港鐵將軍澳站 C 出口 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
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食評 (70)
等級4 2021-12-24
760 瀏覽
第一次食w28 亦都係最後一次 聽聞做到1月8號就結束營業🙃餐廳環境比較昏暗~~餐牌都多選擇 價位算係中高價-頭盤揀咗蝦多士同煎鵝肝蝦多士香脆 同坊間嘅蝦多士有分別食到啖啖蝦肉🍤主菜係大蝦配牛柳叫左五成熟味道正常 冇乜大驚喜牛柳有啲乾 配菜較為普通 冇乜味道個焗薯都無乜特別甜品選擇香橙煮薄餅有d奇怪 都係揀蛋糕會穩陣啲(◐‿◑)整體來講呢個價位可以選擇到更加高質嘅餐廳特別係配菜賣相真係可以再好d🥔🥕🥬 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-11-17
1001 瀏覽
滿載期望的去試呢個扒房,開車去酒店想泊低,酒店話唔係泊酒店,最近嘅泊車地方係隔離 PopCorn,有冇泊車優惠就自己同餐廳夾返喎~泊咗 PopCorn,完全見唔到有水牌指示,問到第三個人,先能夠準確講出點樣上佢7樓嗰位置。入到電梯,6樓、8樓都有寫餐廳名,淨係7樓個掣乜都冇寫⋯ 黑人❓❓上到餐廳,見佢個裝修,同期望中嘅酒店扒房爭好遠。打開餐牌,一個就係期望中嘅@$500至$1000 一個餐嘅選項,另一個就係$100至$150嘅特價午餐牌。喺心裏面充滿❓及❌的心理狀態下,冇信心食佢啲貴野,叫咗特價餐。我同朋友講,希望唔會俾啲花園餐廳出品我哋。上菜,我同朋友一齊笑出嚟,真係花園餐廳級數。花園餐廳仲會插到支旗仔俾你開心吓,佢個永恆羅宋湯雖然係大鑊煮出嚟但係足料夠味。呢度嘅法國蝸牛前菜係微波爐叮出嚟,周打魚湯係Pizza Hut嗰啲開粉湯。@$198/西冷扒餐,花園餐廳整得好味啲,價錢只係一半。個橙汁薄餅甜品,係落濃縮橙汁,甜到苦。酒店扒房甜品部,如果冇橙味精油,可以俾個雪糕食下啦,起碼正常啲。埋單閒聊,經理話做到1月9號就會結業。我心諗,都好嘅。比完現金買單,問佢攞張單做泊車優惠,佢話要信用卡電子單先得,同埋要泊去將軍澳中心。呵。做到1月9號就會結業。我心諗,都好嘅。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2021-10-22
723 瀏覽
This is my first time to this restaurant, the great impression were from the start to the end. The place is spacious and guests can enjoy their conversations without raising the voice. Staffs are very friendly and the quality of the food are great! The chef introduced us their recommendations of the month with details, the dishes are at extremely high quality, the surprise are way beyond my expectations! The standard is very high but the price is probably only half of what I need to pay at somewhat fine dining restaurants over the island side. If you are looking for a good steak dishes, then I believed that you won’t get disappointed at this place. Tips to access: if you are taking MTR to TKO station, just take the service lift from the shopping mall (pop corn) 1/F which is located at the corner(a bit hidden) then straight to the 7/F to the restaurant. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2021-10-16
491 瀏覽
People here are extremely friendly and helpful. They introduce the dishes patiently and offer services we need proactively. The menu is the same for years but the taste is what we are always looking forwards to. Something you remember well and want to eat again. Also very good portion and quality materials. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-10-13
601 瀏覽
佢哋個set lunch 其實真係唔錯,lunch set 包頭盤、主菜、甜品和飲品。而我最欣賞佢嘅係頭盤同甜品係有幾個選擇,唔係一般嘅沙律、湯⋯之類,而係有其他選擇,就好似圖片中嘅蝦多士、法式田螺,成件事立即開心左,所以我每次都係叫田螺,而田螺入面有6隻,入面有芝士,成個菜式好味到暈👍🏻主菜我叫左牛扒,牛扒夠淋身,五成熟已經ok,冇血水,不過偏薄身,但係唔差嘅!至於甜品,可以揀雪糕、芝士蛋糕⋯之類,味道正常啦。而佢哋嘅服務亦好好,環境舒服坐得闊落,所以整體感覺唔錯👍🏻👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)