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Review (36)
Level4 2014-04-28
懂得選,團購有好嘢!我比較喜歡買現金卷,因為不會被食肆將貨就價,選擇亦靈活;無需訂位之食肆我更喜歡,省卻麻煩!去年至今年初,因為有半價現金劵優惠,這三款碟頭飯就孌成我的晚上常餐。 小樽叉燒炒蛋飯 - 我至愛選擇 小樽叉燒雖然不及我們廣東燒味叉燒香口,但確有其獨特之處,喜其味帶甜,喚醒味蕾,鹹味不出,肉質嫩滑卻又依然保留了些嚼勁,比拉麵上的日式叉燒滋味,也許是醃得更入味;炒蛋亦是北海道牧場牛奶的鎮店名菜,用名乎其實之北海道牛奶炒蛋,令其更滑溜,就是因為有奶+蛋香,一試難忘;叉燒加炒蛋更成絕配,百吃不厭!(因為多次光顧,以為自己早已拍照,其實未有佳作,所以此食評未能附上。)番茄午餐肉飯 喜歡它的賣相,小店把米飯有心思地堆砌成圖圓厚身的扁球狀,大小剛配以自家製的圓形午餐肉片,頂頭鋪上幾棵番茄蓉及煎雞蛋,飯底下有豐富的醬汁,但成一碟簡單而足料的碟頭飯。説實話,午餐肉味道尚可質感一般,但配以番茄雞蛋同吃匹配,有些吃早餐的感覺,幸好醬汁足,飯就好吃了。 免治牛肉蛋飯牛肉肉剁碎不至糜爛有嚼口,醬汁豐富鹹甜味適中,靈魂依照是鎮店炒蛋,此乃雞蛋之魅力,配叉燒匹配,配牛肉亦不失色,佐飯一流,碟頭飯之選。本年初餐廳已經把牛肉飯升級為咖喱牛肉飯,賣貴十幾廿元,但咖喱味香且濃,有水準,都算值!用團購$50現金劵要補錢。現在團購已經完結,如果餐廳再推出類似優惠,我會再買,因為實在值! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-04-16
晚餐到了北海道牧場餐廳。之前曾在灣仔吃過,同是點了北海道套餐,卻比金鐘這家好吃。炒蛋沒有第一次吃的那麼幼滑,火腿則偏鹹了點。多士也略嫌較以前乾硬,沒有了麵包應有的鬆軟。至於叉燒通粉,叉燒份量也算足夠,肉質也夠稔。通粉軟身,中間可以夾著湯汁一起吃也不錯。最後奶茶是值得一讚!夠奶香又不失茶味,但最曉食略嫌甜了一點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
港島人沒有小店滋味 唯有連鎖懷舊店 充撐場面健康常餐 ($31) 火腿炒蛋 牛油方飽 熱3.6鮮奶火腿好一般普遍茶餐廳表現或勝一籌蛋炒得過熟,但勝在有蛋香味 驚喜在於會有蛋汁流出只是沒有炒蛋的形態炒蛋的賣相不太好表面實在太乾牛油多士 又硬又乾 加上牛油沒有香味 厚度雖然足夠 但質數太低來北海道牧場識飲當然飲凍華田因為+$3會有想不到驚喜華田火山是也凍華田另加華田粉又美 又濃 又有口感唯份量不多至於北海道牛奶窩夫烘餅配麥芽糖醬 $27本來想選奶醬,但想到麥芽糖醬少見,最後選擇了後者﹗窩夫就是普通格仔餅,配上麥芽糖和牛油。窩夫質感鬆軟,但不夠奶香。 感受到街邊售12元的格仔餅 如今變了名字 又可以貴一倍真無言睹物思人 這間北海道小店曾經和我結伴無數現在回流過去 發現事過境遷小店水平依舊 但是細節有參差整體而言 食物質數是不錯的價錢亦合宜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-01-30
For a $40 meal, you would get at this branch the following:1. fried egg and ham (not bad actually and quite smooth for the egg but the portion is VERY small)2. cha siu on macaroni (again not bad but the cha siu (or chinese bbq pork if you may) is in very thin slices)3. hot drink (i tried to change drink at the counter but the waitress refused as she already started making it!! but i haven't even paid yet!!!)4. toast (very light touch of butter only)Finally, please don't sit on any of their tall stools because even though there are about 10 of them but almost all are broken. The restaraunt does not bother to take away the stools but put a sign on them that they should not be seated. This restaurant is waiting for accident to happen!!!The attitude of the waitresses at this branch is probably the worst in HK in my recent memory. They put up faces when people request for service. Seriously, if you don't like what you are doing, get another job. The management at the same time seems indifferent too. It is really the lack of choices at Admiralty that people have to put up with this kind of crappy service.   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-01-03
今天來金鍾辦完事看戲前先找個地方吃午餐之前都一直想試試這間,所以就決定試試!!由於不太餓,所以叫了這個「3吋北海道3.6鮮奶炒蛋三文治」$22麵包可選哄底或不哄,等了一會很快就有了十分十分的厚和大份!!!雞蛋雖然很厚,但略嫌過熟.不夠滑但味道還可以說真的,吃了半份已經飽了下次會試試皇牌的常餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)