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沙嗲串燒 炆牛利 海南雞飯 燒魚
食評 (69)
等級4 2011-06-26
609 瀏覽
From my knowlegde, 米芝蓮推介餐廳 should have the following criteia1. 食物好味2. Satisfactory environment3. GOOD SERVICE印尼餐廳1968 can barely fulfill the first 2 criteria but the service is extremely bad1. 食物The tatse is satisfactoryBut the portion is very very smallWe ordered 4 dishes (for 4 people) and we feel so hungry after the lunch薄餅 - $18 for 2 pieces, the taste is ok, not special, but the size is very small巴東牛肉 - average, again, very very small串燒 - ok醬燒雞 - taste ok, but only 5 small pieces and each piece of 雞 mainly compose of bone!飯 - I can at least finish 3 to 4 dishes myself (because of the portion!!!)2. Environment- decortaion not bad- but the toilet is so small, man with normal body built can't make a turn in the toilet3. Service- sorry, not available- the waitress showed you typical "black face", O my god!!!!!!- The waitress are so SLOW, even when the restauarant is not full- Why water cannot be provided free of charge?The old 印尼餐廳 is really much betterUnfortunately, it is gone 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2010-11-28
322 瀏覽
今日中午放學同學生係銅鑼灣搵地方食飯,但到處都是人山人海,我一向要等位就我令願唔食,行左好多地方,終於走到較遍既禮頓道,見到一間印尼餐廳,大家都好想試下。廳內環境很舒服,最適合坐下慢慢同朋友飲野吹水。我地叫左一個印尼炒麵 $68,麵一到,啊!甚解跟 memu 既圖完全唔同?細蝶左同外貌無圖片咁靚,我壞疑之下問個待應,佢態度好不友善咁答<係>就走開左,咁無可耐何都要接受啦,呢個印尼炒麵味道濃郁,內有少許菜,有 4 隻蝦,非常好味,我地每人分得幾淡,實在唔夠喉。軟縠蟹卷 $48,內有軟縠蟹同一些類似粉絲既,味道普通。食完倆份食物,一直坐左好耐都未有第三份到,追問之下,個待應個樣好 cool 咁行去查,睇佢地幾個待應吱吱噚似可能送錯左去另一張台比人食左,再等之下薄餅終於拿到來,但個待應無表示歉意就行開。薄餅 $18,有兩片,每片 $9,都算貴囉,但好好味,我一面食一面樹起手指不停讚,值得推介。若然待應態度好些我都會再來,但... 我一定唔會再幫襯囉. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-11-09
114 瀏覽
這幾天經常出街食... 所以想吃些特別的食物, 朋友其中一個建議是印尼餐廳, 就這裡吧! 環境也舒服的, 不知不覺就在這裡吃了兩小時多的飯。不過, 有點disappointed為何沒有椰汁糕???!!!book了7pm, 兩個人其實不用book的, 不知是否是星期一的關係, 人不多。原本也很靜, 也享受background music之中(朋友未到) 後來來了一堆人就只聽到大大的笑聲。我們requested了弄熄一支在我們附近的香, 太近, 受不了那種味道。1) 印尼炒飯: 飯頗硬, 蛋也很硬, 可能是放了很久(在雪櫃?), 大蝦片"林了", 味道一般, 幸好有satay (雞來的, 不辣)2) 十五夜: 這個什麼也有少少, 所以想試印尼食物的這個也不錯。牛筋, 椰汁雞(不錯, 我喜歡椰汁), sticky rice (很軟!! 撈椰汁很好!), 薯餅(皮很特別, 不只是炸), 伴碟的魚仔、花生及像薯片的 (很惹味但很熱氣吧?!)。 可是, 衛生卻有改善的地方... 3) 蝦片: 這個是charged的, $18, 不知可否不要?! 沒有什麼特別4) 最欣賞的Guava soda: 本不打算order any drinks, 因為之後想食dessert, 但沒有free water provided所以就order了很多人都讚的guava soda。很refreshing, 微甜, 好正! 有點guava肉! 不過...飲了一半後有些發現, 在這不能說, 想知可send message給我。今次我們嘗試跟waitress說, 她換了一杯給我。p.s. 中午打來訂檯, waitress態度欠佳, 問多兩句就趕住收線, 要改改! 繼續閱讀
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I grow up eating Indonesian food. Thus, naturally, I am a bit fussy when it comes to Indonesian food. First, the not so authentic gado gado. The vegetables served in gado gado are normally blanched until they are soft, and these were raw. There were no fried tofu, tempe (soybean cake), as well as emping (another type of crackers, which can be easily purchased in any Indonesian supermarkets in Hong Kong). The gado gado is normally drenched and mixed well with its sauce, served with a touch of acid (from lime/kalamansi), and this was not. To conclude, this is a just vegetable salad with peanut sauce and prawn chips, being sold as gado gado.The sate. Again, not authentic and they're not the improved version of the sate you get from Indonesian street vendors. We're missing the smoky charcoal aroma we get from sate, the meat wasn't the most tender nor flavorful, we almost didn't get any distinct flavor from each meat at all (chicken, beef, pork?). The dressing was a sweet and too watery peanut...liquid, which could be improved very easily with some chopped raw shallot, chilli and a drizzle of lime and kecap manis. This is not what Indonesian sate is about.The lontong capgomeh was a pile of lontong (Indonesian rice cakes) in the form of a tumpeng (yellow rice platter). All the "accessories" the lontong were served with (kering teri/kacang, kripik kentang, perkedel, telor balado, etc)...are those normally served with Indonesian yellow rice instead of lontong capgomeh. Lontong capgomeh is normally served soupy with flavorful coconut milk soup base, and this was served dry. If this was lontong capgomeh, then maybe I am not Indonesian.Was it really that bad? Oh, no worries, the bad news ended there. The beef rendang was pretty authentic. It was not as tender as I'd like it to be, but it is pretty normal for beef rendang to be not so tender, even the ones in Indonesia. The flavors were right, and it tasted fantastic with rice.The semur lidah (Indonesian stewed ox tongue). Although it is again not served in an authentic manner (semur lidah is normally served as a soup), but this dish was great. It's one of my favorites from this place. The thick cut tongue pieces were absolutely melt-in-your-mouth tender, and the thick sweet sauce served with it was flavorful.Indonesia's answer to croquette, perkedel. This is a dish which I've failed to recreate at home numerous times, and these ones were fantastic! It's everything a perkedel should be. Crispy on the outside, soft and flavorful on the inside.The perkedel jagung (corn fritters) were also delicious, fried to perfection with fragrant corn aroma.The guava soda, which I think was a boxed guava juice topped with soda, but it was surprisingly good. The soda really tamed the over sweetness of the boxed guava juice.http://mochachocolatarita.blogspot.com/2010/01/indonesian-restaurant-1968-causeway-bay.html 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-03-30
78 瀏覽
信回教的朋友話同我慶生,本來諗住去另一個地方,但後來冇去,之後就來左呢度,諗住印尼野實啱佢地食啦,因為印尼係信回教架嘛,點知一打開個menu就見到豬肉,有冇搞錯!咁我地唯有叫多d齋同海鮮囉。我地一入去就送左d蝦片,小朋友都不知幾鍾意食。跟住叫左一個薄餅,蝦餅,燒魚(都幾辣,係泰式),燒茄子(普通),一個乜肉都有的黃薑飯(佢味道唔錯,有椰汁雞,有牛肉,有菜有魚乾同好似薯餅的東西,但只係我地冇信回教的人先有得食),同兩杯印尼茶(好有香草味,但唔鍾意草味會覺得怪),小朋友就叫左杯石榴汁。間野坐得幾舒服,好有鬼佬feel。 繼續閱讀
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