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我是住在灣仔的Sturdy。我是一名Property Consultant,在灣仔工作。我最常於中環金鐘灣仔出沒,最鍾意泰國菜新加坡菜日本菜,ALL,露天茶座私房菜西餐廳,Clean restaurants with friendly service and enough elbow space to feel comfortable.同海鮮藥膳壽司/刺身,Bangkok style street food, SE Asian curries, salads, fine dining, exotic foods。
食評會員 0次成為首位寫食評會員
食評數目 食評數目 34
編輯推介數目 編輯推介數目 0
食評被推次數 會員推介次數 7
人氣指數 人氣指數 1129
討論區留言 留言數目 0
上載相片 上載相片 224
上載影片 上載影片 0
我的推介食評 我推介的食評 2
我的餐廳 我的餐廳 145
關注 關注 1
粉絲 粉絲 26
Sturdy  等級3
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I LOVE (to look at / touch / smell / taste / buy / cook / photograph / eat / talk about / read about / write about) FOOD
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I have always been a fan of the "old school" dim sum restaurants with ladies making the rounds with their carts bearing towers of bamboo steamers filled with goodies. The Metropol is brilliantly located in the heart of Admiralty, ma...

Genuinely Good  笑臉  2016-01-21
My friend and I had an inpromptu lunch at Bibo today. It was my first time at this stylish restaurant that combines amazing artwork with unpretentious fine dining and I must say that I was thoroughly impressed with the service as well as...

Delicious  笑臉  2016-01-12
Today, my lovely colleague was kind enough to queue up for the chicken sandwich and while I normally wouldn't write a review for a takeaway, I must say this sandwich was awesome (and I am EXTREMLY picky when it comes to sandwich...
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