港鐵銅鑼灣站 B 出口 繼續閱讀
餐廳設有高級音響,電視機,歡迎開派對,生日包場。 設有特色甜品及生日蛋糕,可於活動前預定,詳情來電查詢。 繼續閱讀
季節刺身,和牛鐵板燒,季節火鍋,石燒日本和牛,盬燒海鰻,厚切牛舌,爐端燒日本空運海鮮,每日不同自家制日式甜品 晴日本料理洋溢日本東京爐端燒風格,為客人供應午餐及晚餐。本店使用日本和牛及雞肉,澳洲和牛,西班牙猪,法國黃油雞為我們主要食材,配以多款傳統手作爐端燒,每款食材都配上精心調制醬汁,別具特色。以每天空運大量新鮮時令季節食材供應客人選擇享用。每日為客人提供午市特價定食,多款選擇,令你滿意。 客人可選擇在爐端燒吧或特色卡位,同時可選用格調獨特的貴賓房。
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:30
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (6)
等級3 2015-08-03
753 瀏覽
Happy Friday在銅鑼灣搵食實在有點困難,度度都full booking,本想試試登龍街新開的拉麵店,但那條隊實在長得恐怖,排了兩分鐘,汗流浹背,放棄,轉移陣地去永光中心,本又想試試Mr. Korean,可是連walk-in也不行,於是誤打誤撞來了「晴」,一出電梯立吓眼看到HK$88豬扒飯,應該不會太貴吧,所以膽粗粗便進去了。(後來才知道午餐才可以點這些,只怪自己一開始沒看清楚。)這裡環境寧靜,位不多,格調高級,一看餐牌,奶嘢,咁貴嘅!而且竟然無飯無拉麵,選擇少得可憐,翻了餐牌數十遍,仍想不出點甚麼好,最後點了店內唯一一個飯 – 鰻魚炒飯(HK$168),其實我比較喜歡吃鰻魚飯,因為有大大塊鰻魚,可惜又是中午才可以點。和想像中一樣,鰻魚炒飯只有很少鰻魚,不過這個飯確實炒得不錯,珍珠米一粒粒,夠味又好吃,鰻魚亦很香,只是有點貴,如果到6樓的「小平津」,用HK$110已經可以吃到大大塊的鰻魚飯。必食指數:3粒星牛舌串燒(HK$38),有肉汁,很好吃。必食指數:4粒星雞翼串燒(HK$38),過熟了,肉不嫩,不推介。吃滿HK$200會送一隻鮑魚,不過不失啦。最後還會送甜品,朱古力奶凍,還是那句,不過不失啦。所以最後點了三款菜,卻有五款菜,還可以啦,或者下次來試午餐會比較划算。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2015-03-03
618 瀏覽
由於情人節無book位 唯有四周搵下有無好食既鰻魚飯😍😛誤打誤撞走左黎呢間餐廳 地方唔太大 但卡位之中都會有層布隔住 比較有私穩☺️終於食到鰻魚飯😭 係餐牌沒有的 要額外問侍應要先有喔😁鰻魚汁同鰻魚都算多 有鮮味同埋無刺叫左碟羊扒 只有兩塊 但都很嫩 調味料唔會太鹹😉總叫左個迷你魚生飯 好新鮮既三文魚同吞拿魚唔好以為個碗好細 但其實都幾深 容易就飽最後叫左蝦天婦羅🍤 唔太油膩 蝦都好鮮甜😌整體都好滿意 唔多人所以坐得舒服😏服務態度都好好 會不斷幫你倒茶😎最緊要都係食得飽😆 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-05-28
1092 瀏覽
After doing a bit of yoga, I couldn't decide what to have for lunch before heading to work. Feeling like Japanese in this hot weather, I decided to try something at Circle Tower. Randomly pressing a button on the elevator, I came upon this place. Izayaki Mori. The flyer at the door said all sets in their regular menu was 20% off at lunch time. Place seemed to have a decent amount of people, so in I went!The place was small but cozy. There were several tables with a curtained area for groups who want a little privacy. I was alone so they seated me at the bar that overlooked the grilling station for all that yakitori.The menu was in Chinese and English with lovely photos of all the food. All sets included salad, appetizer and coffee or tea or miso soup. The menu seemed to have everything from donbori to curry to yakitori. Sets ranged from $90 - 220 but at lunch, there was a 20% discount so even better deal!I ordered the chef's special yakitori over rice with a mini udon set.The salad came first. Lettuce was crisp. Sesame salad dressing was used. It was ok as salads go.Appetizer was pickles and some sort of spicy fish cake with bean sprouts and beans. The spicy fish cake was pretty good. This took a while to make. I saw the chef making it to order and he took his time grilling and basting with the sauce. Portion size was quite a decent. The rice was still warm so I could mix my raw egg yolk to let it cook. There were different pieces of grilled food. Grilled chicken was a bit inconsistent. One piece was dry. But the other piece was moist. The mushroom was soft and seasoned well. There was a piece of ground pork wrapped in a shiso leaf that I've never had before. It was moist and quite good. The addition of the shiso leaf gave it a herby flavor. There was one pork sausage that was juicy. I usually don't like leeks but this was grilled long enough to make it taste sweet. I saw two green peppers and wasn't sure if it was spicy but upon biting into it, it was just a regular shishito pepper and was sweet and soft. There was the right amount of yakitori sauce. Enough to sweeten the rice and not flood it completely.The mini udon wasn't too mini. I would consider it a small size. It was nice and warm. The udon was chewy. The soup light.I was pretty full when I was finished my meal. I noticed the people next to me ordered the two mini don sets and they didn't seem to mini. There was someone else who had cold noodles with tempura and it was a healthy portion. I will definitely return. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-02-05
1004 瀏覽
最近看「味吉陽一」, 所以特別想食日本野。今日下午, 我又去食日本野....來到登龍街呢憧大廈.......上一次, 我同我朋友誤打誤撞, 來到這間店, 當時已經10時, 但佢仲開門, 仲說傳單上的8折是有效的, 甘我們就入去食, 點知埋單先話, 刺身壽司沒有8折....那餐都很甘。今次再來到, 都怕怕佢有D貴, 不過有LUNCH SET 應該好好多。食物今天我叫了一個「三文魚親子便當SET」。三文魚親子便當SET ($120)三文魚跟魚子都好新鮮, 芥末超辣超正。又大舊, 感覺好好食, 好滿足。不過我覺得魚子不夠冷。飯不是一般的飯, 是有味道的香菇飯, 真的好入味好好食。這個SET, 仲有包前菜 - 沙律, 螺肉 和烏冬。沙律蔬菜都很新鮮, 沙律汁都好好味, 跟日本的味道差唔多。螺肉 及 生姜生姜味道好好, 不過太酸。螺肉的味道就差很遠了。烏冬好煙銀....都OK好食.....餐牌 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-06-10
585 瀏覽
第一次去依間食日本菜, 有點失望!!!銀雪魚D汁太甜, 蓋晒魚味,$120兩塊, 實在不值!!!三文魚$30一塊唔夠肥美, 什菜天婦羅好味,夠晒翠, 羊架ok!  地方寧靜環境唔錯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)