Exit C, Tseung Kwan O MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (27)
Level4 2017-02-03
奶油包因為N年前既一個經歷已經好耐都冇幫襯過POKKA CAFE因為多年前曾經俾POKKA既SET呃左奶油包心有不憤而今次因為朋友生日我地就再次挑戰一下POKKA CAFE去到發現POKKA CAFE既DINNER SET好似都幾吸引就叫左3個DINNER SET試下佢地分別係牛扒餐,燒春雞餐同巴馬火腿卡邦尼意粉咁既然係餐就梗係有餐湯今日既餐湯係磨菇忌廉湯配牛角包個湯明顯係將D磨菇打成蓉所以有好香既磨菇味唔係個D即食既湯POKKA都幾有心思而個牛角包都唔錯如果可以再香口D就好個燒春雞都唔錯雞肉幾嫰口係份量好似少左DD不過佢係春雞..應該都係咁上下大隻而個巴馬火腿卡邦尼意粉奶油包覺得如果冇咁多椒可能會更加好因為奶油包真係好憎食椒椒個D怪味影響左我對個意粉既好感而個牛扒呢...Sorry...冇相..因為一上枱就俾奶油包同朋友『肢解』左牛扒係唔錯既...叫Medium唔會成Well Done煎牛扒既火候控制得唔錯最大驚喜係個牛扒竟然配飯....一大碗飯...朋友食完話好飽之後POKKA CAFE仲一人送左一個甜品俾我地甜品係啫喱整體嚟講Pokka Cafe Grill Specialista野食都算OK而service都幾好奶油包俾佢75分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-01-26
想坐得舒服食午餐可以去呢間pokka cafe試下,有多個飯麵set選擇,price由$68起至$2xx。我揀左中價的牛柳意粉包餐湯同飲品。是日餐湯為南瓜湯,配牛角包。濃郁的南瓜湯好美味,反而包有D稔,差DD。spicy 牛柳意粉唔係好辣,牛柳肉質鮮嫩,意粉都好彈牙,份量都唔少。coffee真係好味,無得彈! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-09-05
Just a casual selfish lunch on my own, I have ordered this Korean style beef rice served in hot stone pot with a runny egg on top. The taste was pretty commercial with a light heat and some savoury thiny sliced beef, sided with kimchi. The only plus point was that it was served really steaming hot because they used the real stone pot that the Korean use. The egg was done right with a maximum runniness, I liked it break it and mix it in the rice. Absolutely "Egg-cellent"!Then I ordered a cup of hot coffee to finish off the meal and at this time, I took out my laptop and started working while enjoying this cup of nice coffee.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-07-12
因為有85折卡,所以就到這些間Drill Specialist Pokka試試。地方ok啦,大部份是4人枱; 餐廳內的waiter服務幾好,唯獨是門口那個就差啲,唔係好想答你。食物方面,如果喜歡重口味同肥膩會覺得唔好食,因為食物偏向少油同少鹽。我當日同屋企人喺度食午餐,叫了DIY牛扒,豬頸肉咖哩飯同帶子綠茶麵沙律。牛扒偏瘦,要快速DIY狂炒,否則鐵板很快會唔夠熱; 咖哩飯味道ok, 份量夠,至於沙律就味道不錯,是keep fit人仕首選,可惜分量偏少。整體嚟講,我覺得Pokka啲餐廳價錢一向偏貴,但食物質素都係ok嘅,唔會太差。如果要比較Pokka其下餐廳,我會覺得Le Grand好食啲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-07-07
是日正苦惱晚餐要食咩, 地鐵站旁既大商場內徘徊既時候,占左細小角既 Pokka Cafe Grill Specialist 進入左me視線內可能夜晚去, 環境好似更暗咁好吧, 先黎講1講第一道菜吧酥皮海鮮湯 (HK$ 82)不被外表迷惑, 打開酥皮既面紗~有海鮮耶,壓低酥皮浸入湯中, 已經有一股濃郁既香味飄來~本來係好吸引的但係, 但係, 但係呢,,,me覺得咸既咸左d咁喇~就講主菜喇鐵板肉眼牛扒 (HK$ 195), 鐵板上級牛扒 (HK$ 172)左邊有幾配料, 用黎配眼前既肉仲有米飯配搭, 超合付港人既, 有碗白飯hehee如果5想舊肉太硬既話, 你明既 (3579成喲)實質最令me意外既係, 呢杯 鮮果紅茶 (HK$68)呢杯令me印象幾深刻,配上甜甜既蜜糖, 成杯都帶有甜甜既香氣可惜, me喜歡無加甜既鮮果紅茶,比較岩me口味如果諗5到食咩, 而又經過, 不彷坐坐, 試試杯紅茶 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)