個覺得這間餐廳的食物及服務質素大倒退㗎,連其他食客都係咁覺得㗎,唔信的話,歡迎各位睇下這間餐廳的食評及google留言,好多人(甚至一D幫襯多年的老街坊)都話它的食物及服務差咗好多,價錢又貴咗,食物份量又細咗。其實香港有好多其他更好吃、服務更好的上海餐館,所以我奉勸大家無謂再幫襯這間餐廳,免得貼錢買難受啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
第一次係OpenRice 寫食評 因為呢間上海菜真係唔錯 好值得推薦今晚同老公行經太古城 見到呢間上海菜坐爆人 就知應該不錯 入黎試試佢 我地叫左酸辣湯 水煮牛肉 黃金蝦球 ❤️酸辣湯太好食,食完先醒起未影相水煮牛肉 牛肉足料 食極都有 略嫌辣左dd (如果譚仔平時食開清湯/十小辣 就會覺得辣 ) 食得辣嘅朋友應該會好鍾意黃金蝦球 外脆內軟 上枱仲熱辣辣 送飯一流最後試埋個甜品 豆沙鍋餅 好好食走時埋單人頭2百幾到 性價比高 上菜又快 下次會再幫襯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)