8-min walk from Exit D3, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Kid-friendly Details
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (25)
Level2 2022-05-03
It is located on the Victory Avenue, full of many pet stores, so when you walk there, it is so cute🥲🥲On the second floor of the building; when I come there, there are always seats available, especially the sofa seats. I like how it is quiet, and the paintings are beautiful.Staff is always welcoming! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一講開starbucks一定話冇位喇,個個都坐喺度打躉架嘛😅😅yeah畀我搵到一間喺勝利道㗎,上樓梯上到去好大好舒服同好寧靜,仲有好多位喎😍😍😍 最重要嘅係嗰啲位呢係特別闊落㗎👍👍因為可能大喇😅咁所以呢啲位特別闊落,唔係好似窄嗰d starbucks囉👍👍所以呢一間係好值得去舒舒服服咁樣樣enjoy一個上晝 😍又可能因為上樓梯冇乜人留意,所以少人去d啦!👏👏👏我朝頭早上去又真係冇乜人喎👍👍同埋佢最緊要係個早餐吸引28蚊呀♥️ 碎蛋三文魚漢堡加杯嘢飲係咪好抵呢💯睇下個包都好大個㗎👍魚柳都ok大塊㗎😅( 如果再大塊啲就更加好啦 ) 加埋啲碎蛋好好味嘅,但係我覺得佢啲碎蛋唔到多囉😅得一pat仔少少咁樣樣如果佢加多一pat呢咁會豐滿啲juicy啲咁就好好味啦😅😅個包脆卜卜架ok啦♥️最正就係我最鍾意飲嘅 cappuccino 我要無糖㗎👍無糖一樣咁好味😋好耐冇飲啦😅所以坐喺度嘆咗成兩個幾鐘呀🤭🤭starbucks何文田勝利道1號勝利道1號星巴克#katkatfoodies continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-09-01
今日係7月14號,出去應下節。經過何文田見到星巴克,情不自禁就會停下來歇一歇,飲杯野飲。剛剛好今日星期二,星巴克做緊20蚊指定飲品,真係好運👍🏾有我喜歡的果漾洛神花冷碎咖啡☕️。洛神花香味再加上水果片酸味連咖啡溝埋一齊飲,有另一番風味!仲有一個係本人都喜歡的芒果🥭抺茶🍵星冰樂。芒果好香再加上綠茶🍵的茶香味一齊真回味無窮。因為天氣比較熱,所以今次無試淳香豆奶抺茶🍵下星期二又可以試新口味啦!期待不同的味道⋯⋯ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-03-25
作為Starbucks嘅Fans,間唔中就有個咖啡癮,心思思想幫襯下佢。當然Starbucks Marketing 都做得好好,永遠都有啲新野俾我依啲貪新鮮嘅人試😋今次試下Starbucks新蛋糕:富士山🗻蛋糕,分別有抹茶同朱古力,係依個櫻花季推出真係好夾👍🏻 朱古力蛋糕係有啲似Bowie底,上面就係鬆餅嘅口感。面頭再加一層薄薄嘅白朱古力扮雪,就可以tum到崇日少女$21喇😂😂😂 其實都好食嘅,細細件最岩下午茶,扮下中產飲下Starbucks,過一個下午。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-26
其實坦白講咖啡,我就唔係好識品嚐,我只係想找個地方舒舒服服坐底,飲杯野,唔洗好似要同人爭凳仔咁。呢個地方我真係覺得好正,同朋友傾計又得,自己靜靜睇書又得。又有洗手間。。。我覺得喺香港找到間starbuck唔係成日要搭桌已經好難得。。。不過可能只係某時段係咁。。。如果你下次去多人,唔好罵我呀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)